RE: The Dealer

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The Dealer

in life •  8 years ago 

Hidden and wrong. You're on to something there, duderiffic! Crypto comes from the Greek word kruptos which means hidden, and since there are no formal laws governing cryptocurrency, one would naturally think that it is beyond the law or something purported to be "right." Therefore, it is the opposite of right, which is wrong.


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Oh my goodness me, you have called it and it is now thus. How could I have been duped into becoming this. This thing of darkness.

Oh hang on, I love darkness. Magic!!

Well what do you know, who would've thunk it would all work out in the end! I know I surely didn't!!

And just like that little Jed woke up.

Mom, I had an amazing dream

His mom was in the corner of the room folding something.

Did you dear, that's nice.

Little Jed pursed his lips, Momma's voice sounded all rough and edgy. In fact she didnt sound like...

Out in the street, a cat looked up at the lonely house draped in shadow. No-one had lived there a long time. For a moment it had sounded like a young boy had screamed from deep inside.

Chills, dude! CHILLS!!! You know, I have this ongoing fiction universe I'm writing, and the common thing that ties all of the disjointed threads together is a mysterious... CAT!!! I kid you not!!! HAHA!! Is that the very same cat in your tale?? Oh the things that cat has seen! Yes, it's the same cat found here.

A cat! That is awesome. I am going to look. It's such a great linker, cats are awesome!!

I remember that one, I liked it at the time and I like it still. And the cat!!

I've written drafts for, like, 10 stories that have that cat cameo in them hahaha!