If you wanna put any of your hard-earned cash toward an organization that supports criminal justice reform, The Innocence Project being a strong alternative to BLM.

in innocence •  2 years ago 


The innocence project is actually useful. BLM is less useful than herpes -- at least if you got herpes, it's a safe bet that the two or more parties involved had fun in the process. That's more than you can say about BLM.

I'm also not saying that clearly and obviously guilty people shouldn't have access to competent legal defense. I'm also not saying that clearly and obviously guilty people shouldn't have access to council for appeals.

What I am saying is that you shouldn't applaud the release of a man who clearly and obviously strangled and murdered his ex-girlfriend and dumped her body in a park because it satiates some people's wokeness as HBO made a bullshit documentary about it.

Look, the case against Adnan Syed is incredibly strong. He was one of the few young men in 1999 who had a cell phone, and his cell phone's pings placed his whereabouts in the location where the murder took place and he dumped the body. He has no alibi. A friend of his eventually testified that Syed showed him the body. Syed had made death threats to his victim. There's forensic evidence up the wazoo.

Syed's release happened because too many people in this country, including Baltimore's soon to be ousted DA, think that it's racist to think that a Muslim could ever do a bad thing. And, they're trying to justify this on the basis of lacking DNA evidence in the victim's car.

Just so ya know, nearly a quarter of a century later, the DNA that they find in the car will tell us literally nothing that we don't already know. We know that Syed was in the car at one point. We know that a lot of people were in the car at one point. We also know that all of the people who were in that car at one point have valid alibis and no motive.

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