Give something else a go.

in inspire •  6 years ago 

I was looking at this photo the other day and I asked myself what it was that my mother and I were looking at. It then dawned on me that we're looking at how far I've come and how far I shall go. Since finishing school over the last week it feels like there's so much to share, so much to see, so much to say and do. I’ve been really taking the time to dig deeper into the true essence of who I am. The more I work through my emotions and find what makes me move and find what makes me feel stuck. The lighter and brighter I become. The more I continue living from a place of pure love and joy. By creating a relationship with the shadow instead of suppressing the feelings that arise within me, I am reminded that I am all things. I am one who loves so fucking hard and then I’m also one who tends to get angry, jealous, ignorant, stubborn and mad. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve hurt the ones I loved and I’ve hated myself to the point where I look and feel ugly. At the end of the day it’s a choice, do I want to live from a place of pure love? Or do I decide to continue down the deep dark road of self sabotage? I could spend months writing about self love and what it takes to be happy but in all reality the biggest piece of advice I can give anyone is to find out what works for you? I’ve been blessed with this mentality since I was a teenager. When I look at back at my life being in love and following my heart was what brought me to where I am today. Because love always feels so natural, it’s truly what keeps me alive. It’s what will keep us all alive. Love conquers all not only because of how hard we love, but because we are love. The shadow is a scary place and it’s taken a lot of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual work to rise above. I’ve always enjoyed finding new ways to make myself a better person. Becoming stronger and lighter has allowed me to hold the weight for those around me. I found myself drowning quite often this year, especially with the struggles of studying, doing a long distance relationship or even just having old patterns and negative thoughts come up. ⬇️⬇️⬇
alysha21This constant cycle of worrying and overanalyzing life can do some serious damage to our psyche. Reconnecting myself to food and seeing how much worse my thoughts became when I continually ate acidic foods because I was urning for comfort, was a huge eye opener for me. Seeing how accessible all of these stimulants are like coffee, sugar, nicotine, alcohol, deep fried foods, weed etc. Made me realize how important it is to reconnect our relationship with food and the world around us. Eventually I will go into further details about nutrition but for now I’d like to just say something. Find out what makes you happy and start to ask yourself. Do your actions come from a place of love? This constant desire for these temporary things is doing us more harm than good. We are good enough, we always have been and always will be. Just take a step back for a bit, readjust yourself and find different ways to nourish this body that’s taking such good care of you. It’s time we bring ourselves back into harmony, it’s our birthright to love this beautiful body that you get to call home. I’m not saying we need to avoid all things. I’m just saying let’s try a little harder. Come out of the darkness and find the light that’s held within the simple things. Like going for more walks in nature, listening to the sounds of silence, getting in a good stretch or even making your bed more often. And perhaps eating more fruits and vegetables wouldn’t hurt either. <3mum.jpg

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