I love people who make me laugh - and @gladiatom is one of them - @annadeda

in life •  7 years ago 


Hello to all my friends of Steemit.

Yesterday evening my friend @gladiatom, once again made a long journey to come and see me. So we went to a beautiful place here in Athens called Marina Flisvos. My dear friend @gladiatom is a wonderful person who makes me laugh a lot when we are together and this fact makes me appreciate his friendship much more. I often think that it was God who brought him to my path. The three of us together with my twin sister @mariaentela, we laughed and joked for the whole evening. Our friendship for me is a blessing, because the beautiful moments that we spend together, make me relax after a whole week of hard training. So, once again I would like to thank my friend @gladiatom from the bottom of my heart.

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Keep on laughing sweet maam am always happy to see you happy always.
The sky will always be your limit

I love also my best friends.. Always keep me happy. They are really special for me.. Good luck for you

τι όμορφοι που είσαστε ολοι σε αυτή την φώτο..

Ωπ.... Ησουν και εσυ εκει;;; μονο εγω ελειπα; :(

χαχααα...τυπογραφικό λάθος έκανα.. άλλα θα ήθελα να ήμουν 😀

Καλέ οι 3 μας ήμασταν μόνοι (εγώ @mariaentela και @gladiatom 😊 και περάσαμε υπέροχα 😉

Kai pios travaei tin fwto mastora?

Ενας περαστικός ήτανε που τράβηξε τη φωτογραφία Άγγελε μου.😊

Και ξέχασα να ρωτήσω και το όνομά του. Χαχαχα😂😂😂😂

To katalava. O tsouvalas tha eixe travixei poly kalyteri fwto sigoura, exw dei tin douleia tou. Apla ithela na ton peiraxw ligaki...

cute and cute faces, cute and pretty

friendship is everything. there is a true friend

This is a great post mis @annadeda 😎👍

happy on day mis 🙏