Looking for Freedom: Today I sent the letters for contract termination to my medical clients!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

O...and just to make this clear once and for all. No, I am not a doctor :)

I'm self-employed in IT and I have doctors offices as clients.

I maintain their systems.

Working in IT for doctors offices come with certain requirements that are not always easy to uphold.

One of them is that I have to supply solutions to any problems that may occur within 24-hours.

This alone has put a lot of stress on myself that I no longer care for.

Ten days ago I wrote about my intentions to do this and today I have taken the final step.

In 3 months from now this 'Sword of Damocles' will no longer be in my life.

And I have crypto to thank for it.


I wrote the letters this morning and had them double checked by a colleague of mine.

I have never let any client go so I had no clue how they would react.

After everything was in order I must have spent at least 30 minutes hovering over the send button.

I felt nervous.

Some of them had been clients for years.

I then gave it the final click and off they went.

It wasn't long after sending them that my phone rang.

An unknown number. Must be one them.

It was.

It was my main contact at one of the bigger offices and he asked me what was going on.

I gave him my reasons.

He understood and stayed very calm and asked me if I would help the transition to another company.

(I don't know why I was so nervous, in the end, everything is just business...)

I said, 'of course'.

He then asked, 'but what are you going to do?'

I said, 'I'm going to put more time into exploring blockchain technology because that's where I think the world is heading towards'.

'The Block what?', I heard from a surprised voice on the other side of the line.

'Blockchain', I said, 'you know the same technology Bitcoin is based on'.

I think I lost him in that moment. (so many more people to teach).

He did wish me success with my new plans and I'm sure that I am going to meet up with him many times in the coming months to help with the transition.

I am happy that I finally took the step to end these contracts.

In fact, I feel relieved.

Another step closer to freedom.

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wow amazing job ..
I think you got a great experience
But were not you happy with that work?

Congratulation! It reminds me of when I left my job in July!

Congrats! I can't imagine what you're going through even though I've been in a very similar situation as yours. Enjoy!

Thank you, man! How do you feel about going through life jobless? I'm slowly making the transition. It feels liberating.

It does indeed feel very liberating. The only downside is the fear of having to ever go back to the old paradigm. :)

Congratulations @exyle!! It's always hard making big changes in your life, sounds like it was definitely time for you to move on. Thank you for sharing your experience and I'm glad it went well for you! Wishing you all the best for your future endeavours :)

Thank you!

congrats bro, proud of you, is not easy be self-employed
Thanks sir for that wonderful inspiration @exyle


hmm that is a big problem when we are confuse and don't know the reason of this.may be we take a lot of pressure in our mind.and this is very hard to make a new decision or turning of life congrats your freedom after clicking termination letter. Any how best of luck for your journey to new crypto technology.

So your client didn't even know what Bitcoin was?

Sounds to me like we're still in the early days when it comes to adoption and usage of cryptos in the real world.

Blockchain is currently the leader of financial mechanism and there is madness among people and it will grow even harder.

Thank you @exyle and Have a great day.

Hats Off @exyle for taking this bold decision, I can really understand how difficult is to break relationship with long-term clients, it takes huge amount of courage... I wish you all the success for your new innings in "Blockchain" technology.

Hello , I like it . Upvote and Follow you . .. Please if you do it , I'm so happy. Thank you .

Medical IT really is a huge industry that everyone sees coming (also coincidentally a great use-case for private blockchain data...)

Still, super hard to hold to medical data standards.

Hey newly promoted doctor @exyle lol only kiddin man, wow the Sword of Damocles I never thought of my work like that but it really rings true, anyway congrts for pressing that button its no light decision glad your in a position where its possible.

Well done! You're living the dream! Wish you all the best of luck in your life to come! You're gonna do great.

Congrats my Friend!!!!!!! You deserve this Blessing for sure :) I have been following you for a long time and I am always excited to see your posts .. I hope also to be in this position some day :) Gonna be a while before I reach this goal, but heck, the journey is fun so I will be patient .. GREAT JOB FRIEND!!!!! Love ya lots .. SUNSHINE247

That’s amazing! 👏 Don’t we need to celebrate that with some drinks this weekend?!🤔

I say YES. Amicone and home made pizza from the Egg @exyle home 💚

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congrats, it's great to hear you're taking another step towards freedom. Not having to deal with your medical clients will free a lot more time for you to focus on crypto. However, I actually wouldn't be surprised one day if your medical clients end up calling you back someday asking for help on how to develop a medical records based blockchain.

First off, congratulations!! I’m sure it can give one some anxiety to take a leap like that, but well done for diving in! This is my first time coming across you as a new Steemian, so I am now following you so I can see your journey! I am a healthcare provider by trade, and day dream of being able to dive into the crypto world in a way that could provide some freedom for myself. Thanks for giving my dream some reality!

Wouldn't that be something!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If anybody on steemit deserves to be able to pursue it full time, it's you sir! Literally whenever anything exciting/terrifying happens in crypto world, your videos are the first ones I seek out to figure out what is actually happening.

CONGRATS! I recently got rid of all my state issued licenses and closed up a business that required them. It was a hard decision to make, but it has freed up so much of my life. Also didn't realize how much I stressed about the decision until it was over.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow ! Finally you did it and they understood !! Yes, there are more people don't understand Blockchain ! Thanks for sharing my friend !!
All the best for your all plan !

Wow. It must have been pretty difficult to make the transition. Our schools and societies have programmed us in such a way that if we don't do anything mainstream, we will be deemed as weirdos. Then again, it's the weirdos, the freaks who have big dreams that actually change the world.

Steem on @exyle !

Thinking or doing; Thats a big big difference. Mark, you could only be very proud ! Congratulations for that decission.
And about the blockchain; you manage and succeed in that direction for sure as well.

Congrats. You have to close the old doors and open the new. For me it was a relief, since I hate my old job. Nothing to be nervous about, your are going to do great, well you already are.

Thanks, man!

How can your fans invest in this blockchain for medical thinggy. I don't have much to invest but I know a winner when I see one! Congrats!

sure it will more good and exellent decesion and took step best job exyle look forward to make more wonder and best

@exyle Congratulations! Well deserved! You're a big inspiration for other Steemians! Enjoy your hard earned success!

Thank you!

Congratulations @exyle!! It's always hard making big changes in your life, sounds like it was definitely time for you to move on. Thank you for sharing your experience and I'm glad it went well for you! Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors

Happy Freedom, mate. Takes a lot of strength to take such decisions. Way to go. Good luck for the future .

My target is the same for this year. I hope I can quit the job too. Fingers crossed!

Although i am a new addition to Steemit so often i read the blogs of Whales and Dolphins to learn new things and innovation. For this purpose after coming back from my School ( As i am a teacher by Profession) i spend my time exploring steemit. Since Last Friday i am sleeping for 5 hours in a day, mean all of my focus is on Steem it.

So i can relate your story with mine. When i getup Early i feel like i am the most tired person of the world.

Your post gave me confidence and made me enable to think about Freedom ;) Should i say Good Bye to Teaching ? Should i maintain it side by side?
Lolx you made also laugh when on the other side someone said BLOCK CHAIN ... WHAT :D :D :D :D

P.S: Your write up is so so impressive just like a story teller @exyle

I also wish you all the best for your FREEDOM, Stay Composed :)

Steem On!

Thank you! Thinking about and working towards freedom is a great feeling.

You're welcome and i strongly agreed. Freedom is matchless No Boss No tension at all :D :P

Screw the job and nerves. Now no one will be able to separate you with blogging and green egg!

Congratulations @exyle! Although I am a new follower of your I feel I can relate to you a lot. I left my own job to start a business however I have now encased myself in a similar situation as you were in.

Congrats again, you must feel so free! I hope to join you in that place :)

Not 100% there but took a major step.

WoW what a gigant step. You choose you and your family, youre off to a great Steem future. Confidence is great and peace at hart a vitue.
Respect !


Finally did it.
Your belief system has been proven.
You are up for something huge.
No wonder I followed you a long time ago.
Wish you the best for acquiring more freedom and give yourself the well deserve peace of mind.

Thanks for the support man!

Every journey begins with that single step.

You are well on your way!!! Congratulations.

Thank you so much!

Pray for me and @beingnaveed as well. We are trying to do the same with our employer where we have been working from the last 6 years. We have the same intentions, resign from our jobs and live freely. We both once resigned but had to join again as things didn't go in the desired direction!

Congrats!! What an amazing next step in your life! You do have so many more people to teach, I'm ecstatic that soon you'll have more free time to devote to doing what you love. Congrats again man. 👏👏

Thank you so much!

You continue to rock my world here on steemit @exyle! Makes me want to come back to the platform each day, thanks for posting!!

I'm trying to shake a few awful jobs myself, power to you for doing so!

I'm happy to hear that you are taking the steps towards a more stress free life, i hope everything works out for you. That doctor most likely thought that you were completely crazy, but he will come to know what about block chain in the coming year, i think that is unavoidable

I think at some point everyone will know about blockchain.

This is awesome, I read an article the other day that someone wrote about elders in the retirement home, they asked the question what is one thing u regret or u wish u did different and they said that easily over 80% said they wished they woulda took more risk on life changing events just like ur doin, ur going to make ur dream become a reality.. great work @exyle and good luck 💪

wow your experience is amazing... I'm hoping to eventually achieve financial freedom via steemit but not too sure how since I came on board way later in the 2017. it'll be great if you can come up with a post about what steemians can do to eventually achieve your kind of freedom. really inspiring and thanks for sharing @exyle.

Congratulations on this big step! I am sure it was the right decision.

Maybe in the future they will contact you again so you can teach them about blockchain technology haha!


Decision is key to freedom, you decided to be free and there you are, FREE at last. The choices we make on daily basis determines the result we get. But the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Congregations @exyle

Respect dat je de stap gezet hebt, is moed voor nodig. Heb vertrouwen in jezelf en in je eigen kracht, dan ligt er een wereld voor je open. In jouw geval die van de Blockchain!

Wow. That is a huge step you took and I couldn't be happier for you. It took courage, and I know how scary it must have felt, but at the end I bet it felt just right.
Congratulations @exyle on your way to FREEDOM!!!
I think you just make my day.

I was in a very similar place like yourself and I was so scared, but I never looked back or regret it, and after you make the final decision and press that button, just like you said, I felt this relief.

I love stories like this when people make these huge choices in their lives towards their freedom and happiness because majority people will not and it's all because of fear of not knowing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for your comment! It's still a bit weird tbh :)

"No, I am not a doctor :)" - Can I at least call you Dr. Vlog?

Huge congrats again for cutting those stressful contracts.

"Block what?" Yes, so many to teach. It also shows that we are all still early adopters

LOL! dr. Vlog :) Thank a lot and yes many to teach!

I admire your courage to take this step. For us Steemians, hopefully, this means even more quality text from your hand.


I am so damn jealous. Very much hoping I can go do something along those lines in a year or two.

'The Block what?', I heard from a surprised voice on the other side of the line.

Yeah, I’ve had similar conversations. In person, often accompanied by a blank stare. Distributed open-source blockchain technology is going to change everything and the vast majority of people have never even heard of it.

I hope you can reach your goal in 2 years!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hahah whats you feel when he react to speak these words,,the blockchain what? and sure the 95 percent people dont know about blockchains @exyle
and its more good that you finally did it and took this step wish you best for this
congrats and also i m not surprized to listen about your medical clients bcz i read your last post and you tell your are not doctor on a question

You are very brave, what a great feeling that must be, keep teaching 💪

Congratz friend! Hope your all plans will make you success! Blockchain helped you to took that decision, in future I hope it will help me to take the same decision as well! Congratz again!


thank you!

Stumbling upon this inspiring post of yours and reading about how you, as you put it, took "another step closer to freedom" - through the help of crypto - just made my day. Being fairly new to the Steemit community I'm not familiar with your blog, but I'll definitely look you up and give you a "follow". Best wishes with pursuing your innermost passion! Don't stop at anything.

Yea dude. At this point in life I'm seriously weighing priorities. There are more important things in life at the moment.

Haha, that's the reaction most people give me when I try to explain the blockchain technology to someone. It's a complex technology so it's not that easy for someone new to understand what it really is. Oh well, since it's getting really popular, everyone will slowly learn about it :)

Well done.. I do think it was hard to push the send button and you did it... I am a long away from the decision but I hope one day I can do the same.. Also in IT and 24 hour service once in 4 weeks.. But the moment you can make such a decision must feel great... wish me luck for me journey ;-)

Good luck man! 3 more months and I'm done with that part. Still, have the rest of my clients but that's less stressful.

You finally did it! Good for you and all the best!!

Thank you so much, Rea!

Good for you! Stress can be a killer in our occupation and sometimes the dollars just are not worth the cost to our health. I too am exploring how I can leverage the blockchain to my advantage. Things like cloud mining and storage come to mind and are at the top of my list of stuff to explore. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

Thank you and the same to you!

Oh, Mark, you did it!! Good for you. I know it costs you a lot of sweat to really send these letters. But once again, I am proud of you. I know how much your freedom means to you, and now you could 'buy' your freedom. So well done my son!

Thank you so much!

Have a celebratory dinner with Bianca. You are breaking your chains. But just think of the opportunity you will have to get all these clients coming over to the blockchain! They won't be lost for long...

Well done Bro. Follow your dreams and go for it 100%!

Thank you, Bro!

Wow, this is a big step! Good luck with that!

Thank you, man!

Well done mate! A weight off you knowing that you wiill be free in a few months of that and also as a bonus you got a new phrase you can use... The Block... Just drop that into future crypto conversations :OD

I live on the block, lol :)

I sense a mashup/cover of J-lo a coming ;O)

Congratulations @exyle!

Taking all unnecessary stress out of our lives is something we all should do. Stress is be for your body and your life, so congratulations on this big step.

It's nice that you put your well being first, so many people don't and end up getting sick or feeling very unhappy.

@exyle I am so Proud of you for taking this step in your life. Breaking FREE is what this is all about and now you are doing it. You are the Shining Example to everyone that comes to STEEMIT who seeks their own FREEDOM !!

You know,in the end, peace of mind is worth everything. Good on you that you finally took this step you’ve been talking about for a while now and been looking forward too to see in your rearview mirror.

Yeah, it will be nice to live without that 'phonecall'' constantly looming over me.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice Decision @exyle,

now you can freely do your work as a full time job on Steemit and enjoyed here.
My best wishes for you, May GOD shower his blessings on you.

Nice one @exyle! It's a refreshing feeling… and these things are never as bad as we build them up to be. Plenty more time now for 'this blockchain thing'. Onwards! :)

Congrats on your new venture.

That's a great wrting story my friend .
I appreciate your post

And this story just outstanding i like this story .
Thanks for sharing your valuable writing..
Carry on your writing story.

And you focus your creativty in steemit.
I will wait for your new story

Best of luck...✌✌✌🚨

life is not easy.every man struggle his life then he can shine.life is not a story.so we should struggle.writing skill is not build in a day it is must a huge time then we can a good writer......thanks for sharing

Writing story of life is really good activities of any one . Day by day writing habit will the blog one day. so i mine one should try to write any ones life.thanks to share and the topic is just mind blowing.

Your experience is great. I personally benefited from it. Thank you for your participation

Well its great,
Thanks for update and nice i formation here steemian @exyle.
I am never reply on your blog this is my first reply.
Stay blessed and keep it up

"He understood and stayed very calm and asked me if I would help the transition to another company."
That should be a good reminder that your client list has value, perhaps find another firm that does what you do and see what they will give you for it, or perhaps a referral fee for clients who ask, don't leave that money on the table.

thanks for sharing @exyle

Great story and very inspiring. I hope I'm in a similar position within a years time.

That's amazing. We need to let go of somethings at times just to attain a higher height. Nice courage you've got there!

You truly took a bold step.....and I wish you tremendous success in everything you do

Congrats to the first step.

Let the journey begin 😀

PS: try to make a smooth transition

wow amazing. it is detail storry sir. THANKS for sharing

Singing "If this isn't freedom, then what is?" I just can't wait to get to that stage where I will stop being a ghostwriter, working from when I wake up till when I sleep at night, all for peanuts!

Congrats brother!!!

I am also a nursing professional :(

'Blockchain', I said, 'you know the same technology Bitcoin is based on'.

I think I lost him in that moment. (so many more people to teach).

well you are absolutely correct in saying many more people to teach as people still think its just a hoax . But people like us who are connected to this new era can only understand the reality of it..
Bingo to the freedom feeling.. wish yoh luck

Brave move @exyle! It must feel weird, but good at the same time ;-)

I might be the only dissenting voice here but I don't think that this is such a good idea. Ofcourse you're making massive amounts of money on this website but you never know how long that is going to continue for. These clients were real world success and money. You could have hired someone to do what you do and continue the business. IT is a lot of money.

I am happy to read your stories.Someday I will be free like you.Waiting for that day

Wow - timely. I'm in a vaguely similar position and look to your comments as validation. Wish you luck and thanks for sharing.


hello friend I follow you for a while I was reading your post and they are very interesting thanks

YAY! You're working for us... you know what I mean!

Taking steps towards your future, congrats!

Nice post sir

great post sir

Exyle bro your an inspiration!

well done sir..you have finally made yourself closer to it..you have made the best decisions at the best time :)

I understand your nervousness, I had similar situations in my life. But I guess that you also felt relieved by letting go of that burden.

Nice story sir.Thanks for sharing your nice story.Upvote and resteem done.

guter Post

How are you planning on making money off of blockchain?

it was fantastic...
your story really awesome...
bitcoin grow up day by day...
@upvoted with resteemed

Congratulations with this huge step in your life. This must feel weird the coming days or weeks, but you're such an important person in the community I'm sure you'll be fine.

Another milestone achieved. Congratulations!

A wise man once said your decision determine your result... U have indeed taken a bold step into the future. So don't be moved, by peoples reaction.. Because u are already a decade ahead of them.

@exyle I want to acknowledge your effort in posting relevant content for me and my fellow steemians to benefit from.how I wish I have enough Steem power,I would have giving you 100%. Once again,nice post and good write-ups

Haha "blockwhat?" nice, I wish you success in growing the community and whatever other work you'll be doing with blockchain, we're lucky to have you

I can only say congratulations on this fundamental change in your life.