JavaScript Basics: Reflect.construct

in javascript •  7 years ago  (edited)

The method Reflect.construct helps construct a new instance from a constructor function given an array of arguments. It has a functionality similar to the new operator:

    function Employee (firstname, lastname) {
        this.firstname = firstname;
        this.lastname = lastname;
    let employee1 = new Employee("John", "Doe");
    let employee2 = Reflect.construct(Employee, ["Jane", "Doe"]);
    // This can also be done with the spread operator:
    let args = ["John", "Smith"];
    let employee3 = new Employee(...args);

It is generally useful to have an alternative for the new operator, specially when we have an array of arguments. Even though this particular problem has been alleviated in ES6 with the introduction of the spread operator(...). (See the last line in the example code above.)

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useful post on construct.

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Helpful post. thanks for the example.

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Wow amazing programming...thaNks for sharing...

Good information about reflect construct in javascript. You are guiding us like a teacher
Thank you very much @ghasemkiani

That's a great javascript...I like this post...

Informative content, thanks for sharing this post.

Thanks for sharing programming .
I appreciate this technology .
Best of luck.

good post, thanks for sharing....

This very nice post i appreciate your technology thanks for sharing ..Best of luck ...resteemit..

thank you D:@ghasemkiani
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Informative content, thanks for sharing this post.

@ghasemkiani Helpful post. Good for beginners.

wow! amazing programming..thanks for shairing@ghasemkiani. have a nice day

Resteemit done..Sir..

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

come on my blog

I like this post..
Resteemit done...

I like this programming..Keep it up..

will be using Reflect a lot more, thanks for the post

thanks for the post, do you have any idea about browser compatibility?

Thanks, I am learning javascript in codecademy but I am beginner