I'm in trouble.
My main site [internutter.org] is currently out of commission. Which means I can't do quite a few things.
I can't:
- Receive new prompts
- Access my archives
- Schedule my Blasts From the Past
- Access any reader prompts
- Or direct people to my other things.
Not for a while, anyway.
I have someone working on it, but they also have a day job and my little site is very low priority. I also have a dying compy that might take up to $3K Aus to fix, so this is all just another cherry on the fuckup sundae.
Pledge and get access to cool things if you can. Or go through my blog and upvote everything you can. Every little bit helps.
I'm taking my prompts from writing prompt blogs around the place. If you want to give me a prompt from here, just reply to any of my posts with PROMPT before the interesting bit and I'll take it from there.
Thanks for your patience.