in krishna •  7 years ago 

Comment: All gloriies to Srila Prabhupada with his mercy to us, mercy almost beyond comprehension, and to Lord Balarama- who is also the magnificently merciful, sweet, mad with prema Lord Nityananda- who can shake what is immovable and obdurate in me- who can grab the donkey demon in me, and send it flying through the sky!

My response: Staying absorbed in meditation like this we are anesthetized from the material world. We might look a little crazy sometimes to others.

Uddhava was a resident of Dvarka. He was sent by Lord Krishna with a note for the gopis.


Uddhava became infected with the love godhead as found in the intimate dealings of the residents of Vrndavan. When he returned to Dvarka they thought he had become deranged. He was known for things like... swooning and fainting upon seeing a dark blue cloud...

He was with Lord Krishna when Lord Krishna was preparing to leave the planet and entrusted by the Lord to transmit this ecstatic teachings of love of Godhead to Nara Narayana Rsi in the Himalayas.

Vidura was on pilgrimage and came across Uddhava in a secluded place. Vidura inquired from Uddhava about Krishna but Uddhava could not tell him anything. Vidura was older than Uddhava and there was etiquette. But also Uddhava was overcome with the mood of separation and it was too difficult for him to talk about the Lord's departure at that time. He sent Vidura to Maitreya rsi. Our Lord is Lord of loving pastimes.

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