3 Powerful Phrases That Can Change Your Life! - by @princewahaj

in life •  7 years ago 

Words are the most powerful weapon, and phrases are made of words. A good moral behavior and exchanging some good sentences can really put a positive effect on your whole day, but sadly the world lacks in exactly the same thing. It doesn't mean that good people don't exist anymore.

Some sentences and phrases cause too much pain. Even though you do not hit the person physically, the mental attack through words can last much longer than physical attack and cause more much pain than the physical attack. That's why words can either make or break the relationships too.

Credits: drthermanevans.com

We are fortunate that there are still a lot of good people in this world that are fighting with bad people for others. They are spreading love, happiness and sharing their encouraging thoughts with us. Some of those phrases are really powerful that could completely change your life. They give you the motivation to fight back and work for success. In this article, we're going to discuss those 3 powerful phrases that can change your life.

1 - “Don’t worry about the haters… They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live.” - Steve Maraboli

Whenever you'll achieve any kind of success, there would be haters on your way. I mean, if you are not receiving any criticism, it means you're not successful enough because success by nature causes jealousy and hatred among bad people and they'll surely come to you and say "Hey sucker, you are the most pathetic person I've ever met".

Though such criticism is not always false. Sometimes you commit some mistakes unknowingly and good people approach you with some advises, then you'll have to differentiate who are the haters and who are cheering for your success. You can't afford to lose such a caring people who give advises to you in order to improve your personality and show you the path to true success.

But generally speaking, you don't need to worry about the haters. Just like the quote says, they are angry and unable to accept the truth because they believe in a lie and they live in it. Don't waste your time explaining anything to them, they just not worth your time.

2 - “Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.” - David McCullough Jr.

Most people want to show off themselves. They want to show to people what they can do but they forget that there are much better people in the world than themselves. Therefore, they work hard and climb the mountain, but only to show to others that they can do that.

Actually, you don't need to prove anything to anyone except yourself. If you're climbing the mountain, that's for yourself. If you are good enough and honest with your intention, the world will admire you by itself without you telling the world that you're worth something. This is the basic principle of success but yet ignored by the majority of people. No wonder why the ratio of success in this world is much less than failure.

3 - "Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." - George S. Patton

This quote seems short but if you read carefully once again, you'll notice that it contains an important message for people. In this phrase, the bottom refers to "failure" and generally, it is saying that failure is the part of success.

Anyone who's successful went through a lot of failures for sure. When you go through failures, it simply means that you're just one step behind success. In fact, winners are not afraid of losing, but losers are. If you are fearing that you'll fail, then you just failed right away. But when you give something a try, it opens the road to success for you.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” - Paulo Coelho

Are you sure that you want to make your dream come true? then you'll have to avoid the fear of failure because it is the barrier towards success. The failures are failures only when you don't learn anything from them. So, don't be afraid. Work today, and learn from your failures, success is not far, it is near.

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This is a beautiful writ. Learnt a lot from it. Particularly this

“Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.” - David McCullough Jr.

I discovered In my short life that people do a lot of things they do because they just wanna show off themselves.

They'll show off their wealth, fame, beauty or eloquence at the slightest opportunity.

Their real intentions are not to contribute but to project themselves. This in itself isn't an attribute of success.

True words you got here @brightideas. I so much can identify with the last one....

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." - George S. Patton

I discovered a while back that many of the successes I've recorded personally never came without huge challenges.

Many times I almost gave up the fight but with the little strength left in me I strived on only to find the successful outcome was not too far away.

At other times I failed! Yes I failed woefully but I began all over again, this time with better preparation. Then I succeded.

So I came to this conclusion for life life walk.... Never allow failure to intimidate you. Though rough, it'll lead to success if you'll not be deterred.

There are many times you'll hit a low in your life journey. How you respond at that point will determine if you'll ever succeed or not.

Thank you for sharing.

My favorite is “Don’t look back as the view going forward is much better “

Unfortunately, I see many people around me that do exactly the opposite of these frases. It's exhausting to be surrounded by haters.
I really liked your post!

“Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.”

This is a real one, unfortunately most of us are guilty of this..lol. It's better to see the world than the world to see you.
Thanks for this one, nice article.

So true....love the motivation!!! It's definitely how we bounce back from failure that indicates whether we can persevere to achieve success :)

Amazing post. I just join steemit.. And I am so glad that, people like you already on steemit community.. Thanks for the post::))

El poder de la palabra siempre será poderoso en todos los sentidos. Ha funcionado en guerras, en países en dictadura y muchos la han seguido, pero a veces es peligrosa.

It's 100% authentic and i appreciate you.

“Don’t worry about the haters… They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live.” - Steve Maraboli

I have come to realized that people are being hated just because they speak truth to people. Most of us don't want to be told the truth just because the truth really hurt. But for me if u like me or not I will always put what is right to where it suppose to be. Thanks for sharing

you are right
thank you

I love this. Very Powerful!

great words but without action they will still just words .
adore the second one, every day I want to be beetern than myself yesterday I don't see anyone else not ego, of course I learn fron others but foucus on my own journey and how can I devote to make the the best out of it
have a great day @ brightideas

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” - Paulo Coelho
I love this quote


The second quote is my favorite. Indeed, "the failure is the part of success".

Have a great day! 😊

I really like 👍

Number 3 is my favorite and I absolutely love this quote. It's so true. I know that some of my biggest breakthroughs came right after I hit rock bottom. Great post.

If you really believe in what you do, no one can get you down. Even a fool can make the impossible possible if he just believes.

“Don’t worry about the haters… They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live.” - but haters can sometime help in you self assessment

Very cool, thanks for sharing, I've just joined myself and it's awesome to see great content in areas of life that mean something!

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom."

I always tell people that i'm not afraid of failing, not afraid of anything because i know i can bounce back up, almost as if i got a trampolim on the bottom, and each time i'm going to the bottom i can jump on the trampolim and go even higher than i was before, that's why i have no problems with people trying to bring me down, they can do their best, if i go down i can just bounce back and surpass them in no time.
Never be afraid of failure, failure is just part of success.
I read Paulo Coelho's book in the summer, i hadn't read any book in years, and i'm glad i made the choice to read "The Alchemist".

Glad to hear this things being shared on steemit .
You have a very interesting way of presenting things , it makes me understand the entire story . Your taughts that are presented are so connected one to each other , it makes me understand the context and points . I appreciate for how fluent you are and the passion to share with the community .