We don’t always get what we want

in life •  6 years ago 

What I've realized during that time of training individuals through what I call Expectation Hangovers is that they hit us where we are generally powerless. We tend to encounter rehash frustration in our most delicate zones. Ouch.

This isn't on the grounds that the Universe is mean and needs to rebuff us. This is on account of we are unshakable and frequently it takes getting hit where it harms the most to wake up. The vast majority don't come to me for help on the grounds that everything in their life is going extraordinary. They come on the grounds that their Expectation Hangover has pushed them to the brink of collapse and they are at last open to surrender (a key exercise we are largely here to learn).

Surrender is one of those profoundly attractive words that is an agony in the you-realize what to hone when we are not getting what we need.

We don't care for it when the universe appears to miss the update on how we figure things ought to be - in reality it's the specific thing that difficulties our confidence the most. However, the fact of the matter is the Universe doesn't miss anything. Your Higher Power knows precisely how to stand out enough to be noticed so you go in and go up as opposed to seeking any outside hotspot for joy, love or value.


I am not saying that in the event that you "shouldn't" yearn for adoration or a vocation that lights your fire. Those things are magnificent. I'm additionally not saying that you should simply lounge around in surrender and never make a move in your life. I am stating that the universe might give you a propelled course in surrender right currently to extend your very own association with whatever you call your Higher Power.


All that you want is inside you. It resembles the enormous vast joke. God puts the things we most want nearest to us since it's the last place we look! Whatever you call your Higher Power, needs you to be glad, feel cherished, and know you are commendable and meriting regardless. This is one of those spirit exercises we frequently take in the most difficult way possible yet it's so justified, despite all the trouble.

My support to you on the off chance that you sense that you continue encountering anguish and frustration, is to go in and go up. Surrender. Make this an opportunity to extend your otherworldly association and locate the most genuine wellspring of Love and Meaning there is.

Much love and numerous endowments,

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Stop spamming before I report you

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Please don't click on this my father has been hacked and they took his account and are trying to infect others.

Same exact way ??

Huh? I'm not sure what you're asking. But if you clicked on it I suggest putting all your SBD and steem in your savings and then changing your password.
Assuming you didn't give them your password you should be alright, but.. It's possible you are in risk if you even clicked on the link.

You have a lot of steem sitting in your wallet that would be tragic if you lost it. Please move it to your savings as soon as possible, it should be in there as it takes 3 days to remove it which gives you a chance to prevent someone from stealing it. Additionally you gain interest when it's in your savings as well so you make more steem.

I clicked but it went blank so I quickly changed my password after I read your message . That’s so scary

Phew! Glad to hear you changed your password! I would still suggest putting your money in your savings if you haven't yet.. That would save your money most likely, and.. Over time earn you more as well because of the interest.

But wow.. I'm so glad it seems like your account is okay. I would have cried if you lost all that steem. My father lost a bit over 200 SBD, but you have like thousands sitting there.. Please please please put it in your savings if you haven't yet. <3 And yes.. it is very scary. I hope no one else gets hurt because of this mistake.

Thank you so much for helping me

Of course. I feel obligated as I didn't do enough to warn my father and prepare him so I feel partly responsible.
Also I checked and so glad to see you put your money in your savings!
Now even if something were to happen it would take them 3 days to pull it out, and I think it only takes 24 hours to get your account back once you report it's been stolen. So you should hopefully be safe now. :)