Cannabis, the future for diabetics

in knowledge •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hay back again with me @boboho. Today I will discuss about marijuana, there will be many questions why I discuss about marijuana. Yes marijuana is a plant that is banned in many countries, especially ASIA, why marijuana is banned and destroyed? Due to the abundant use of cannabis, whereas marijuana is not just a crop for drug addicts only. Many other benefits of marijuana are applied to raw materials such as diabetes, many countries have developed marijuana for basic medicine for health. So here I will discuss a little about this plant with the knowledge I have.

Diabetes, also known as hyperglycemia, is a disease with the condition of blood glucose (sugar) rising higher than normal limits of people in general. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta defines it as: "... conditions in which the body is not optimal in processing food, to serve as energy supplies,"

This disease is a concern in the world, because it became one of the causes of death that number is not kidding. In fact, the American Diabetes Association mentions, in 2012 as many as 29.1 million Americans (about 9.3 percent of the population at that time) suffer from diabetes. Of these, 21.0 million were diagnosed, while another 8.1 million were undiagnosed.

In the country of uncle sam, diabetes even entered into the main cause of the seven deaths, with no less than 76,000 people die each year due to this disease. The average patient age 65 or older accounts for 26 percent of the overall patient population

It is estimated that $ 245 billion of funds should be tricked from the American government pocket annually to treat the disease. Not to mention, this figure is only based on cases that have been successfully diagnosed and not yet included that have not been recorded.

People with diabetes generally have a variety of symptoms, which include: chronic fatigue, frequent urination, excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, extreme hunger, sudden vision changes, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, dry, slow wounds to heal, and excessive infection of the usual condition.

Diabetes can also be a cause of heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and limb amputation (lower body).

Two Types of Diabetes.

Diabetes is classified into two types, namely Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

  • Type 1 diabetes previously known as juvenile diabetes or Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), commonly affects children and young people or adults. However, in fact Diabetes type 1 is also responsible for five percent of all cases of diabetes.

  • Type 2 diabetes, previously called adult-onset diabetes or Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM), is the most common form of the disease. Patients with type 2 diabetes are known to be unable to properly use insulin, or so-called 'insulin resistance'.

Metabolic syndrome is one of the markers of type 2 Diabetes, with a combination of diseases that include diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

This metabolic syndrome, significantly also increases the likelihood of a person suffering from heart disease or stroke. Although many diabetic patients can proportionately increase their insulin levels by using conventional medicines, it remains a life-threatening disease and affects the lives of tens of millions of people anywhere in the world.


So what does this disease have to do with cannabis?

The American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) in 2005, issued a research paper stating that marijuana has a number of benefits for diabetic patients. Some of them are :

  • Stabilizes blood sugar.
  • Being an anti-inflammatory that can reduce inflammation of the arteries.
  • Being a 'vasodilator' to help keep blood vessels open and improve circulation.
  • Lowering blood pressure (over time), which is known as an important advancement for diabetics.
  • Relieves neuropathic pain and tingling in hands and feet when applied as cream, balm, and ointment.
  • Eliminate the anxiety of diabetics.
  • Helps improve sleep quality.

Diabetic retinopathy.

Cannabis can also be used to treat diabetic retinopathy, a condition that can lead to blindness as the most common form of diabetic eye disease. Retinopathy, which usually affects only patients who have had diabetes for several years, involves intraocular pressure, which is similar to glaucoma.

This is caused by changes in blood glucose levels that result in swelling of the retinal vessels (a condition called macular edema), so that sometimes there is a leaky fluid toward the eyeball.

With the use of marijuana, any diabetic patient can develop his retinopathy, so that it can significantly lower the pressure inside the eye and eliminate these worrisome conditions.

Cannabis works well as an anti-inflammatory treatment, due to the fact that diabetics often suffer from inflammation of the arteries.

Steroids and corticosteroids (such as cortisone, hydrocortisone, and prednisone), can actually be used to treat this condition. However, in fact both of these contributed to a number of negative side effects, including suppression of the immune system.

In addition, a class of diabetes drugs called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) commonly used in steroid sites, can also cause liver and kidney damage. And in fact, a number of these side effects do not occur in treatment by using marijuana.

Study marijuana for diabetes.

A study published in 2012 by GW Pharmaceuticals in the United Kingdom reveals, THCV and cannabidiol (CBD), has an effect on body fat levels and how the body responds to insulin. The study found that THCV increases insulin sensitivity in animals, while protecting insulin-producing cells.

The study also found that THCV and CBD increase the metabolism of test animals, resulting in decreased fat in their liver and cholesterol levels. In fact, Professor Mike Cawthorne who is Director of Metabolic Research at Buckingham University said,"Overall, it appears that these molecules (THCV and CBD) increase energy expenditure in the body's cells by increasing metabolism,"

In addition, a study in 2013 published in The American Journal of Medicine explains, regular cannabis users have lower levels of insulin hormone than after fasting. It has also been shown to reduce insulin resistance, so they are protected from diabetes.

The study is known to involve nearly as many as 5,000 patients, who answered their questionnaire about their drug use (marijuana).

Because, previous surveys have also revealed that although cannabis users consume more calories, they have lower body mass index. This suggests their metabolism is more efficient and continues to lead to better conditions of the body, which are associated with burning levels of fat and blood sugar.

The need for further research.

Until marijuana is reclassified (removed) from the dangerous drugs 'Class 1' under the Controlled Substances Act in the United States, there are no credible human studies or experiments, or clinical studies conducted in view of the efficacy of marijuana as a cure for conditions such as diabetes.

Because it affects nearly 10 percent of the population, a strong investigation into the benefits of treatment therapy (whether traditional, pharmaceutical or alternative medicine such as cannabis) continues to be encouraged in government and university research laboratories across the country to this day.

Despite the severity of tens of millions of Americans and the tremendous cost of diabetes for the national economy (about a quarter of a trillion dollars per year), researchers eager to investigate the potency of marijuana for diabetes were initially challenged by a number of parties, mainly from politicians which is supported by drug corporations (pharmaceuticals).

Now, however, the American government has turned full support to the research on the benefits of marijuana, until a number of states have legalized medical marijuana and made income into the state's bloated cash from the sector.

As quoted from, University of Arizona researchers, Alpert said that,

"We urgently need more basic clinical research on short-term and long-term effects of marijuana (usage), in a variety of clinical settings such as cancer, diabetes, and its association with safe use in the elderly,

So in my opinion @boboho, we should not only be supported by continuous skeptical thinking because if we judge everything starting with negative we will not be able to get any benefit, this knowledge I get by reading books, newspapers, internet and follow health seminars and drugs.Perhaps to here my article @boboho to meet with other useful articles.Regards and courtesy from me @boboho.

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Everyone is different, so it is possible for others to experience differences. I use for medical reasons. To reduce the pressure in my eyes and it has helped with that.

I have been diabetic about 30 years now. I would question where some of your information came from. Nsaids, is NOT a diabetes medication. Some doctors MIGHT give them to a diabetic to reduce pain, but they in no way help to treat diabetes.

Most doctor urge diabetics to use caution when using Nsaids because it is hard for the kidneys to flush them out of your system, putting excess strain on them. Long term diabetics often begin to have kidney problems and Nsaids are a no no.

It has never increased my insulin sensitivity.

It has never helped my Diabetic Retinopathy.

It has never helped me lose a single pound.

Rarely are steroids used to treat any condition in a diabetic unless there is no choice, because they INCREASE blood sugar levels.

Retinopathy does not cause increased pressure. Some of the medication they inject into the eye to treat retinopathy DOES cause increased pressure. Especially the steriodial drugs.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way against further testing. But there is a lot of fake information on the internet and people tend to simply keep passing the bad info around because they don't know the truth.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

before I apologize if we are different opinions but this is really happening in my family and my grandmother and dad become proof for me. this really happened after drinking the water of boiled marijuana their sugar levels become normal and they can move like normal people who is very healthy No longer experience the innate person as people who have diabetes.