Hi steemit i join in this platform, hope this is a good start.

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 


Hello Steemit community!

Hi dear Steemit .. my name is Suci Pangabean I am 17 years old. I am native of Tapanuli Tengah, Sibolga City. But now i have long lived in aceh and start comfortable in aceh.

4 days ago we held a meal together with my school friends, then @sitimunawarah invited me to join the steemit platform. Surely I am confused and I ask him what is steemit? He said steemit is social media developed by @ned and @daniel. Then I asked again "what's the difference with other social media?" He replied "here every post you get paid by a steemit whale if the content in your post is interesting" is it true? "Yes try you try using this social media and you photo introduction you with steemit" and finally i register my steemit account, last night my account received by steemit party, today i think to start writing my first introduction.

I am an ordinary person who know love, I really love the name of the appearance so I always want to look beautiful. I love fashion like the very beautiful hijabers out there. For the fashion part sometimes I am hampered by time and money because I am still in school and my money is still a little for me tube, but after my money is enough I directly buy it so that my appearance grows beautiful ..

This is me Dear Steemit ..


Hello Komunitas Steemit !

Hi dear Steemit.. nama saya Suci Pangabean saya berumur 17 tahun. saya asli orang Tapanuli Tengah, Kota Sibolga. tetapi sekarang saya sudah lama tinggal di aceh dan mulai nyaman di aceh. 

4 hari yang lalu kami mengadakan makan bersama dengan teman sekolah saya, kemudian @sitimunawarah mengajak saya untuk bergabung di platform steemit. tentunya saya bingung dan saya bertanya kepada dia apa steemit itu? dia menjawab steemit adalah sosial media yang di kembangkan oleh @ned dan @daniel. kemudian saya bertanya lagi "terus apa bedanya dengan sosial media lain?" dia menjawab "disini setiap postingan kamu dibayar oleh ikan paus steemit jika konten dalam postingan kamu itu menarik" benarkah? "iya coba kamu coba menggunakan sosial media ini dan kamu foto  perkenalan kamu dengan steemit" dan akhirnya saya mendaftarkan akun steemit saya, semalam akun saya diterima oleh pihak steemit, hari ini saya berfikir untuk memulai menulis perkenalan pertama saya 

saya adalah orang biasa yang mengenal cinta, saya sangat mencintai yang namanya penampilan makanya saya selalu ingin kelihatan cantik. saya meyukai fashion seperti para hijaber yang sangat cantik-cantik di luar sana. untuk bagian fashion terkadang saya terhambat oleh waktu dan uang karna saya masih sekolah dan uang saya masih sedikit untuk saya tabung, tapi setelah uang saya cukup saya langsung membelinya supaya penampilan saya bertambah cantik..

Follow Me @melidos

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Hey there, welcome to the Steemit Community 😀 It's really an awesome place if you ask me and I'm just here for a few days so far. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do 😉

thank :)

Hi @melidos. Welcome To Steemit . This New House for blogger and social network. I Upvoted for your intro. Keep Steem On and earn big money as a reward. Good luck guy !!. Nice to meet you on Steemit. Visit my blog I ve latest post. I hope you like it.

Welcome to steemit community @melidos. The right step in achieving your dreams and your love. By joining this community, hopefully get to your destination quickly. Hopefully you can enjoy it and have fun working and winning.

welcome to steemit, glad to have you ^_^

Welcome on board from south of you :)
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.

Welcome to Steem @melidos I have sent you a tip

yess, thankyou very much

Hello there @melidos and welcome to Steemit! I just upvoted you!! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run FULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :)

Upvoted. Beautiful photo. I'm a fan of fashion too. As a newbie myself, I intend to post about my journey as I begin developing documentaries on the empowerment of women around the world with the belief that men and women can stand strong together, but I'll also be posting fiction and topics of personal interest, like my family's connection to a royal family. Lots of love, @aescholer

thakyou :)

Hello and Welcome :)
i will follow you

thank, i have followed you

Welcome to steemit...

Welcome to steemit ! This is a huge community for everyone, hope you connect to a lot of people. Stay active, produce great content and you will succeed :)

HI @melidos !
welcome to steamit !! you have very beautiful face there !
please come and visit my blog @okja. hope we make good friends :)
FYI I followed you !

I have followed you :)

Beautiful photos ^.^ Welcome

I do like your STEEMIT post @melidos … nice one … look forward to future posts as are been waited; so hope for you the best in this much interesting & challenging environment. I like writing/posting about several topics that call my attention, from travel, life, politics to science, food and technology. Here are some of my last posts, that if you can, read them and leave some comments - it will be great.





Best of good luck in the STEEMIT arena …. have given you my UPVOTE tick for the post, and hope you will FOLLOW to be up to date on posts ..!!

Txs. & Rgds.


Hi there, welcome to steemit, nice to have you here, enjoy it, it's the best social media platform !!

Welcome to steemit Suci,
I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you! :)

Enjoy your time here & Good Luck

I welcome you to the colorful world of steemit! You will definitely get a whole new experience from all the wonderful people in this community.
Also feel free to check out and follow @GLOBALFOODBOOK for assorted mouthwatering recipes from around the world.

okay thankyou

you are welcome

Welcome to steemit community.
I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Please read the following address and press voting
Good Luck

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.


Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome, @melidos. We're honored to have you join us.

Hai Wellcome Yo steemit

yeah thank you

Welcome to steemit. You are welcome to look at my post