On A Mission To Make Steemit A Healthier Place

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hi steemers! My name is Amy Goodrich, I’m the non-robotic wife of a steem- and technology loving biomechanical geek. Or at least that is what he thinks he is. But to be honest, he still has all his own parts, for now!

My husband told me about this place and said I could get paid for blogging. Now I've been getting paid for blogging for a while, as I run a popular health website. But once he showed me #steemit I knew this was a platform I had to join.
Really excited to be part of the gang, and I hope I can teach you a thing or two in how to live a healthier life without sacrificing the good stuff in life.

Originally I was on an incredible journey to unravel the microscopic world of the plant kingdom! Although I loved my science-y, nerdy job as a plant biologist (also surround by geeks btw, but from a whole different dimension), I soon figured out that it didn’t fit into my backpack… and I dreamt of seeing the world…. unfortunately, you can do only so much with 30 days of vacation a year…

And to be honest, working in a laboratory isn’t as exciting as they want to make you believe. But is sure looks cool and sounds cool. Doesn’t it?

I much prefer this scenery as an office (and breakfast table), to be honest! My own pool surrounded by coconut trees and jungle-y critters.

The pool bar…. Definitely the best place in the garden to have your morning green smoothie!!!!

But life hasn’t always been easy!

Party hard

When my crypto-geek and I were in our early twenties, food and health weren’t on top of our priory list. Although we felt like we were on top of the world, indulging in a few too many glasses of red wine (or rum) while eating kebabs, pizza or Quick (the Belgium alternative to BurgerKing) and partying till the early hours…

(Btw…. This is one of my best party-animal friends… pic of my loving steem-geek coming in just a few scrolls)

While I was working at the University of Ghent, I had a nagging feeling that I could do more. Particularly in the field of whole foods, nutrition, and health.

Probably the urge to change came when both my husband and myself got the news that our health wasn’t exactly what we thought it was….

Yep that’s him!

@menta aka Jan Schets

The hard reality called life

While having the time of our life, I was struggling with a heart rhythm disorder and high cholesterol levels which I inherited from my dad’s side. However, more dramatic news shook up our little family in 2007.
After a few odd neurological issues, Jan was diagnosed with an incurable auto-immune disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

The doom thinkers we were (we had a neighbor with MS in a wheelchair and a niece of my dad who nearly went blind), the future didn’t look so bright. My hubby was put on weekly interferon shots that did more harm than good. And our little family was struggling….

And that’s about the time when I decided to take up a 4-year after work/weekend course at the European Academy For Natural Health Care to try and nourish us back to health. Step-by-step I introduced the things I had learned into our daily life… One bite at a time!

Although Jan wasn’t too sure about my hippie-dippy like methods… especially the going vegetarian for a few days a week and downing green smoothies for breakfast.

I was often cast away, while actually holding the golden ticket to our issues into my hand.

Changing the life of the most important geek in my life

Fast forward to today… Jan hasn’t had an MS flare-up for several years and since 2 years he is off his weekly interferon injections without any issues whatsoever!

He has never felt as good in his entire life. I improved my cholesterol, weight and heart rhythm disorder without the need for medication.

And the best part…. these days my loving geek is spreading the word of living a healthier and happier life too.
Live should still be FUN!

Becoming healthy is definitely the best choice we ever made. But don’t get me wrong, life should still be FUN.
We are not the complete health nuts, counting every calorie or feeling guilty when having a glass of wine or enjoying dessert or a big piece of Belgium chocolate….

That’s me enjoying a prosecco on the 30th floor of some Hong Kong Building

Me again, with a beautiful watermelon mojito… @ the sunset bar in Kampot, Cambodia. The best mojito I have ever had.

This is the sunset bar, with a stunning view on Bokor Mountain (just to be seen in the right upper corner) and the Kampot river.

This is a better picture of Bokor taken from the garden of our previous house…

We are just humans, my hubby included, after all!

And, NO we don’t live on rabbit food, either! You’ll see soon-ish as I’m planning to share all my secrets, Asian adventures, yummy recipes, and happiness with all the steemers who care to listen to me.

My mission: Changing more lives! One crypto-geek at a time!

Finding happiness in freedom

While we have been in a good condition and health lately… food alone doesn’t make you a happy girl.
Almost 3 years ago I quit my job as a plant biologist to focus on guiding people on their journey to improve their health and happiness, without going completely nuts!

And so the digital nomad in me was born. Ever since I’ve been creating my own products; helping people live a happy, healthy life; and being a freelance natural health reporter chasing my own dreams and creating happiness for my little family and everybody around us.

It feels so much more rewarding than working for a boss who tells you what to do and then put the profits in his own pockets without even thanking you for all the hard work.

Now everyday people thank me for being me… honest, spreading my knowledge, and there to help them create a better and happier life…

And I get to live in this little paradise too… #sungazing

Fun facts

Jan and I have been together for 10+ years. Think we lost count somewhere. But what I do know is that the 2 of us got married 5 years ago in Curacao…. Just us and 2 funky witnesses we found on the street and were willing to join us for 20 min. Doesn’t sound romantic at all… I know… but we had an unforgettable 5-week holiday… no family and big wedding stress and hassle… wouldn’t have wished for any other wedding than the one we had…

For the Terry Pratchett and Discworld fans just like us…. This is the official wedding ring….

Apart from being a food lover, I’m also a crazy cat-lady, F1 lover, Yoga enthusiast, and a clumsy snowboarder.

Whenever I can, I don’t mind a dive (or snorkel) into the deep blue to amaze myself of the underwater world.

Born adventurers, we love to explore new places, cultures, and people. That’s why we, my loving/amazing hubby, Chivas (our 13-year old furry friend), and I, moved to Cambodia, SE-Asia in 2014. More about that to come in my next posts.

Although we miss family and friends a lot, we absolutely love the tropical atmosphere, the Cambodian people, the climate, and the simplicity of life…. so think we might stay here for a little bit longer before moving onto our next adventure.

Starting our own location-independent business and being a digital nomad has enabled us the find true happiness and do the things we love!


Life is too short to be anything but happy…. so what are you waiting for?

Never stop dreaming, as dreams may come true

My big dream... one day, I hope my health website Body in Balance, my meal planning membership site YourHealthy.Menu, and my soon to come [EatLove.live](http:// EatLove.live) program (and other things to come) will earn enough money, so I can retire and follow my true passion:

CATS, whether they are small or big, with a tail or no tail, limping or one-eyed, Steem-cats …

One day I hope to be the mother of all cats and help protect their habitat or give the homeless buggers a loving, cuddly place to live their days in peace….

And while cats are the main focus….. probably, the animal lover I am, the doors will be open for all to come!

#DreamBig #FollowYourDreams

Think you know it all now ;-)

Peace, love and happiness from the “Wild Wild East”, aka Cambodia!

Amy Goodrich

Make sure to check out my health blog here!

#girlpower #steemitgirls

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Welcome to Steemit! That's a nice long-ass post with a full introduction. Awesome tattoos

Thanks churdtzu!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Welcome Amy, to the land of the "biomechanical geeks"! If you know your husband, you already know us. And as one who has hung around with him in the slack, can vouch that he is a good guy! Have fun!

Thanks, Norbu! Finally made it to the steem family! Think after almost 15 years of living under the same roof we know each other all too well... probably he already chipped me with some sort of a device while I was sleeping :-) Happy to meet you. I have heard a lot of good things about you!

Welcome, Amy! From the pictures everybody can see you're a great person that came to stay in steemit. I'll wish you all the luck!

Thanks Josepho. Happy to be part of steem family!

Welcome to the VIP of Social Media!

@amy-goodrich Welcome to steemit!
I was reading about the heart condition. I've had many family members in similar straits, good to see you coping with it so well.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're all pullin for you and wish you the best of luck!

Thanks, williambanks! Food and a few lifestyle changes go a long way. Happy to give them some advise if they are up for it! Happy to help!

You live quite the interesting life! It's nice to have more girls that can write engaging content on this site. What are your non turtle tattoos? I love finding the meaning behind them. I have an angel symbolizing peace and the scripture Isaiah 31 about rising up on eagles and I have a weary angel needing to be uplifted. And also a lion from my trip to Africa which made a great impact on my life and symbolizes strength. I know some tattoos may be just for fun too so even if there is no story behind it I think that would be cool

Cool! Apart from the turtle I have a lotus flower, which symbolizes a new start and change... got this when we just arrived in Cambodia... then I have some sort of a tribal which was something I was always drawing in my notes when I was at school and felt that it was important... then we have Chinese writing describing me in one Chinese word.... and then we have a steampunk cat coming up... because I love cats and steampunk, and it looks gorgeous too... oh I have a star on the back of my ankle... that's a shared tattoo with my soulmate... so that we think of each other no matter where we are in the world... that's it I think ;-)

That's so cool I really enjoy meaningful tattoo stories. You have a great ability to write and create interesting comments interspersed with humorous and quality photography. I have a feeling we will be seeing you on the front pages before long

Thanks for the tip! But what else can you be than yourself? Hoping to have many more chats with you about tattoos and much more!

Sure I will enjoy chatting more with you. And some people fake and try to please everyone, but sometimes an opposing or polarizing comment or post is just as valuable or more so if it is crafted well.

And also not that you need this advice necessarily, but this community greatly values honesty and content that doesnt have a tone of begging for votes. And when you comment it's always good to post something you learned or enjoyed from the post to not only show you took the time to read or watch the content, but also to create a comment section where people have fun and enjoy conversing. Hope you really enjoy this platform.

welcome @amy-goodrich to the community! 8]

Welcome to Steemit, just one question....How da hell did that geek @menta get such a smoking hot wife.....seriously I wanna know his secret!

Aww thanks! You'll have to ask him his secrets! I'm sure he is up for some advice.

Good stuff... awesome cat + rare for women to be F1 lovers, heh...

Thanks alexgr! Must admit I was dragged into it over 15 years ago by my hubby! It wasn't love at first sight, but it grow on me. Especially going to a race and feeling the power and the energy made me a true enthusiast and Lewis lover!

It's amazing, isn't it... I'm a Kimi fan myself but I do appreciate the talent of multiple drivers... Lewis is probably the best in F1 for the last 10 years - no matter whether he was taking championships or not... let's see what they'll do today :D

Welcome to steemit - I'm glad you guys recovered from your health challenges and you seem to be on an awesome journey - looking forward to more awesome updates from Cambodia ;-) Say Hi to hubby - awesome wedding story and wedding ring as well. I like folks that do things different...;-)

Thanks steemuwe! I'll def keep you guys posted and the hubby says hi back ;-)

Welcome and good luck!!!


So cool that you were able to use food/nutrition to fix you and your husband's health issues! I'm another real-food advocate here on Steemit. I love learning about nutrition and I love to cook. I see you posted a ton of recipes already :) I'm just getting started on posting some recipes...

Good health is more important than anything else in this world . You know it when you had to go through difficult times yourself or lost your loved ones due to cancer ! Happy to see you are so fit and active ! I love eating good food and will read your blog . Welcome !

A​bsolutely right! Looking forward to share some dishes with you!

nice tats


no, not those tats. bless your heart

Hello Amy! I love non-robotic folks - and you look suitably non-robotic to me - hence the FOLLOW! Welcome to wherever you are.xxxx

Very Funny photos! ;D

Well hello.
I’m Elvis Hicks, a semi-autonomous reincarnation of Elvis Presley and Bill Hicks. I have a burger in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
My checks tell me this post is probably genuine, original content.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
(Elvis has left the building)

I wonder what I'm going to reincarnate in. Probably a cat! Nice to meet you, automated Elvis Hicks ;-) Wonder who created you?

one of the most thorough #introduceyourself's i've seen. only thing missing is a video #snapstorm :)

Thanks! I'll keep a video in mind for my next post...

Welcome! Well, wow, that was the most detailed and fascinating introductions I have read. All I'll say is you are living the life!

Also good to have a F1 fan here! Started a couple of posts but barely got any responses. Hope to see more F1 discussion here in the coming weeks.

Thanks! To be honest, everybody can live this life, and I'm happy to help you on your way! Love F1, although it is not my field of expertise... I have been a fan (thanks to my husband) for over 15 years! So I say yes to F1 posts and discussions!

I've been following F1 for 20 years now - since the year Jacques Villeneuve won the championship after Schumacher collided into him! I suppose there's not much F1 discussion because there are mostly Americans here. They follow that weird sport with muscle cars going round and round in circles. ;)

Thank you for sharing your story, I look forward to more. I hope you visit Laos too.

Sure! Let us know when you are there! Happy to meet up.

Nice Life @amy-goodrich ... Enjoy!!!
Money working for you.

I will. Feeling very loved at the moment!

Well done honey!
Looking beautiful as ever.
And before someone calls me out on this, I'm her husband. I can say that :D

My mechanical geek! Love you so much <3