
in kundalini •  7 years ago  (edited)

89BBA584-0E81-4D8C-A7DB-E993355D13AE.jpegHi All,

I’m just going to introduce myself as I learn this new space.

Basically I am a Yoga Teacher, Visual Artist, Poet, Blogger, & Singer Songwriter

On my Blog/Website (Yoga website).... emmasumneryoga.com I talk all things Yoga, Energy, Kundalini Awakening, metaphysicality, & the affects drugs can have with our alignment.
Basically anything that is of Relevance and I hear from my Inner Wisdom/Inner Knower at the time.

I have been on a pretty epic journey as have many of us.
I have come to know and See many things from my own first hand experience in terms of the Universe, Energy, spirituality & the Like.

I hear, see, Know, and Feel things intuitively.. and get a lot of Downloads from My Higher Self. So I often share Energy Updates and info about what is happening on Planet Earth in mass consciousness aswell.

My View point perhaps could be seen as controversial. But as a person I don’t carry that vibe, I just happen to be privy to out of the box topics.

I see that we are ALL Multidimensional Beings and we are ALL living ALL of our Lives right here/right now.. they are just on different timelines. And they drop down from a massive OverSoul.
Any way this is a topic for another day.

Here’s just a snippet of the point of view and life I live in.

Warmth to you All...
And Nice to Meet You.

Emma x

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Welcome! Spiritual journeys are amazing aren't they!? Following so I can see any new post :) Upvote and follow my page if you would like.

Thank You. And Yes indeed they are.

Greetings, Em. Always good to see a kindred on here. Energy Updates are vital. Looking for some yogic inspiration. Upvoted and Following...

Hello 😊💗 Thank You.

Well lucky I have lots of videos and blogs to share.

Good to be Here 💛