
I'm not even trying to swat those demons away from me
It's all a matter of dosing, really. That's why I want to build the EEG pyramid. Figure out the tit-ration ;)
I wanna dance monkey dance for you til you $grimgriz
If the #agency makes a token and then a PALnet based on that token
Then it'd be a great platform for steem-based requisitions.
First I have to find a form, and then translate that into #markup
(I can barely remember what it's called, much less how to use it properly)
The offshoots can token-ize a more functional front end, right - do a
HyperSpace posting interface, minus the mandatory image.
Then said offshoots fund their own witness in the competition, and you'll be getting somewhere.
Then when a {tribe/community/token/front-end/witness} really wants to play, they can use the new fork into HiveMind and start allocating the development of the platforms {canon} flagship. That's what #steemit will remain as long as that's how we're selling #steem.
The Tokens are a like "name-brand dollars" and there's no reason their relative can't map to your #agency 's operating budget.
So, at some tier of buy-in, or paywall hurdle/whathave you, the agent gets a kit containing a linux-based laptop with camera, and headset with mic and ears, and one of these bad-boys
Order now, and get a free #getlambs beanie!!
Then, you have data-aggregation as a service for BurgerKing's new commerical for renting. How does your new commercial change the brainwaves of its veiwers, how does Donald #Trump (for the love of all things see the meta in a name). We can generate the data for you, we're already doing it for your competitors...
The second-wave will see the subtext that user-data is valuable, their minds and attention is what's being mined. Might as well charge them for it via smart-contracts....
You can take up to 7 days to run a posting event on steemit before the revenue window closes