My dudes.
My sweet, sweet, angry, libertarian dudes.
I love and cherish your ferocious devotion to ensuring the party doesn’t become a dumping ground for failed ideologues.
Your insistence on principles like open borders, ending the drug war, massively reducing military spending, and ditching the death penalty, make you a shining light of obstinate morality in the midst of Republican alt-lite horseshit and Democrat corporate sell-outs.
Please, continue to raise your voices, even when we disagree, because every political movement needs its fearless devil’s advocates.
Please, for the love of God, stop saying that having Justin Amash as the Presidential nominee will “make the Libertarian Party look silly.” We’ve booed our candidates for saying they wouldn’t legalize heroin for children, put up people on stage who want to abolish the age of consent, and one of the candidates currently doing well enough for himself is a guy that wears a boot on his head and intentionally says ridiculous shit as part of his (admittedly accurate) performance art.
There are valid criticisms of Amash, but having an actual person rather than a caricature of libertarianism running for President ain’t one of them.