What makes life feel more real than real?

Some years ago a friend of mine told me of a woman he knew who was in a serious car accident. By the time the ambulance arrived she had already been dead ten minutes. Paramedics then battled for a further 10 minutes trying to restart her heart. This time they won the battle and the woman was brought back to life.
In the 20 minutes she had left this world she experienced, what is known as an "NDE" (Near Death Experience). Her story had a profound affect upon me because, not only did it sound true, but there seemed to be a clue to the mystery of life, held within it.
This is what she told: "At first there was total darkness. Then my surroundings began to appear as though a dense fog had lifted. Gradually I found myself standing on a beautiful beach. of pure white sand. The ocean was crystal clear and gentle waves were caressing the shore. I looked around and saw that there were strange figures standing all along the shoreline spread out at an equal distance for miles and miles. It was at this point that I saw one of these figures standing right beside me and I saw that it was an angel. The angel had huge white wings and was extremely tall. It appeared to have a male face that was so beautiful I could never find the right words to describe it. The angel was starring up at the sky and I realised then that all the angels on the beach were doing the same. This made me curious as to what it was they were all looking at. I did not feel frightened and had no fear of asking the angel a question. "Excuse me, what is it that you are all looking at?" The angel did not respond at first as though he had not heard me. But then he slowly turned his head to look downwards at me. Now that the angel was looking directly at me, his beauty it took my breath away for a second. "Look and see for yourself." He replied. I looked up and saw that the sky was filled with a brilliant white light. It was so bright that it should have hurt your eyes but instead you could look at it without even squinting. "What is it?" I asked. "It is the breath of the creator" He answered. "God´s breath is made of light?" I asked, somewhat confused. "It is pure love.To bathe in its radiance is intoxicating." Explained the angel. He looked right at me but at the same time he seemed to have a far way look in his eyes. After some moments he then said: "Please excuse me, I simply have look back again." And then he turned away and looked back at the light. It was as though looking away even for just a few moments was like a lifetime of abstinence. I looked up at the light once again. Gradually I began to feel a warmness cover my body. My heart began to fill up with…well it was as though my very DNA was being cleansed. Finally there was this overwhelming sensation of feeling connected to the entire universe. I began breathing erratically and with each passing second it became harder to breathe. The angel turned to look at me again: "It is not your time." He said, and smiled. His smile was so gentle that I will remember it for eternity. Moments later I was back in my earthly body lying on street looking up at the face of a paramedic."
Whatever you believe, or do not believe, in life after after death, t is a personal thing and one that no one has the right to convince nor indeed, un-convince, anyone of what they believe is reality for them. To reiterate this, I will tell you something what my grandfather once told me after I was skeptical of a neighbor who had told he had seen a UFO: "Son, just because an experience did not happen to us, it does not mean it did not happen. For who shall decide what is reality for each of us? Who can say for 100% certainty that their reality is more true than anyone elses?"
My grandfather was teaching me that I should try to keep an open mind as well as to respect anothers´ reality and beliefs. It was a lesson I never forgot.
What particularly struck a nerve with me in this story was the reaction of the angel in that he could not bare to be away from the feeling of being; "connected to the creator". As though it was some kind of super addictive drug that he, and all the other angels on that beach, could not bare to be away from, even for a second. I began to wonder what such a sensation might feel like?
I have never taken drugs myself but I have read some accounts of those who have taken LSD and indeed the description of the woman´s NDE does sound rather similar. Indeed, for many years doctors believed that the Near Death Experience was simply caused by an hallucinogenic chemical flooding into the dying brain. However, this theory has now been proven to be incorrect. In order for the brain to have full cognitive consciousness - meaning the ability to create even the smallest of thoughts, then it needs ALL of its billions of neurons to be firing/functioning correctly. If we hit our head hard and we get a concussion, or if we become completely drunk on alcohol, then our brain will not function properly simply because some of these billions of neurons are not working correctly. Of course we still are aware, we are still conscious, but we are not quite right. And yet we were expected to believe that a dying brain that has, "...just handful of dying neurons barely functioning" could produce the most intense experience of an alternate reality? Sorry, that is just too far of a reach. We forget our dreams but we never forget a meaningful experiences. Experiences change us, sometimes for the rest of our lives. Near Death Experiences change people profoundly and for the rest of their lives. Dreams do not change us because they are incidental. This proves that the Near Death Experience is something far more than merely a hallucination.
I began to wonder if perhaps this lady had experienced a glimpse into another dimension? A place where we move on-to after we leave this three dimensional existence? In such a higher dimension our senses would surely be far more advanced and be capable of experiencing self awareness more intensely. For example, one of the things that all NDE people have in common is that they all use the same phrase when describing their experience. They say; "It felt more real" - They DO NOT say: "it seemed real" or "it felt like a realistic dream" NO, they say "it felt MORE real". So how can something be more real than real?
Perhaps then, in this after-life place, things are indeed MORE real than we are used to in this reality? Why? Well, because it is a higher dimension. A person from a two-dimensional world would have absolutely no idea what it would be like to live in our three dimensional world. Just as we could have no idea of what it would be like in a four dimensional world. Our minds could never ever be able to gasp it because our minds are created in a lower dimension. However, what if we could get glimpses of this higher dimension? And if so, what would it look like? Or perhaps should I ask; what would if feel like? Perhaps, just like the angels, it would feel something like being; "connected with the universe- the creator?
Pondering on this, it was then that I realised that there were indeed times in my life when I have felt this sensation of being; one with the universe.
Like when I play golf or when I am working on a painting.
I am no professional but I would say I am rather good at the game because I have worked hard at it. Anyone who knows about golf will understand when I say that I have a handicap of 8. I generally play well, however, on very rare days, I seem to "connect" with the ball in a way that is quite magical. It is as though I am in perfect balance with all things. And when this happens, it as though I am one with the ball as it feels through the air and then when it lands, it is exactly in the place as I had envisioned it to be. The sensation is one of overwhelming positivity that engulfs my entire mind and body. If I had to liken it to something, I would say it was similar to that of an orgasm. The mind seems to disappear but at the same time there is a feeling of being in perfect sync with the universe. It is a feeling one could easily become addicted to. If there are any golfers reading this, they will know exactly what I am talking about? I mean how can this be explained? Get a machine to hit a golf ball at exactly the right speed and angle and even after 1000 strikes it will not score a hole in one. And yet a hole in one it is a common occurrence to the professional golfer.
I am an artist by profession.
Most of the time it is hard work needing much concentration in being able to control the brush. Make no mistake, the creation of painting from scratch is by no means easy. Non artists often believe that the life of an artist is an easy one. It is not. To help explain this I will tell something my old university art teacher once said to me after I had just completed a painting after 3 weeks of hard work. Just to make it clear, each term, students where thrown out of the college if the quality of their work was deemed as being; not high enough. Thus the painting I had just finished would determine if I was to stay in the university or be thrown out. This time my art teacher praised my work saying it was: "the best work I had ever done". As you can imagine I was rather relieved especially because I was now quite mentally drained. However, my art teacher then said: "Ok, now you must do another one of even higher quality. And then you must do it again, and then again". This is the life of an artist. It is not just to do a painting whenever you feel you are in the mood on a warm sunday afternoon. The professional artist has to produce quality work over and over again. It is not easy and takes hard work and one must to be mentally tough with tremendous self discipline. Other artists will understand what I mean. However, on some rare days, it is as though it is all too easy. My brush seems to be in a perfect flow all of its own. The colors and tones come so easily almost without any effort. It is literally as though I am connected to the universe and the universe is doing the work for me ,or through me, and I am simply holding the brush. Again the sensation is quite magical, quite wonderful and one that I simply wish would never end.
For me, such experiences are a kind of proof that there is something more going on. A kind of evidence that, "existence" is more than merely a certain amount of heartbeats and then when it stops you disappear forever. I believe, when we experience this sensation of, being "connected to the universe/creator" that we are being given a taste of things to come. A glimpse of something wonderful to look forward to rather than something to fear. For without these rare "connected" experiences, life would not be worth living. Life would merely be one of existing, rather than of living. What is the point of that?
When the atheist says something like: "I will live on through my children" - I believe they are missing a bigger picture. For their children, and their children´s children, are all going to die too. Of course these children will experience wonderful moments, as well as suffering, during their short lives, but once they are gone, it will be as though they, as well as their life experiences, never existed at all. And so it just goes on and on like that. One life after another simply existing and vanishing. Again, what is the point of that?
Recently, a certain famous scientist, who is also an atheist stated that; "There is no point to life. We should simply do away with asking why we are here and just accept that we are here and make the best of it?
Hmm, and so the answer to life, the universe and everything, is to simply stop asking why? It is OK to ask why a flower is yellow or red? Why does cancer destroy cells? But when we cant answer the why we should simply pretend the question does not exist. Like the fact that it is mathematically and scientifically proven that the moon is simply too big to stay in earths orbit. The earth is not big enough to hold it there. And yet it does. So just top asking why it does and accept it. Denial is just as much as a belief system as the person who believes in asking why? The same scientist/atheist also said; "When I listen to a string quartet playing a Mozart concerto I am just as moved as the next person but I am equally aware that the sensation is simply chemicals causing certain neurons to fire off in my brain".
I guess that is his personal choice to "believe" that and is his way of dealing with existence and consciousness. And as I stated, we all have the right to believe in our own version of reality.
As for myself, whenever I feel the sensation of being connected to the universe, I believe that it is not simply neurons in my brain firing off on all cylinders, but because, albeit for a brief moment, I really am connecting with the the universe - or perhaps even with the creator. And this "feeling" helps me to put meaning in my life and encourages me to have faith that there is something more than a fleeting existence made purely by chance.
I spoke to my family and friends on this subject and all of them said that they also have had this sensation of; "feeling connected to the universe" at some time or another and some of them feel it ion a regular bases.
A friend told that she feels this sensation when she sings in her local choir. "When I am singing together with my fellow choir members, sometimes a warmness comes over me. My mind seems connected to everyone else and I forget all my worries.I feel at one with the universe." She told. Sound familiar? I am sure that great singers too must feel this at times for it is clear that occasionally they are moved to tears and cannot always explain why. I believe that when we too are moved by a singer´s performance, we are sharing in their "connected" experience.
The formula one racing driver Michael Schumacher, once said in an interview after he had won a race;
"It was not me driving the car today, I was a passenger and it felt fantastic"
I believe that 98% of all human-beings have experienced being connected to the universe at least once in their lives. One could argue that, whatever we make of it, whatever we believe this sensation is, it is something remarkable and part of what makes us human. And in this way, we are indeed, all connected.
So I ask you, what is it in your life that gives you the sensation of being connected to the universe?
Note: By the way, if you are curious as to why I am certain that there is 2% of the population who have never experienced this sensation it is because only psychopaths are not capable of having true feelings and it is estimated that 2% of the population have psychopathy. But without the question why, I would not be able to tell you that would I? But that´s another story.
Thank you for visiting my blog and a warm welcome to you back in advance.
Hello my friend @arthuradamson, how are you and how is life going on, i always hope best wishes for you.
Your today article on life philosophy is realy hot topic."What connects you to the universe?" I fully agreed with your words and I think we all are connected to different ways. you describe the whole phenomenon as using the example of the story of dying women. who saved then. a singer and formula one racing driver. everyone is connected to universe in different ways.so we should think about the reality of life, because it is infinite and its end is death, but no one know when? but it is reality that it will must happened.
Nice quotes here:
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Thank you @rabeel, well said as usual. I think this topic will only become more popular as we head into the future. We can not go on living in a world of pure materialism. We need to find a way to be connected to the energy of the universe.
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I fully agreed with you @arthuradamson, we should do efforts and support for the popularity and awareness of this topic in society. Thanks a lot friend for your high approach thinking and views.GOD Bless you.
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Indeed my good friend. And God bless to you too
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Being an artist as well, the main connection to the universe is definitely in that state of creating. Time,( which I believe is not as we perceive, but is in fact more of a constant.) seems to 'freeze' when I am creating. I can be at a painting or even laying out a piece of artwork and it will seem a sort of non time. As if I am sort of suspended in it, and will oft times think it's been a few minutes and reach for what I think is my hot cup of tea to only realize it is ice cold and a couple of hours had passed.
I think because we, as artists, can become so focused on one moment and one aspect of an action it allows the reality of existence to peek through. That is to say I think our actual existence is well beyond the physical manifestation we see as our 'day to day' life.
It is true, as artists we must use hard work and dilligence to continue to create better and more works and so too, in our search for the reality of existence, so too must we work hard to concentrate on a moment in time and let the distractions of this reality slip away and it is then that we may be lucky enough to glimpse the hem of the garment of the angel of true time.
A really lovely post and so much to think and ruminate on.
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Wow what a fantastic response and I agree with all you say. You describe it so well that it is clear that you are an artistic soul who understands the place and part the artist has to play in this whole story we call "life".
Thank you so much for that @donnadavisart
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It is so nice to meet other artists that like to see the 'more' of our existence. It enriches our spirits and our works of art.
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Perhaps it felt more real because the ego was no longer ruling perception. Egoic consciousness, thinking, fear, anticipation, regret, anything that takes us out of the moment, out of reality makes things unreal. We perceive what we think we should perceive instead of what is actually there. It's really easy to be thinking of things that are not here and now, like creating goals or regretting the past, or wondering what to have for dinner. So for me the thing that gives me the best sense of connection is presence. Being in the present moment, and observing every little part of the now instead of wandering into my head generally has a better perception and sensation of reality that comes along with it. Usually I feel most present while on a walk or run, but also during sitting meditation, singing, and yoga.
Great write up man!
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Wow your view and perception of life is one I have not often come across very often. It seems to me that you have managed to be "in the now" - something that is one of the most difficult state to achieve. I congratulate you and am a little envious but in a good way.
Thank you so much for the thoughtful response : )
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Thanks for the kind words my friend, I'm not perfect though haha. I'm still working on being present throughout the day and despite any circumstances. It's really about letting go and being vulnerable in my experience.
Things like money and supporting my family and about not working on my passions will sometimes pulls me away still, I still have fears, but I've been trying to dive into them lately, whereas in the past I'd avoid them.
BE-ing in the now has been my biggest aspiration the last few years, I find it so valuable and enriching and absolutely fascinating.
It seems like you've found a few methods of being present yourself, in golf and art! It sounds like you're able to let go of the me and just be there with the activity, which is huge. Try making everything an art and learning what your senses and perception can show you if you remain open to them, even if it's uncomfortable. My two cents :)
If you ever wanna chat stop by my blog or find me on discord, otherwise I've got you followed and will be commenting on some of your posts I find interesting!
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Hey thanks @jakeybrown - I am following you now - will certainly check out your posts. Good find another who is deep going and a searcher - this is what I love about Steemit
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Hey friend @arthuradamson thanks for writing a great blog. Thanks this time you didn't leave us alone for 2-3 weeks.
This blog is based on some realities of life and then end of life time experiences. you quoted some useful examples which are very simple and understandable even for a common man like me. I must appreciate your grandfather, he must be a very intelligent one. I did a guess on his advice to you:
Son, just because an experience did not happen to us, it does not mean it did not happen. For who shall decide what is reality for each of us? Who can say for 100% certainty that their reality is more true than anyone elses?"
My grandfather was teaching me that I should try to keep an open mind as well as to respect anothers´ reality and beliefs. It was a lesson I never forgot.
Indeed this is so lengthy and very fruitful blog to understand some aspects of life in real world.
I'm not happy with the response of people on this quality blog which is in all respect a complete and comprehensive blog post.
I'm hopeful one day they will recognize you and they will have to accept your Artistic Role.
Please accept my little gift (100% upvote. I know this is almost nothing but this is from depth of my heart.
keep smiling and stay blessed @arthuradamson!
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Thank you for your usual kinds words and support @jawad09
You know I write my blog because I feel I have something to say that might either help people or that it might set off some thoughts or ideas. I do not write in order to make money or to be popular on Steemit. It is more important to me that I write with truth and integrity.
Stay blessed my good friend : )
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Yes those moments exist...can't do them justice trying to describe them...you become overcome by a feeling of stillness...connection...like you and nature are one...you have all the answers without asking any of the questions...
I had a near death car accident...it was mentioned in one of my blog posts...my car skidding on ice and snow over to the other lane of oncoming traffic...I see a truck come up over the hill heading towards me...nothing I can do to get control of car....I remember a total peace come over me...as they have said...my life passing before my eyes like a movie...and me calmly saying out loud..."this is it"...obviously it wasn't....
One other time comes to mind...at the Grand Canyon...early morning...I had just heard the night before how that park is one of the most visited parks...millions of people each year...and suddenly while standing there over looking the canyon I realize no other human being is anywhere to be seen...I was alone...but suddenly felt not alone...
Finally...I have visited Niagara falls a few times in my life...it actually scares me to be near them as I sense such a pull...gravitational...a call...to jump into the water and be swept away....as if the water in me is magnetically feeling attracted to that force...
Something does call us when our inner ears are open....
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I also had a near death car accident and what you describe is virtually identical to my own. The same thing happened, instead of fear a calmness came over me and I thought - its my turn to go.
Your experience at the Grand Canyon is also similar to something similar when I was climbing a mountain with a friend. I was half way up and looked up and down. I suddenly felt very small in the universe but at the same time I felt part of everything.
Regarding Niagara, I have heard about this force that has a pulling affect on people making them want to be part of the energy. That alone tells me there is something more to our existence.
Great examples @bobreedo
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Excellent post - it is a fascinating one and describes NDE so well!
That was such a telling statement. I wonder whether he himself understood the meaning of what he just said.
I am a big fan of Michael Schumacher - may he get well soon and live a long life.
I feel connected when I am in a quiet and serene environment, like being alone on a beach. I don't live close to a beach but when I am in a city close to the sea shore I commute miles so as to be at a spot where there is no one around. In fact I strive to find such a place because it gives me a feeling of being connected to the universe.
Then I realized that it has to do with peacefulness and solitude. When I am alone and at peace with myself and the Universe I get the same feeling that you have described. It is as though I am somewhere else - a totally different place.
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Well described : )
Indeed, it seems that all of us connect with the universe in our own specific way. This does not surprise me and only proves to me more that we are more that the sum of our parts. For each of us are unique beings, with unique DNA and life experiences. Thus it would be only logical and natural that we would have individual ways to connect to the universe.
Very happy to know that you can experience this amazing sensation.
Thanks for the meaningful response @maxabit
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You're welcome - but such a post did warrant a meaningful response, other than the obligatory "nice post, thanks for sharing!"
But seriously, a near-death experience must be life changing for people who have experienced it. I remember having read about it with a great deal of inquisitiveness a while ago. It is said that most of those who go through NDE keep the experience to themselves for fear of being ridiculed, or not being taken seriously. They come out with details of what they went through only when they meet someone with a similar experience.
Usually such individuals no longer fear death after their NDE and in fact look forward to experiencing the same feelings again. They also acquire a different outlook towards life and see others around them in a different light. Almost all the accounts that I read had the white light featuring in it, and a feeling that is quite different to equate with anything in reality.
It is an interesting topic for me and so naturally I found your post a great read.
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Thanks my good fellow-
Yes indeed the NDE subject is a fascinating one and I also have looked into it with great interest. You may or may not know that in recent years it has been looked at again more seriously by neuroscientists and is now being taken more seriously. It is no longer view as a think of ridicule. Apparently the turning point was the notorious case of Pam Reynolds. Basically she had a tumor in the brain in a location that surgery would kill her. However there was a new procedure being tried where the brain is completely drained of blood so that the tumor can be removed. Pam Reynolds survived the surgery and made a full recovery. After the operation she described the watching herself begin operated on including the conversation the doctor had with the assistant nurse. All of what she described was 100% accurate. Which of curse was impossible because for all intensive purposes her brain was dead. The operation was recorded on camera which meant that there was an exact time. This meant that it was the first time it could be proven that the brain was 100% dead and therefore the argument of hallucinogenic chemicals were responsible for the out of body experience could not be used. This case basically turned neuroscience on its head. Hover there are still many doctors who simply will not accept that something more is going on. Since then even more evidence has been uncovered and discovered which points to a truth that our consciousness is not located in the brain as we have thought for hundreds of years. As far as neuroscience goes, we are back to square one.
If you are interested in the Pam Reynolds case here is a link to a shortened version on youtube:
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Thanks for posting the video!
That is a fascinating discovery made in the Pam Reynolds case especially when general anesthesia can itself stop a person from hearing or feeling anything during the time that it is in effect. Here the brain gets emptied out and she still hears a conversation - that is indeed ultimate proof that there is something that is beyond the realm of human understanding and outside the scope of all information and knowledge possessed my mankind.
You're absolutely correct when you say that as far as neuroscience goes, we are certainly back to square one!
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Glad you liked it my friend, I had a feeling you would appreciate that.
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This is actually the best philosophy of life that your grandfather told you and in this way he taught you to respect others beliefs, Arthur :)
To me there are certain things which can connect one to others, as the story of the woman touched my soul and i am still thinking about those moments when i felt the NDE , yes it connected me with her.
When i do charity work or any other kind act this thing definitely connects me with people.
When i offer prayer i connect myself with the GOD and with HIS creature simultaneously.
When i see someone spreading the Peace and Humanity i feel touched with such approaches. Actually every single act that happens for the functionality of the society, it attracts and connects with other fellow beings.
P.S: Your art work and write up also connects me with universe, as you always try to elaborate some great myths of life :)
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Thank you for you kind words and response. I can see you a wonderful example of a human-being. You see the bigger picture of life and our place in it. We are all this life together experiencing life at the same time on history and in this way we really are all connected to each other in some spiritual way. Prayer indeed a great way to get a connection with the universe and the creator.
Thanks again @salmanbukhari54
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This approach towards life is quite necessary at present just to promote Peace and Harmony among the creations of the Creator. Spirituality and kindness are two most important factors which can make the whole world connected to each other, as both are immortal. I am always a huge fan of your kind attitude as your vision about life is very clear that is, Humanity. Yes, you are the source of connection for many through your Art work & Writings. For example in one of your previous blogs you mentioned the story of the OLD man who is living in your town and how beautifully you treated him. This thing gave me positive energy to show more kindness to others for which i am really thankful to you Man @arthuradamson <3
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Hey I appreciate you kind words and support my good fellow. It is truly amazing how many decent folk I converse with here on Steemit. I like Steemit definitely attracts a more discerning person compared to Facebook for example.
I enjoy sharing my thoughts here for I always get such wise and meaningful responses from such good folk . It is very heart warming and encouraging @salmanbukhari54
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This is your attractive and down towards approach Arthur that attracts me to search for your blog. It always gives me some inner peace and sense of happiness. There is no doubt at all that Steemit is one of the most finest platform that attracted so many people and made them a Family. Yes we are Family Arthur. I am always a fan of your kind nature and generosity because you impressed me through these blessed traits of yours. You are such a wonderful human being that every single follower of yours love you :) :) :)
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What a wonderful compliment my dear fellow and I thank you dearly. Your words bring a smile to my face and I will sleep well tonight because of them. I agree, we are one big family here. Nice to be part of a family-
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I am really happy that i succeed to bring peace & smile on your face the beautiful Soul Arthur :)
I am so lucky to have here people like you can make this place, a place of love and brotherhood that is much needed at the moment, Massive respect for your contribution and love my friend :) :)
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: )
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I usually only get that feeling of connectedness when I am out in nature. There is something magical about the sounds, the forms of the trees, fungus, animals, the smells. The harder you look the more complex and perfect it all is.
One event that happened to me about a year ago. I looked out the window of the house and could see the northern lights. Aimee and I went out to look and quickly realized that while there were normal northern lights to the north and northeast, a huge portion of the sky maybe 50% was covered by pale greenish grey northern lights. I have never quite seem them like this and they danced around making the most unusual shapes. A few times it even appeared as if there was a giant bird in the sky, a Pheonix, even Aimee saw it. I think I got a picture too but like many things it doesn't always translate the way it appears to the eye. Who knows, maybe people that live further north see stuff like this all the time It was the only time I have seen something like that though.
The one picture you had of the woman in the water looking at lights in the sky made me think of this.
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Wow that was amazing experience you had there. I live in Norway and of course we get the northern lights too but mostly in the very north. I live in the west so we only get them on rare occaisions when it is very very cold.
I so understand you about feeling connected to the universe when you are out in the nature. In fact it has recently been scientifically proven that our bodies receive some kind of positive energy from trees and this can improve health enormously. Im with you in that one.
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I actually was able to find some of the pictures. I was wrong. It wasn't 50% of the sky it was practically the entire sky! The phoenix didn't turn out well though. I think by the time we grabbed the camera the best of it had passed or maybe it just wasn't meant to be recorded? Who knows...
That is facing straight south. You can even see the tiny house at the bottom right.
Staight up, closest thing I could find to the Phoenix.
Lights looking East
Looking North
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Oh my God, wow quite magical : )
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I join in mourning over this incident, all there is wisdom behind an event.
keep the spirit and live a life that is still much to be explored.
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Thank you, very wise words ; )
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IMO There is more to this world then our eyes let us see, but only a day I am not looking forward to will prove if there is more beyond this world. If so lets hope it's a world more focused on the beauty of things. One that allows us to spend our time creating, loving, and sharing.
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Well said my friend : )
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"A kind of evidence that, "existence" is more than merely a certain amount of heartbeats and then when it stops you disappear forever."
These are such a powerful words. We had 3 back to back deaths in our family last year. Just 20 minutes ago I found the news of death of sister of my grandfather who passed away 2 months ago right after 3 months of my grandmother passed away.
These back to back deaths of such closed family members made me think much about the reality and end of life. And it's becomes scary sometimes that we all gonna end up same way and don't know what's next!!
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I understand you so well. It often takes the loss of a close friend or relative to wake us up to the reality of our own mortality. Of course it is is a choice, but I am pretty much certain that there is more to our existence than merely this one. I have survived death on three occasions and each time I did not have fear but the sensation I was going home.
My condolences.
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I just wish it might end up with peace for everyone.
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I hope so too my good fellow
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that's what it says with a life @arthuradamson, sometimes it happens not as we want it to be, but it's all the destiny that god has set and we can not change that destiny. We can only change a life for the better, that is with hard work, effort and keep the spirit despite challenges. This nature will always adapt to us who have high spirits. Thank you for sharing and hope you will be more successful.... :)
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Thank you for your wise words @reynakarina
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Thank you so, much appreciated : )
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Thanks for that : )
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Vote and follow @zulfahri220893
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High information density. It's a lot like going into a state of flow or being in the "Zone" put on steroids. Most people also claims to have much shorter time in their "heavenly plane" than what was actually spent on Earth plane. This isn't much different from playing a video game and realizing that you missed a meal and that it's already dark.
Buddhism (Theravada) describes 6 blissful planes (+16 planes with only sight and sound and another 4 with mind only) For the 6 blissful planes, 50 years on Earth = 1 Day and with each plane the number gets doubled. Their general maximum age also starts at 500 heavenly years which also keeps doubling. Human max age is counted as 120 Earth years.
Too bad I'm too late to resteem your post. So I'll leave with a book recommendation: Transformed By the Light: The Powerful Effect of Near-Death Experiences
And a quotes collection: https://steemit.com/@vimukthi/10-philosophical-and-spiritual-life-lessons-from-jiddu-krishnamurti-my-own-commentary-and-personal-insights-regarding-them
Happy steeming!
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Very interesting about the different "planes" - thanks for the link!
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