
in kr •  7 years ago  (edited)

비가오다 스며 나오다 어느 날 나는 생각의 눈 깜박임, 어려운 비의 끝이 아닌 책을 읽는다.
본질적으로, 종종 동물의 생각과 관련이 있습니다. 교감 문자열 '남자 생각하기'와 들고있는 이마 밑에 앉아있는 사람이 내가 시작했다고 생각했다.
예. '우리가 생각할지도 모르기 때문에 생각의 비행은 다른 것보다 빠릅니다. 사람이 생각의 리드입니다. ' 간단하게 생각, 일반적인 갈대 생각하십시오. 우리는 더 나아가 벽 중 하나는 생각하지만, 얻을 수 있습니다.
'전 세계적으로 생각하고 지역적으로 행동하라'
'넓고 좁은 생각.'
그러나 우리는 그 길을 생각해야합니다. '심장. '솔트가 말하기를,'나는 어떻게 살아야 살 수 있겠습니까? 나는 내 생각으로 살아갈 것입니다. 더 말하기.
''생각을 함축합니다. 내가 몰랐다면 인식과 사고를위한 첫 걸음조차 알지 못했습니다. 바이런 곤잘로 (Byron Gonzalo)에 따르면 '수백만 명의 사람들을 고려해 보면, 하루의 잉크 한 방울'을 생각하는 것이 중요합니다. Confucius는 사고와 지혜의 균등 한 균형이 알려지기 때문에 '지식은 위험한 세계가 아니라 생각 없이는 아무 것도 없을 것'이라고 경고했다.
젊은 시절의 실수
중세 전투
성인 회개의 삶 '. 삶에 대해 생각할 시간이 남았습니다. 멀리서 볼 수있는 생각으로 높이 솟은 타워가 마음에 듭니다. 비록 인간의 불확실성에 대한 불확실성은 불확실하지만, 망설이지 마라. 망원경은 중간 정도이다.

Rain rain seep seep One day I read a book that is not the end of a piece of sheet thoughts eye blink, a hard rain.
By nature, though often associated with the animals' thoughts. Sympathetic String 'Man Thinking' at one and the person sitting on the seat under the holding forehead hand planted a thought I've started.
Yes. 'Flight of thought is faster than another because we may think. Man is the thinking reed.' Simply think a thought, the common reed. We further think that one of the walls, but they may get.
'Think globally and act localy'
'Wide and narrow thinking.'.
However, we must think of the way. '' Heart. 'Salt said,' How should I live life to live and I will live with my thoughts. FURTHER say.
'' Implies a sense of thinking. If I did not know even know the first step to achieve awareness and thinking. 'Considering the millions of people, a drop of ink day' According to Byron Gonzalo Thought is important to think about it. 'Consideration will be nothing without thinking without knowledge is a dangerous world,' Confucius warns As the equal balance of thought and wisdom will be notified.
The mistakes of youth
Battle for middle life
The adult life of repentance '. Changing with time left to think about life. I think I like a tower rising high into thinking visible at a distance. Although uncertainties uncertainty margin of humanity at a blow, without a thought, 'he said telescope is a medium hold, missing.

Author by @khaylay

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Woff, woff!

Hello @khaylay, Nice to meet you!

I'm a guide dog living in KR community. I can see that you want to contribute to KR community and communicate with other Korean Steemians. I really appreciate it and I'd be more than happy to help.

KR tag is used mainly by Koreans, but we give warm welcome to anyone who wish to use it. I'm here to give you some advice so that your post can be viewed by many more Koreans. I'm a guide dog after all and that's what I do!


  • If you're not comfortable to write in Korean, I highly recommend you write your post in English rather than using Google Translate.
    Unfortunately, Google Translate is terrible at translating English into Korean. You may think you wrote in perfect Korean, but what KR Steemians read is gibberish. Sorry, even Koreans can't understand your post written in Google-Translated Korean.
  • So, here's what might happen afterward. Your Google-Translated post might be mistaken as a spam so that whales could downvote your post. Yikes! I hope that wouldn't happen to you.
  • If your post is not relevant to Korea, not even vaguely, but you still use KR tag, Whales could think it as a spam and downvote your post. Double yikes!
  • If your post is somebody else's work(that is, plagiarism), then you'll definitely get downvotes.
  • If you keep abusing tags, you may be considered as a spammer. It may result to put you into the blacklist. Oops!

I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶

Thinking is the important for intelligent.


good ကိုေကာင္း gp ွမွာေျပာျပအံုးေနာ္
korea tag အေၾကာင္းေလး အဆင္ေျပရင္ေျပာျပေပးပါေနာ္

Good post

Good post

Good post


:-) :-)

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