Introduceyourself: linc-Basket

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hey what's up everybody! I heard about Steemit from a friend (who would've thought word of mouth was still an effective marketing strategy? lol) and thought it sounded like a super cool idea and a whole lot of fun.

I'll probably post a bunch of random stuff from my life, action shots, new music I'm working on, or just my shenanigans in general. I did the "traditional" post, and also decided to include a picture of me and an Alpaca, because...WHY NOT?!?!

Show me some love!!!


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Selamat bergabung di steemit kawan, semoga di steemit ini kita bisa saling mendukung, salam dari saya @iqbal-pase, berasal dari lhokseumawe, Aceh. Saya juga pemula disini, mohon dukunganya di postingan pertama saya nanti #introduceyourself. Semoga sukses kawan semua


Congratulations to join in steemit friend, hopefully in this steemit we can support each other, greetings from me @iqbal-pase, coming from lhokseumawe, Aceh. I am also a beginner here, please support it in my first post #introduceyourself. Good luck to all friends

Welcome to steemit . @linc-basket
i am from thailand :D
following you now.

Right back at ya! Thanks!!

Welcome buddy, you'll have a great time here

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment