Kathara grid Hexagon Shapes found in SciFi TV shows and movies from the 1980s till now, Star Trek TNG DS9 Discovery. 🖖

in katharagrid •  6 years ago  (edited)

The stretched hexagon or "Kathara grid" is a shape talked about by Alleged Extra Terrestrial contactee Ashayana Deane/ Anna Hayes and she provides so much detail about these shapes and the alleged extra terrestrial symbol code language that reminds me of the movie The Arrival and the famous Art Bell Jim Sparks case where another alleged grey alien abductee claims to have been taught a Grey Alien Symbol code language that could compress an entire book into One Page and then half a page and then into a half dollar sized animated symbol. I see this as a hobby of mine, doing pattern recognition and collecting these stretched hexagons, and soon i will be able to pay others to do these tasks thanks to effect.ai and the work of heimindanger with his TASK token that lets me pay others to record this data en mass!

In Startrek Discovery, You can see #vulcan Kathara Grid medals on Michael Burnam's Vulcan Academy uniform. There are so many a #katharagrid hidden in plain sight in #startrek both new and old. #startrekdiscovery has SO many #kathara grids its hard to screenshot them all. The ORIGINAl series and it's movies from the 80s especially have these amazing little shoulder pins that are Kathara Grids from #keylonticscience #ashayanadeane and in the NEW star trek .

I have been also watching Star Trek The Next Generation from 1988 to the mid 1990s and Deep Space 9 and Voyager and Enterprise (Which deals with the Anoreans and vulcans) and I see how REAL extra terrestrials are masked by Fictional races. Like The Vulcans are actually in real life, the Pleadians (Procyon Taygeta) or Tall Whites Nordics who guide us but also limit our technological growth. The Klingon are the Anunaki, the Cardassians are the Reptillians (Alpha Draconis = Cardassia prime with the oldest ruins in the galaxy like #alexcollier the andromedan contactee mentioned) OH speaking of blue skin the ANDROMEDANS are the themselves the blue skinned Andoreans in the show who have problems with the vulcans (like the Andromedans mistust of some pleadieans) The Romulans are the BAD pleadians from Alcyone. The Borg are the Borga (Ashayana deane literal said this once in a video and that deep space 9 is based on reality and how funny it was, its all just making sense to me now since I began watching them) The Dominion are the Wesa (wesadak wesadrak) the "wormhole aliens" that come to us from a completely different part of the universe. I also have twoi bonus images of obvious Kathara grids in TNG escaping a dyson sphere and the giant STar Base snowglobe in Star Trek Beyond 2016 with massive kathara grid entrance doors. I notice the shape itself is a stretched hexagon perhaps a hint at the universe itself being expanded and warped like startrek ships do. Discovery is also about a ship that spins and acts like the looking glass, interesting. These images are just the tip of the kathara iceberg, prepare to see a LOT more in a youtube video I will have to one day make once I have a simple way to drag and drop a folder full of images into a video program and have it automatically arrange them all into a slideshow.






And BEYOND star trek I see this shape in MANy sci fi shows, and they involve technology.

This actual kathra "Grid" shows up in the Gaurdians of the Galaxy movies (Again another hint, as the Gaurdian Allaince is the name of the "Good guy" aliens according to ashayan deane)

(Remember, the point of this shape has to do with Ascension Mechanics and the grand prize of ascending into a higher dimension, the big lesson is not about forgoing material gains but that you can have as much material gains as you want when you are a floating sphere of energy and can take on whatever form you like. But this comes with limitations.

But back to star trek discovery, ill end this post on a shot of an amazing kathara grid that reminded me of the game of thrones pool the Dragon Queen emerges from in the very beginning of the show...

But in this show, and in this scene in star trek discovery they open a giant portal kathara grid shaped, into some sort of Fusion Reactor INSIDE the Star Trek Mirror World.... haha I cant think of a better show than star trek to talk about Keylontic Science and kathara grids.

This may all seem confusing to some but that is why I need a tribe about this sort of "conspiracy" stuff or maybe "Synchromysticism" or maybe just a tribe for people catching symbolism in movies and TV shows like @vigilantecitizen

I feel this sort of post doesnt fit in anywhere in the current steem tribe regime, so that is why I need an ET UFO Paranormal ScotBot Tribe maybe just like Above Top Secret or GodlikeProductions but where I will advertise that our system is censorship resistant even if I ban someone, I will show people in my tribe, what was banned and how to view it for fairness. I believe we could grow steem the fastest this way but we are bottlenecked (limited) by account creation, so i have bought over 300 INV tokens to help create accounts

Live Long and prosper :vulcan: 🖖

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