Learning to look beyond imperfections

in imperfections •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections".- Gerard Way.


Happiness is a state of being and it is how you tend towards it that makes it count for you. Humanity is plagued with so much that, many do not understand what it takes to stay positive, they'd rather stay negative (which is the order of the day).
Imperfection is our thing and no one is perfect. We all have those little things that can be used against us as our imperfect state of being.

I Feel Blessed!

Yesterday, an associate called me to lament about how sad he is and how things have just decided to work against him. He complained bitterly and even threatened to do something drastic should things stay the same or get worse. I had no idea why he feels it's really that bad, but he sure had a "story."
Well, I am here too feeling the pinch and the punch from the market, economy and a government that is as dirty as a pigsty. "Am I happy that things have taken a detour for what seems like the worse? No. Am I making it look like I am bothered with the weather battering down hard on my portfolio? No. Why?" I asked him and he said, he has no idea. Exactly!
You see, it takes some level of self awareness and acceptance of who you are to understand that, "happiness is not costly, it is man's inability to accept that he can be happy despite himself that is the most priciest commodity on the face of the earth."
When you are happy and live happy despite what you see around you, you have just started a journey to being perfect at something, and it is only you who can tell the world how you want to be treated.
Looking beyond your imperfection or those you see in others means, you are perfect at something and that will go a long way to help you form a healthy mental resistance against the inevitable attacks from life.
Be happy! Stay happy!! Live happy!!! Better days ahead.

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It's so true, happiness is priceless but we don't sit down to find reason to stay happy.
Thanks boss for this one @ejemai...

sometimes you need just the voice of someone to change everything. But we surely need to withstand every situation without the fear of any doubt. Thanks too @ejemai

Gratitude :-)

nice post,thanks.

Yeah, I think this topic fits into the story on Calvary. I learn daily from your posts. God bless you. True, looking beyond imperfections makes one look younger and stronger and devoid of sickness. Joy bubbles inside of you. Thanx boss Ejemai.