Again and Again(!) British Govt and MSM lying to us!

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Two news articles to help you open your eyes to the truth about the world we live in now. The same is happening in most countries, so stop feeling you are safe because you live far away from the countries in the news.

Did you think those horrible-monstrous Rape Grooming Gangs have been stopped? Well, let me ask the question in a different way: Have you seen anything in the Main Stream Media about them still raping/enslaving/killing kids in the UK?

I thought not, since they do not report it.


It is not only the MSM who are lying to you - so are the government. When we say government, make it a bit more personal for yourself by seeing faces you voted for in your region. Yes, they are lying to you as I will show in the two reports of this post...keeping silent about vicious acts of hate being done to little children is lying and worse, it is inhumane and treasonous.

Keep this thought with you all day and night: If this is how they treat us, if this is how they happily sacrifice our children before they are in total control - can you imagine what it will be like when they are your gods?

The longer you take to wake up and fight back, the less chance you have of saving your families and yourselves.

Article #1 -
Rape gangs are still ravaging Britain and “it’s worse now than ever before”

There’s a world outside your window and it’s a world of dread and fear. The only thing that is growing is the bitter rape of young vulnerable British girls, as you read those words this festive season, thank god it’s them, instead of you.

Rape Gangs right now, as you read this are still blighting Britain and destroying the lives of thousands of girls across the UK

The 1985 charity-hit for the starving people of Africa ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas’ called for us to spare a thought of starving Africans, but this Christmas – it’s time to start our charity at home and shine a light on our own horrors here in the UK, and think of the victims of the vile Rape Gangs that steal the childhood of thousands of young girls – and quite possibly boys, the #1400 campaign is trying to do that – despite a ‘Media Blackout.’

There is much more, but please read it at source:

Article #2 -
UK Government's Lies about Underemployment at Breaking Point

Sometimes, commentators on the video page dare to speak out. This is such a time; I'd rather they speak for themselves - and to you, than use my words:


  • 128,000 kids were homeless in UK on christmas day............ this government needs a overhaul.......gallows seems suitable.

  • They are spending most of the tax money on refugees while taxing the working and middle class to death, a revolution is coming.

  • Deport Dianne Abbo and the Grenfelll swindlers! England for the English!

  • Who'd a knew mass migration of free loaders could have a negative effect?

  • All the money services & housing goes to the Migrants they get priority over the British Citizens is outrageous & disgusting.

  • IF ONLY a revolution were coming. England's next one is long overdue.

  • Its what happens when you flood the country with cheap workers we never needed, so as to force the working classes into part time slave work. And BOTH parties did it. Liebour also wrecked the economy and drowned us in debt too and Corbyn is just a Communist death cultist who will do more of the same. At least when we leave the EU we can turn off the immigration tap and start employing people properly again

(Does the last comment seem to end on a positive note? For his dream to come true, the PEOPLE must stop TMay. Nobody else will - certainly not the Parliament or ANY politician. Perhaps in some banana republic, they would have a chance at saving themselves by their military creating a coup and then using guns to force a return to sanity (force ALL the migrants out of the country). Unfortunartely everyone in the UK, even those fighting to save you, are TOO F* civilised!!!

My Comment:

I would like to briefly end this post with an observation which does not seem to have occurred to many.

If the Paki gangs were raping and torturing the children for pleasure and profit, why are they not doing it within their own country? Pedofoes would feel the urge and act on it wherever they are, so this is not the true reason...they enjoy doing it BECAUSE they are harming OUR children.

The TRUTH is, these are ACTS of WAR. These are ACTS of HATE.

Remember, they always work on the basis of accusing us of doing what they do - which is why the talk so much of HATE SPEECH. Their own hearts are blackened by their own hate - and in a sense, we are to blame. When you help barbarians by GIVING to them, you do not earn gratitude; you EARN anger and HATE - Plus they see your kindness as proof of weakness - and no barbarian respects weak people.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

26th December, 2018

  • posted on Steemit: 26th December, 2018

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Give me a month, I am on the case, see my last post, I have now linked to 4 other societies that are going to insist on change, not ask, and the way how we are going to force it will be in a post I do soon.