Never Feel Tired Again!

in life •  7 years ago 

Never Feel Tired Again!

How do we never feel tired again? If you'd like to find out, will you please read this post or watch the video at the end because if it works half as good for you as the strategies that I share do for me, then you literally will never have to feel tired again?

Never Feel Tired Again!

If you find one thing in here that's helpful, will you please leave a like on it because you will feel good helping other people find it?

I'm promising to give you right here a way to never feel tired again and here it is.

The way to never feel tired again is to remove and get rid of the idea of being tired. It's the idea of being tired that contributes to us being tired.

That means removing it from speech, especially not saying the following, "I am tired."

I find whenever I say, "I am tired," I am literally using the power of God. I am making who I am into what, "tired."

Even if I observed a moment of fatigue in my body when I say, "I am tired," then I become tired again. It's like making it happen twice.

Never Feel Tired Again!

The key to not ever being tired again is removing the idea of it from our brains, just taking it out and throwing it out there.

Read more on my website at and watch the full video below!


Jerry Banfield

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I'm not religious but I get it. I stay up super late and paint often lol

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Haha LOL, no. Not funny. Do you realize that the vast majority of people (at least in the US) look exactly like your caricature cartoon? Stimulant junkies, whether it's adderall or caffeine, cocaine or meth are all the same. Stop joking about it and realize you and society has a very serious problem. Take my advice on this, slowly wean yourself off the stims, you are driving yourself and everybody around you insane. Chill out, this is not a joke!


Great post, and yes we are what we think. Thoughts 💭 becomes things 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

That is really true. I use the same strategy. And it really works. Whatever you say to you brain, it will listen to you and it will react in conveying signals for it to happen.

Great post, thanks for the information 👍

Posted using Partiko Android


Likes to read it. beautiful series when read.

What we think and say becomes realities. Therefore negative thoughts and words should be avoided.

Law of attraction is a booster for me ... thanks for the motivatation.

It's a lot harder to remove an idea from your head rather than to just not think it.


Done :p


an old black wise man once said:
"when you're dead, you're done!"

Nice post @jerrybanfield, I can certain vouch for the power of our externally spoken words and phrases but, probably even more subtle and commonly unnoticed, are our internal words and phrases; our internal chatter!

When the mind is stalked and observed in it's habitual chattering, then great insights and massive achievements can be made.

This is the most efficient and simple usage of our attention!

All the best,


@jerrybanfield very nice motivation done.. i really get motivated very much..

Caffeine and Amphetamines

very nice @jerrybanfield this is good idea

don't drink and drive.
810 votes? you must be tired of it.:P

bravo @jerrybanfield!!! it is right!!!

bro, put some clothes on!!

your health is your state of mind

nice to meet you Merlin! voted!

I am a religious person... This is for you my friend...

Proverbs 22:6
King James Version
6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

May God bless you and your family @jerrybanfield...



  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

jerrybanfield is on the blacklist and what is the reason behind this?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Seems I am not experienced to understand this part, I thought he is a good guy with plenty of knowledge. Can you explain how he is doing scan or fraud?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You have your way of watching at scenarios, most people have different priorities rather than searching scam about everyone. I might be lazy but not lazy enough to ask/search about someone when I hear the news ;) Thanks for help by the way.

If you are going to listen to someone in regards to how to make money, it is good to investigate.

I love to see the positive side, there might be some points where we can disagree with Jerry but there are many where we have to agree he is helping people in different ways.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Jesus who pissed in your Cheerios.. lol

I just decided to be as Jerry really claims to be in his comedy. This is how Jerry really talks, he does not write his steemit post and has stated it. So I wanted to have a little fun and draw out a few more of his small alt accounts :)

I don't think it's a good thing that you drink this heavily while being the caretaker for your child...

I think you might want to seek some help... :/

I know a drunk S.O.B. when I see one... You drink quite often, from what I've seen in your videos. There's a clear difference of you sober vs. you after having been drinking. Please, for your sake and for your family's sake... Quit drinking...