in kr •  7 years ago 


Ice Cream Greentea Chocochips
for 6 servings

ingredients :
3 pieces of egg yolks
300gr whipped cream powder
3 sachet skm indomilk
1sdm greentea powder
chocochips to taste
120ml ml of liquid milk
300ml cold water
1 piece of oreo, divide 2


  1. yolk mixer and skm to pale. set aside
  2. dissolve the greentea powder with a little warm water.
  3. heat liquid milk until warm (do not boil) mix with greentea solution
  4. mixer to soft whip cream. set aside
  5. mix the warm liquid milk with pale egg yolks. heat it for a while, then chill with room temperature
  6. After cool, mixer back with whip cream.
  7. Put in a container of sprinkle with chocochips and chill in the refrigerator.
  8. decorate with oreo. serve
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