In the book I Love Putting Hypocrisy In its Place, author Dean Burnett explores the weird properties of the human brain. By calling out hypocrisy, we encourage ourselves to become more dedicated to our practices and beliefs. But doing so can also have negative consequences.
Relationships with hypocrites
Relationships with hypocrites can be tricky to navigate. Many times, hypocritical people are completely unaware of their own hypocrisy, so the best approach is to acknowledge it and confront them in a non-judgmental way. You should never walk away from the situation visibly angry, but you should also try to make your point without causing further offense.
Hypocrisy undermines trust and respect in relationships. It makes it hard for one person to feel compassion and empathy for another. In addition, it makes it difficult for others to trust the other person.
Putting up with hypocrisy
Dealing with hypocrisy can be challenging. Most hypocrites don't realize that they're being hypocritical, so recognizing the problem and confronting it is usually the best course of action. However, you have to keep in mind that confronting hypocrisy shouldn't be done in a judgmental manner. You should also remember to remain calm and avoid getting involved in an escalated situation. In some cases, you may simply have to put up with hypocrisy in its place.
While it may seem like a challenge, calling out hypocrisy is a powerful way to strengthen your beliefs and narrative. For example, if you are a Christian, calling someone out on their hypocrisy might cause the person to become even more dedicated to his or her values.
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance emerged in 1957, with roots in the work of Kurt Lewin. His field theory, which stressed the dynamic nature of the social world, served as a theoretical foundation for dissonance theory. It is also related to Festinger's theory that people are motivated by dynamic factors.
The first step in reducing the discomfort caused by cognitive dissonance is recognizing when you're saying or doing something that is contrary to your beliefs. In some cases, this discomfort is physical, and you might feel defensive or self-conscious about the situation. Instead of getting defensive, try to dig deeper into the information you are getting from the response. The goal is to recognize when the information you're getting is inaccurate, and work to change it.
Fair compromises
It's important to note that the NDP and Liberal parties are both known for embracing compromise. But this does not mean that they are hypocrites. It means that they are willing to make trade-offs to get what they want. As leaders, we must be aware of the risks of hypocrisy and take our democratic responsibilities seriously.
Hypocrisy is not always bad for society. It may benefit politicians, and it is better than being a liar or a cad. After all, it helps them garner more votes.
Jesus' warnings against hypocrisy
Hypocrisy is an ugly part of human life and one of the things Jesus warns against. If you're a hypocrite, you're setting yourself up for failure and you're also putting yourself in danger. Jesus' warnings against hypocrisy are found throughout the Bible. In fact, Jesus even listed seven judgments against hypocrisy.
The Sermon on the Mount and the Gospels emphasize the value of flourishing and wholeness. These are key concepts to understanding Jesus' teachings, including the Golden Rule. Ultimately, the Gospels teach that we must be true to ourselves. This is the essence of teleios.