Why They Fear Number 4 ?

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

What is Tetraphobia ?

Tetraphobia is a fear or anxiety about the number 4. Tetraphobia is a superstitious belief commonly believed in East Asia such as China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. And the number 4 as much as possible avoided its appearance because it will bring bad impact. They reasoned sounds from number 4 if pronounced resembling the sound of the word death in their language.

Wedding, Restaurants and Hotel.

In addition, 14, 24, and others are also avoided because they contain 4 in those numbers. In these countries, the 4th-story building floor is usually replaced with 3A. Likewise table numbers in restaurants, weddings or other social gatherings, a table containing number 4 is revoked and replaced with another number.

And it turns out this tetraphobia superstition has also been worldwide, as a result of the many businessmen from East Asia, especially China that spread to all areas of business in the world.


Then the relationship Number 4 and Nokia?

The first Nokia does not want to bad luck and the second largest Nokia market is East Asia and surrounding areas that in fact most of the people believe that the number 4 is the death rate. So essentially Nokia wants to succeed by following the growing customs in its consumer territory.

Uniquely all Nokia in outin for ASIA MARKET that no number 4.

Just a flashback, we see one Nokia product that is outstanding

Series 1: 1100, 1108, 1110,1112, 1200, etc.
Series 2: 2100, 2112, 2300, 2650, 2505, etc.
Series 3: 3100, 3120, 3650, 3660, 3310, 3315, etc.

Series 4:? ??????????

Series 5: 5500, 5310, 5610, 5200, etc.
Series 6: 6600, 6630, 6100, 6250, etc.
Series 7: 7110, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7260, 7270, 7280, 7360, 7710, etc.
Series 8: 8210, 8250, 8310, 8600, 8800, 8801, 8810, 8850, 8855, etc.
Series 9: 9000, 9110, 9210i, 9210, 9300, 9300i, 9500 etc.
N Series : N71, N73, N71, N76, N77, N81, N82, N73, N79, N92, N93, N93i, N95, etc
E Series : E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E65, E70,E90,etc

Source : Nokia Site

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Wow this is way interesting. I had no idea that the fear of the number four was a thing! Thanks for the nice post :)

Probably this only asian myth, thanks@ kaylinart

Interesting! FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!!

Thanks @riosparda


14 is often avoided because it sounds similar to the phrase "Certain death" in Chinese.

In my opinion that is only a myth

No, I mean literally in Chinese the words for 14 are broken up into the word for "ten" and the word for "four".

The word for ten in Chinese is very similar to a word implying certainty and the word four is only a tone away from a word implying death.

I'm not sure how you would consider that a myth.

Really, what's wrong with the number? I don't rear it and confused why some people do... But I'm scared of insects:)

It sounds like the word for death. It's like if your street was name Dath St. Most people wouldn't be bothered, but some people would consider it weird that it sounds like death. Or Murda Ave.

Chinese have a long history of superstition and one of the universal uses of superstition in all of human civilization has been to ward off death and misfortune.

In Japanese anime, you will often hear the evil villian tell the good guy to die.
"Shine" shi (as in she) ne (as in necrophilia)
"Shi" is the number 4.

In Japenese you rarely use a number by itself, you add a counter after it like "Shipon" for 4 book shaped items.

It's just a trustment. i dont know why some people avoid it, but i reviewed my self, behind this number, i dnt know too is this some of chance, im scared of snake. :)

Interesting. In Taiwan the number 4 also sounds like the word death.

I don't know why people would not like the #4 it is a good # but everyone is scared of something for there own personal reasons and I respect that :) I am afraid of dieing

All pepople afraid of die, but not by avoid this number

maybe lol but around my house it is just me haha :) but yes that is a different kind of scar .:)

lol, number 4 was my background

@jamhuery way cool :) I am now following you :)

Thanks @westerngurl followed back,

Thank you as well @jamhuery

welcome westerngurl

I like 4 : )

And me too, i love this

thanks for sharing

Welcome @rioastarr

interesting information, thanks :)

Some please explain the difference between rational and irrational fear....