5 Ways to Get Back On Track and Become Closer to Your Goals

in life •  7 years ago 

Are you tired of getting stuck when it comes to working on building your dreams and accomplishing your goals in life?

So was I. That’s why I decided to change my routine and began learning everything I could that would get me out of the negative cycle I was being consumed in. I created my own strategy to help me get out of the rut I was in.

Lighten the Load

The odds are you probably have way too much on your plate. Trying to take on too much at once is a disaster and you know it. You get less done, stressed to easily, and end up wondering why you are getting no closer to your goals.

Take some of the weight off your back from your chaotic life through brain dumping. It’s really simple. At the end of the day, find about 10 to 15 minutes to write down everything that is going through your mind. The good, the bad, the ugly. The idea is to get everything out and then you can let it go easier.

At the end of the exercise, write down five things that you are grateful for. Don’t just write it. Actually try and feel the gratitude that you are being thankful for. This will help by sending out positive emotions that will attract like emotions through the vibrational field.

Escape the Madness

You think too much and do too little. We live in a world full of constant noise. Our minds are being directed towards a ton of different things each moment. Escape the madness that is your mind by practicing mindfulness meditation. It’s super easy and only takes a few minutes.

*Find a comfortable quiet spot to sit down and relax.
*Feel your breath
*Observe any thoughts that come and watch them go
*Back to feeling your breath

Easy right? It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Get the Support you Need

Your connections are not just there for inspiration through your social media channels. They are real people who know the value of helping others because they probably need a little help too.

Reach out to your connections and ask for some clarity, advice, or just an ear to listen to your struggles. Build and strengthen your relationships. They are the cornerstone to everything in your life, whether you realize it or not.

Develop Healthier Habits

Often times the number one reason for being stuck is you. In know sometimes it seems easier to ignore your own health needs in order to focus on your work, but that’s just not true.

Some bad habits are harder to break than others, but when you just start with a few small changes to your routine, they can turn into big gains as you start doing them regularly. It may seem obvious to exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and make sure you’re drinking enough water, (and it is) but are you actually doing these on a daily basis?

Start small and focus on one small change at a time if you have to. Then do it every day until it becomes a habit. When you develop better habits and become healthier, the rest will follow.

Find your Truth

If you’re stuck and find yourself doing everything you can to take your attention away from what you ought to be doing, maybe that’s a sign you should be doing something different.

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P.S. This is what leads to getting stuck in the first place. Fun and pleasurable for sure, but stops you from taking action on your dreams.

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