RE: Unequipped To Deal With The Dopamine Deficit – Why Schools Should Teach Us About The Psychology Of Romantic Love

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Unequipped To Deal With The Dopamine Deficit – Why Schools Should Teach Us About The Psychology Of Romantic Love

in life •  6 years ago 

In the complicated interpersonal world we live in now, I think it is more important than ever that we make a concerted effort to teach everyone that "love" actually is. What it does to our bodies and minds. How it will actually make us insane when we are both "in love" and suffer from a broken heart. What we call love, is so primal, that we can barely reconcile it with what we think is our more evolved self.

We need to teach everyone, that love is not what we really feel romantically, that is some cocktail of neurotransmitters and hormones. Love is almost a physical sense, like sight or taste. I am not a psychiatrist or a biologist, I just act like one some times. But real love, is visceral not physical.

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OMG IM DECEASED! 😂 at your “I am not a psychiatrist or a biologist, I just act like one some times” I can relate;) minus the biologist:P plus the psychologist aha^^

So true what you say:) ps random question! May I ask your name? I’d love to be able to call you by your name while replying to the insightful wisdom you share with me:)

You may ask my name. My name is Chris.

Pleasure meeting you virtually Chris ^^
my guy best friend in high school is a Chris:P