RE: GLOBAL COOLING! No, wait... GLOBAL WARMING!! Ah, um... CLIMATE CHANGE!!! Just be afraid & give us more power!

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GLOBAL COOLING! No, wait... GLOBAL WARMING!! Ah, um... CLIMATE CHANGE!!! Just be afraid & give us more power!

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

Overall, my takeaway is...

  1. "Climate Change" is a non sequitur and impartial statement to control human patterns of behavior. CIA tactic used over and over again. Like "Conspiracy Theory". Bland terms to control the population response to them.
  2. CO2 not bad for planet. Too much CO2 or too much Oxygen or too much Hydrogen bad for balance of atmosphere and life. Too little does the same. Healthy balance means all parts of biosphere operate in equitable energy exchange and create perfect habitats for the life within the container.
  3. Forever humans will be subject to bench pressing logic until they are crushed by the weight...

My response and a small discourse:
Desertification of planet is real and measurable and results from several things, mostly if not all man made...
a. damming rivers, piping water, and human consumption patterns of water create rapid decrease in available water for the trees. Trees exoevaporate water which creates cloud cover, which creates rain. Trees cannot do this when they have no root water supply. So trees die, clouds do not form, rain does not fall, soil dries and biotic life within dies under the sun. Sun parching waterless soil...turns to hard cracked earth... turns to sand. Deserts.
b. Release of freeon and other very potent CO2 emitters do create an effect upon the ozone, which when depleted intensifies the radiation from the sun, which then creates a rapid acceleration of desertification.
c. Cities do not absorb the radiation from the sun as the earth does, but rather it is reflected. The vast metropoles developing around the planet create hubs of reflected rays that create greater effect upon the upper atmospheric condition.
d. Manipulation of farming practices... Monsanto/bayer creates topsoil depletion. Topsoil Depletion leads to acceleration of the desertification.

Great Article...

One last thing is the Electro-Magnetic radiation effects produced with systems like HAARP. BE-aWARE the ionosphere manipulation!

Infinite Blessings!

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1 & 2 I think you nailed it, #3 I'm not exactly sure what you mean.

a-d are going to be in part 2, when I go over the actual things humans are doing to damage the environment (basically none of which are ever addressed by "environmentalists")

Thanks brother!

Have you ever seen the movie "The Man From Earth"?
There is a statement made about benchpressing logic.
It goes hand in hand woth Universal Truth and Individual perception based Truth.
Logic is the ordering of thought (creating order of the thoughts)
There is Universal Logic, which inevitably and always disintegrates or eats itself and individual perception based Logic.
One leads out of pholosophy, one tends the philosophers gardens.
When we benchpress Logic, it means this...

We push (put attention) upon wrapping and organizing thoughts around a thing, and when it doesn't work we will continue to perform this action, rather than alter our method of approach on fundamental levels.
Understanding things from the perspective of more than ones individual self is a practice that exceeds logic and dives directly into experiential awareness.

When the Earth has no more trees, humans will look around and attempt to inderstand logically what happened and why they are dying. As hunger kicks in, more will see through the eyes of direct experience. When death kicks in all will see beyond individualized logic and the Universal Truth and Universal Logic will settle in upon their minds... the organism that is us needs not confirmation or reputation, only observation and appreciation.

It is the difference between fighting something and watching something until it crumbles under itself.

One person looks at their self and says I am the product of evolution.
Another says I am the product of God.
Another says I am the product of God, created as I am through evolution.
Another says, God is evolution.
Another says, if i am a part of evolution, and evolution is God, thus it could not be as it is if I were not... then I am God.
Another says, if evolution is God, then everything in existence is God.
Another says that if that is True, then my parents are God and I am a product of God.

Infinite Blessings Family!