5 Reasons My Children Do Not Have a Social Security Number

in liberty •  9 years ago 

image of cat and stara

  • It should be their choice. The list could stop here. A social security number should be the choice of the recipient. Bottom line. There is absolutely no way that I have the right to enroll my sovereign children into a life-long government program without their consent. At birth they cannot consent, so why would I make that choice for them?

  • Social Security is a ponzi scheme, my generation knows they will not receive the benefits we paid in, why would I enroll my children in such a fraud?

  • Privacy. The SSN is used to track just about every financial relationship modern Americans have. My children already know and love bitcoin, silver, barter, and agorism. My goal is to remove their dependency on modern financial institutions before they are "on their own".

  • There is no NEED for it. If they decide as an adult to participate, they will have the choice at that time. But honestly, it is not a requirement to get car insurance and several credit unions in our hometown don't require a SSN, so what would be the point now anyway? Maybe they want to work for a big company that requires it? OK, back to point number one. They can enroll at that time, with their full consent.

  • Oh yes, taxes. It is not the federal government's business that my husband and I had a wedding (we have a stateless marriage), and it is not their business that we have children. I am not about to violate their privacy rights to have less money stolen from me, instead I will teach them how to live outside of such corrupt systems by removing myself as far as possible and nit entering them into it at all..

Can you think of any other reasons? Those were ours.

If you are interested in learning more about raising sovereign undocumented humans, comment below or find me on social media. My good friend Alma is touring the country with her partner and their little undocumented human www.undocumentedhuman.com

I also want to add that I understand we all come from different philosophies and world views and I judge no decisions that you have made. I ask the same in return!


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Honestly I never knew that one could choose not to get an SSN for one's child, so thanks for enlightening me on that!

Since the possibility of marriage might be in my future, I would like to hear more from you about the advantages and disadvantages of having a stateless marriage, although that is probably best addressed in a separate Steemit post.

I will make that my next post!!!

I upvote U

Living without big brother watching if only we could all do that and squash the money grabbing.God luck to you and your family

Those who accept a benefit must also feel the corresponding liability. No thank you I don't feel like establishing any accounts today lol.

Nicely done, not sure how deep you've gone but you've got yourself a fan.

I don't need any more reasons and couldn't agree more with these! Thanks for posting this and letting us know about your friend's website.

They will be forced to use it once they get a job... Your right though they don't need it now.

If they get a "job".

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Are you going to wait to have them vaccinated when they decide that too is in their best interests? I mean, surely no harm can come to others if they choose not to, right?

Edit: sorry didn't mean to come across as judgy as this sounds on re-reading.

They are indeed unvacvinated. They are very healthy with strong immune systems. It is the vaccinated kids that seem to spread illness when we are around LOL. Thanks for your edit :)

#catherinebleish -- awesome! My 3 are unvaccinated too. As a result they are healthier than the average child. If they decide later in life that they need certain vaccines to enter a certain job or for whatever reason, then that is their decision.

Ever since Vin Suprynowicz wrote about toddlers getting droopy eyelids, and becoming lethargic for long periods after receiving thimerosol vaccines, I have thought that the people in government really are sociopaths. You probably made the right decision with regard to most vaccines, then again, vaccines have been an immense blessing to mankind, when done right. There is zero legitimate reason to use mercury in any vaccine.

I really need to research this more. My children are 11,8 and 5 and so far have no Social Insurance Number (Canada). I have been a bit afraid to make such another big leap in "alternative" living. I know for myself that I will need to research, research, and research to feel comfortable with such a big decision.
I really look forward to hearing anything else you have to say about it in future article.

Nice, I was wondering if this was possible. Do they have a birth certificate?

Why not get the marriage on paper to enjoy the income tax benefits? (Unless you somehow avoid paying any of those.)

SSA, the agency itself is a joke more than a Ponzy scheme ( : when it comes to the treatment of its employees, especially those who had dared to file EEOC complainrts, which is another joker! The Hearings judges there openingly show their mutual love for the Social Security Administration. The federal employee complainants having no chance there. It is a national disgrace and a big waste of taxpayers’$$$. By the way, if a complainant is an Asian-American, she or especially he, is pretty much toasted!!