How to Master Levitation

in levitate •  7 years ago 


I've been studying everything I can get my hands on about our divine selves and self mastery, as well as the practices of monks, gurus, shamans, and yogis, for over two years. There is an endless flow of education on the internet. Plus I'm always finding more, which makes these subjects so exciting for me. Anyway the point.. From all the information I've been able to gather on levitation over the course of my studies: There are 6 key things that must take place before you can begin practicing levitation. Now realize that once all these steps are complete that levitation is not the only type of thing that can happen to you. Levitation is one of four powers that these practices initiate. You can also experience feeling very heavy so much you can't move, you can feel expanded or larger than you really are, and you can feel shrunken or very tiny compared to normal. So be careful and do your homework.

  1. 3rd eye must be open by guru or through studying with a yogi and much meditation practice
  2. A special breathing technique taught by a yogi
  3. Raising your lower chakras into your higher ones
  4. Skilled meditation
  5. Must believe that it is possible and you can do it
  6. Practice practice practice

Not a believer of gurus and yogis? I believe it is still possible in faith and practice, plus finding out the breathing practice would be beneficial. So Yes it can be done ✅ some steps are harder to achieve than others. I guess it's up to you decide how bad you want it.

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ohh come on for the universe sake, stop doing this to me.

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