When you turn your life upside down every once and a while you have to deal with not-wanted-stuff too. Like calling to different kind of bureaus and dealing with other things you have to do when you move. Not my favorite thing in the world if I have to be honest. But it took one morning, a lot of suffering, lounge music while waiting in line and enormous cups of coffee and it seems that everything is in order!
I might have forgot something, but nothing too serious I hope. It’s been a while since I was a tenant, so I really had to think what are the things I should take care as a tenant. And of course I’m a landlady at the same time and that raises some responsibilities too. Which I haven’t ever taken care of. Thank god my tenant is “part of the family” so she doesn’t mind if I mess things a bit.
Still a week before I can move in to my own little home in HEL and my hobo life ends. Past month and a half I’ve been sleeping on the floor of muy friend’s place, I don’t complain, free living is free living. But my back is killing me and I can’t wait to have some privacy.
I still don’t feel like I’m moving or anything, I wonder when does it strike my mind finally. Maybe after a few nights in my own home. Another things I can’t wait is to take half an hour away from my commute. My friend lives outside of town so takes an hour from me to get to work and another to get home. Even if I usually use the time by listening audio books, music or writing it is still 14h per week just wasted time.
But I couldn’t be happier that I finally get the place of my own! Price is high for this change but there is no regrets, at least for now.