I'll cut the verbosity for this one.
In January I did a second round of IVF.
I was 43 and a bit back then.
I keep staring back at the photo I took now of my medical report because I can't quite believe it.
19 eggs retrieved. 10 embryos. 7 are grade AA.
Of course, I'll count my blessings... Well I believe the more appropriate saying is to not count one's chickens before they are hatched.
Did I mention that IVF is a psychologically hard? How am I to remain positive yet grounded?
Anyhow I'm feeling good right now, at the moment on a high. Just found out the embryo grading.
But, just so you know (and why would you know), age trumps all.
But at the same time those results are fucking amazing.
I feel quite positive about trying this next round.
I'm going to do a scratch on my womb this month. The healing process is meant to help rejuvenate the womb for receiving the embryo.
The joy of this blog being anonymous is that I don't feel like I'm jinxing anything.
I feel really positive. I believe I'll be pregnant next month.