Hello Guys!

in introducemyself •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hey, howdy! I want to introduce myself. I am Nicole Faith Bedes, the only child of Mr. & Mrs. Bedes. I am 13 years old. I was born and grew up in Brunei Darussalam. I studied there until Primary 4. I had lot of friends that are Bruneians and Chinese and I actually missed them. . I actually had Mandarin lessons for about 4 years in St. Andrew’s School (my school in Brunei) but I didn’t learn anything except for some basics like numbers and greetings.


People are saying that if you are the only child in the family you will be spoiled brat. Oh no! Not me!!!!! I remembered I was 3 and half years old then when my mother forced me to sleep in my own room alone. Since my parents were both working and they couldn’t afford to pay a helper to look after me, my mother trained me to stay alone in the house when I was 4 years old. I went to school in the morning and stayed at home alone in the afternoon. I remembered she kept on telling me to always lock the door and never open when somebody knocks it whatever happens. At a very young age, I was taught to do the household chores, folding and ironing clothes and of course to be independent. Being an independent, I had to ride the bus from school to my mother’s office when I was in primary 4. There was one time that I slept in the bus, luckily the conductor saw me and woke me up when the bus was about to come back to the terminal. My mama was so worried then because I should have arrived half an hour after I went out of school.


As a family, we were happily staying in one roof since one day I received this shocking news that my father had to go back to Philippines for good because he had no more job in Brunei and due to financial difficulties I had to go with him. I was so saddened that I had to go without my mother with me. But as she always tell me, I have to be strong, that this will be for my own good, yes it is not easy to be far away from her but we need to sacrifice for my future.


To make the story short, we moved from Brunei to Philippines in December 2015. My mother had to stay since she has a good job. It wasn’t easy for us. I had to cope with the lifestyle here, the language, the environment, the noise, and the car horns because in Brunei you seldom hear the car horn.It was quite hard adjusting in a new country since I didn’t know how to speak Tagalog well. But as time passes by, I made a lot of friends and with the help of the tutor I have learned how to speak Tagalog. My father found a job here as well.


Moving on, I am currently studying as Primary 6 at the Universidad de Sta. Isabel located in Naga City, Bicol Region. I became a volleyball varsity and I am one of the top 10 students in our class. I can say that I have no regrets coming home as I am enjoying my stay here. Another one month and I will be finishing my primary life and will be moving in the secondary stage. At the age of 13, I am quite big for my age. I am towering above others. I stand 5’5” as of writing. I managed to get those genes from my father and my intelligence from my mother. I can say that my way of thinking is more advance or more mature compared to others. My mother lets me handle my own allowance, and my school fees. She always tells me to be responsible. When my father is at work, I have to cook for myself and I have to prepare everything. In short, I have to look after myself.


I am always happy. I am quite the attention seeker. I like to make lots of friends. I don’t care about the little things for I don’t like being stressed the whole time. You can tell that I am a carefree person. I like to eat a lot. I can eat anything from vegetables to unhealthy food. I am into reading and listening to music. Do you like kpop? Because I do! I love kpop! Guys, I am a multi fandom person .

When my mother ask me If I want to make a blog and there is a possibility that I will earn from blogging, I never think twice, I said “YES, I want to!” I want to earn to at least help my parents for my allowance. I wish my mother is always beside me. I miss her every day. The only thing that I can contribute for her sacrifices is to focus in my studies and be a good daughter.


With me is Koki, my Maltese/Shih Tzu. I love her veryyyyy much! She is so cute and fluffy and we considered her as part of our family.

That’s all for now my fellow steemians. See you around!

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Welcome to Steemit!

welcome! to the steem room!

Thank you po!!!!

Welcome to steemit!!
hope you enjoy here..

Thank you po!

Wow such a young age :) Welcome to steemit little sister if you need any help with the platform please let me know okay :) see you around :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi po! Can I call you Ate Ani? Nice meeting you Ate... Thank you for assisting me. I hope you will always be there to guide me on my journey here at steemit.

Welcome to steemit pretty girl your parents are very lucky and proud of you

Thank you po!

wow!, you're mom must be commended for what and who you are today, I never met her in person but we talk a lot everyday she's quite so nice...welcome to steemit !

Hello po and thank you for welcoming me. I feel so great to be a part of the steemit family. I have yet to learn more and I hope you all will be there to guide me always. My mama!!! well she is nice po but very strict.

Keep on steeming, hope we can find time together and talk about cryptocurrency esp. STEEM $.

Welcome to steemit,Hopefully we can all learn together by establishing a brotherhood with friends #steemit all over the du

Thank you po. I will do my best to be a good steemian.

Welcome to steemit faith.

Thank you for welcoming me here po.

Welcome and congratulations on your first blog my lovely daughter!!!! Don't worry, I will always be here to guide you. But please make sure that you study your lesson and finish all your homework first before making a blog, ok? I love you to the moon and back!!!

Thank you Mama!!! Of course you will have to guide me. I will not be here if not because of you. I love you too always!!!

Welcome to steemit!! 😂😂😂 hope you enjoy here..

Thank you po Kuya Kudin!

Ang galing! It´s nice to have you here dear. At your young age , I am sure you have many stories to tell about your adventures and the like...So anything you are not sure of on Steemit, just ask, we´re here to help you. Cheers to the youngest Steemian in our Community.
Keep on steemin !!!

I am thankful enough po that you are all there to assist and guide me.

Luckiest parents to have a daughter like you such independent at a very young age. I very much adore smart kid like you. Keep it up Faith, make your parents proud.
Enjoy your stay here in Steemit!!!

Thank you so much po!