On Giving And Receiving Criticism: 6 Tips For World Peace?

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Nobody really enjoys being criticised. I sure don’t!

But sometimes in the course of human events we come across things that merit a bit of criticism, and sometimes we are on the receiving end of this criticism.

I have been fortunate to go through Customer Service and Human Relations training in the past, and it has helped me in my dealings with people in every area of life. That is, when I am in the mood to behave nicely! ;)

Consider the reasons you are giving criticism.

Is it just to hurt someone you don’t like? Do you want to see a person or situation improve? Do you think something unethical is happening? Do you just want to be right?

Before opening your mouth, or cracking your knuckles for a long typed essay, think about whether this is the best use of your time. Is your opinion really so important? Keep in mind that we don't always have to voice our opinions.

“Maturing is realizing how many things don’t require your comment.” - Rachel Wolchin

Here are some things that I consider of great importance when dealing with other people, especially online. I’ve found that most people are reasonable once you’re on the same page. Once there is some kind of disconnect between people, it is much easier to be nasty and rude.

Step respectfully into a person’s space, however, and things usually become more civil.

1. Empathise

This is the biggest one.

We all make mistakes, and we all make what others perceive as mistakes, whether or not we consider them as such. Try to empathise with others, consider things from their perspectives. How would you respond if approached in this way? How best do you speak in such a way that your message is heard for what you really mean, and not misinterpreted as something else.

Consider that you could be wrong in your criticism.

The person could be wrong, but you won’t know unless you hear their argument if you are so inclined. We’re not obligated to hear every single piece of criticism thrown our way, particularly if it is done in a negative way. But, they could be right! Try not to get defensive. Respond, don’t react. Just because somebody is giving you a critique doesn’t mean that they are a ‘hater’ and should be ignored simply because they disagree. That is one way to deal with criticism, but in my opinion it is not the most beneficial. Try to see things from their perspective.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving." – Dale Carnegie

2. Respect

Insults will cause a person to shut down completely. This is, obviously, not what you want to happen if you are making a criticism out of genuine concern or for the sake of conversation.

This includes perceived insults, so try to be concise.

A person who is critiquing or criticising in a respectful way deserves respect back. I’m not one for respecting people who are disrespectful to me, but if I am being disrespected I try my hardest to maintain SELF-respect. Again, respond, don’t react.

3. Balance

As one of my favourite characters, Tevye from Fiddler On The Roof says “But on the other hand….”, consider the possible sides of the argument or criticism. Where in your criticism could you not know the full story? Work that into the criticism. Don’t make sweeping generalisations about the situation, unless you’re absolutely sure you know everything there is to know about it.

Don't assume the person is an idiot. They might be, but try not to assume it. Be specific about the problem but treat them like they have perhaps considered them before.

4. Tone

Most of our communication with other people is non-verbal. This means that over the internet especially the things we say are misinterpreted frequently. With this in mind, try to be extremely clear (without being verbose!) in your intention and meaning. Try to convey a relaxed tone of voice by using words that are calming, not inflammatory.

5. Don’t Sweat It

Try to remain calm. Don’t make any irrational decisions or pronouncements if you find yourself worked up over the criticism. Getting into a heated debate can sometimes raise blood pressure and cause some things to get stirred up! If you’re giving or receiving, try to be calm about it. If you find yourself getting heated, step away for a bit and relax.

Passionate discourse has its place, but self-control is important.

6. End On A Positive

It doesn’t all need to be negative. Praise the person for what they’re doing right (in your estimation) or something that you appreciate. By closing this way, you’ll leave on a positive note and allow them to respond from a place of gratitude instead of defensiveness.

“When virtues are pointed out first, flaws seem less insurmountable.” – Judith Martin

If all of the above things were met, perhaps consider thanking the person for their feedback whether you disagree with them or not! You are not obligated to counter their arguments unless it is in your best interest to do so. Sometimes it is better to politely acknowledge and then leave it alone. Not everything needs to be answered.

Again, we all make mistakes. Nobody is perfect, especially not me! I’ve given and received criticism in unhealthy ways before, I’ve been snappy and insulting and whatever else, but the ideal is to have reasonable discourse with other people.

Reputation goes a long way here on Steemit, and out in the world as well.

We can become better people through adversity, sometimes the negative criticism can be helpful for us in becoming better equipped to handle it and other things in life.

In brief, the main take away from this post should be:

Maintain respect often, and self-respect always
Respond - don’t react
You don’t always have to respond to criticism
End on a positive

Have any critiques for this post?

Start a dialogue in the comments, but let’s be respectful and balanced in our retorts.

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Excellent post, @jamtaylor! I feel like this one should be a sticky for proper Steemit etiquette. (and human relations in general).

I generally respond to criticism with a force choke. You have given me something new to consider. Perhaps next time I will only choke them a little bit.

Baby steps. :)

Sometimes I need to take baby steps when I step over these idiots in their half eggplant shaped helmets.

Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways!


This was a fantastic post and sums up how I've adjusted my communication, both online and in person. I've found that, especially when it comes to political conversations, approaching them from a point of mutual respect and calm can go a long, long way to facilitate constructive criticism.

This post definitely deserved more votes and reward than it got in the first 24 hours!

"Respond, don’t react." Love this. Communicate with one another, explain yourself, express how you feel, listen closely to what others are saying, and acknowledge (and try to understand) their point. Nice post!

I cant be critical about this post..good post

Great post and agree 100%:0

I think this is a realy bad post, can u write in english please? U want to fight uh? Fight? Lol jooookingggg. I enjoyed your post a lot :-)
I think one of the most inportant things is:
Choose to be happy instead of beeing right

to be able to criticize others, is an art. you can lower the person in the others and in his qwn eyes, but with the help of criticism you can also raise a person to the next level. it all depends on how you do it, and a person's ability to hear you

Respect all the way. I have to give a lot of constructive criticism in my job and I try to do it along these lines.

Very excellent and timely post @jamtaylor.

Also, since you like animals, closeups (macros) and "nuts", I was wondering if you had any criticism for my Turtle Mug Shot post. I did it a few weeks ago and was meaning to ask you what you thought, since you're kind of the go to person for photography around here with the steemit photo challenge and all.

Thanks for your time, and again, GREAT POST!

Ok. I see everybody liked your post. This was kind of expected. You put some decent ideas in it.

Good. I agree with all and even more. I have my own. But let's go deeper with your advices. Let me be the devil's advocate for a moment.

  • you know that in a usual communication only 1% is verbally. The tone, mimics, attitude, all body language is more important. Because it shows to the others your true message.
  • we all have very different perspective about anything, even small things. The difference between what we feel, what we think, what we speak are so big that we are often surprised: "what did I said ? Why is upset? "
  • online discussions vs offline discussions. In the internet we all are very " powerful". We speak with a lot of conviction and the discussions heat up quickly. Face to face is not the same. Face go face we remain human, we are emphatic.
  • a very big proportion of our discussions are monologs. We listen but not so much. We just don't care so much. Because we think we know better and we are more important and have other priorities, etc...name it...therr are a lot of "motives"
  • respond, don't react. A wonderful piece of advice. But you know about our old reptilian brain and our new homos sapiens brain, right ? The old brain taught us how to survive for hundreds of thousands years. He is the first one that kicks in. Involuntarily, of course and without too much room to correct it. Even so, I choose your piece of advice. Even if it's hard. It's not Imposible.
    Imposible is to build a Dyson Sphere. I'm joking.

I liked your post, I tend to use the same principles but it's something that takes time and more importantly: will power.

By the way, let's propose a Netiquette for Steemit. To put some ground rules and to emphasize the community's expectations.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving." – Dale Carnegie
Powerful quote! Dale wrote a great book called "How to Win Friends and Influence Others". It was written from the 1930's but it still stands the test of time (and will continue to) due to its sheer simplicity.

Very well put and received! "Respond- don't react" , I love that it puts a lot of conversations into perspective. Great post thanks.

This is useful advice. Many people jump to criticise without thinking.