Those school lectures certainly worked on me as a kid And a teen.
Weed is bad; Weed will make all your teeth fall out, Then you'll lose your brain cells... Then you'll die.
I became terrified of drugs and avoided them no matter what.
I would NEVER try any drugs I said!
But as I got older I started seeing new evidence that supports that weed isn't bad for you. That's when I started understanding more, That Marijuana is just a plant.
This post talks about MY own experience with weed for the first time! I didn't do any in-depth research on whether pot is healthy or harmful. I still don't know much about it, So do your research before you try it!
That's when my opinion on whether it should be legalized changed.
Especially as my views on how much involvement the government should be in our lives.
Even though I had never tried pot, I had a strong stance on it. As adults, we have a right to choose. So make it legal! Heck, Make the other drugs legal too. Because we have a right to decide. But of course, Include warning labels and what not.
It makes my blood boil that I was taught so many lies about weed in school.
I Sort Of Felt Like A Hypocrite
I had never even tried weed at all. I'm not saying I should try all the drugs to have my stance.
But it seemed silly me preaching about how it needs to be legalized when I know nothing about it.
My boyfriend and I decided to get some while we were in Colorado, Sadly it's not legal in Utah.
I Was scared
Of course, I was. We got some edibles, Some chocolates and lemon tarts. I mean they looked harmless.
But it was still freaky. We learned so much about drugs in school. Here they were in front of us.
Surprisingly, It wasn't what I expected.
When I went to Denver, I had a nasty, infected wound on my leg.
When I walked it stung. I noticed the pain was completely gone after enjoying a piece of chocolate. It completely relieved me of the pain!
My brain seemed different. I felt almost drunk, but the symptoms were less severe. I was super giggly and happy!
Then of course food sounded good! And I had a slightly dry mouth. But it encouraged me to drink water, That's a good thing right? You can never have too much water! But overall being "High" didn't feel bad. When I drink alcohol and get drunk, Which doesn't happen often. I end up feeling like crap. I regret it so much, Especially when I'm laying on the floor feeling like puking my guts out.
Weed didn't give me the crappy feeling at all!
I woke up the next morning. Feeling completely normal. No hangover, No puking, I also didn't feel like I "needed" more weed.
I felt fine! Maybe a bit dehydrated, But the same thing would happen if you ate a handful of any herb, Oregano anyone? A handful of mint?
Yeah, that sounds like it would cause dry mouth too.
Am I Going To Eat Weed Every day?
Probably not! Don't worry; I'm not going to start writing stoner posts each day LOL.
But it was great to try it! And I may occasionally have some once in a while. Although I'm still against smoking it. Unless I do more research on that. (Smoking anything sounds bad for the lungs.)
Why Isn't Alcohol Illegal?
There is a huge difference between weed and alcohol. I am surprised.
It drills in my belief that the U.S. Government doesn't give a crap about their citizens.
Cigarettes seem a lot worse than weed too. Although I'm not a smoker, I'm basing that knowledge of the people I Know who smoke.
So what gives?
Cigarettes and alcohol are legal? But they seem a lot more harmful than weed.
Sure you could argue that I do not understand the long term effects of marijuana because I only tried it over the course of a week.
But my opinion hasn't changed on one thing. It needs to be legal! Adults have the right to decide for themselves.
@lauralemons Drew me !
I agree with your stance on marijuana. People should be able to make their own decisions when it comes to the individuals use of "drugs". Marijuana has helped many people with medical issues.
Overall the war on drugs has been an absolute failure!
I hear edibles are the way to go!
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Either that or Vaporizers, since they don't actually produce smoke, they have relatively no effect on the lungs! :)
P.S. - 30% bonus on your first deposit with my link!
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good job , educate yourself first , don't stop you'll be rather amazed . Steem on
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I believe I read somewhere that Big Pharma lobbied against weed back in the day because they saw it as a threat to pharmaceuticals. They essentially used scare tactics and made it seem like a drug that made people "evil" and do terrible things. People started believing it and here we are.
I'll edit this comment if I find some sources....
Here is an article from the Washington PostIt pretty much says that weed helps a lot of people and that Big Pharma would rather have those people take pills than weed.
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its so dumb really, alcohol kills people all the time and cigs, yet here is mary jane illegal,
its all just some conspiracy to enslave the masses i think
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Lol bro I honestly don't know what to think anymore.. Too much wasted effort to even try and understand
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I think we all need to learn from are native American ancestors they know how to be good stewards of the resources the earth has to offer.
What would yall do without the walmart down the street if you can buy it make it or grow it.
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Awesome post! It really helps a lot of people through a lot of situations. Glad you had a positive experience!
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Thank you :) Hehhe
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I agree! Cigarettes and alcohol seem like they are way worse for you. It is weird that they are legal while marijuana is not in many states.
I have never tried weed, but reading your experience reminds me how many lies we have all been fed about life -- in this case, weed.
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So true! It doesn't make any sense. It kinda makes me want to look more into the history to see why.
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What substances a society deems legal and illegal can say a lot. Caffeine to keep us productive despite long hours and early mornings, alcohol to drown the sorrow from the weekdays and cigarettes because they know we hate this vicious cycle, so why don't you kill yourself slowly but surely? As "stress relief"
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@kaylinart -We do have a right to choose but I think society has in general decided that things that are addictive should be tabooed. Children are taught to avoid all such things because they do not probably have the judgement about when to stop and may get addicted. As we become adults, our judgement matures and we can exercise choice but at that point, what is good or bad gets also dictated by how much revenue gets made in taxes by the government. That is why, I think cigarettes and alcohol get supported as legal. I am glad that you tried it out. Anything, in moderation, can not be bad. I have personally never tried it. I also think that the highs that you get with your art creations may be higher than the weed highs for you, once the novelty of trying it wears out because you are a great artist. Thanks for sharing your experience. Upvoted
Update at my end is that I have posted a blog with Original GIFs of 💕𝓐 𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓛𝓲o𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 that you may find interesting. I would be honored if you visit my blogs and take a look. Your valuable comments will be eagerly awaited. Thanks
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Thank you!
I definitely think we need to be careful about kids, and I think you made a lot of good points on why it was made illegal in the first place.
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to my knowledge it was only made illegal after prohibition so people would keep their jobs fighting some type of drug in america
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I think we underestimate our young people. Tell them the pros and cons. Informed adolescents quickly grow into educated adults. And there are cons, a young persons emotional development can be halted if they numb those emotions with any substance thc, etoh or prescribed antidepressants or anxiolytic.
Family history of psychosis means you may be more susceptible to paranoid ideas. It does complicate issues for schizophrenic people. Depressed people may become less motivated and melancholic.
Equally if you give an adolescent antidepressants (and many do whether you agree or not) and you increase their suicidal risk dramatically in those first few weeks.
Along with many other Side effects too.
Information is key. Open dialogue with young people with respect for their intellect and growing independence. Why feed a 15 yr old scare tactics and propaganda.
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well said, i have depression and have friends that have depression, they take medication for it and idk, perhaps I'm not educated enough to speak on it but i think so many of the prescriptions out there are bad.
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It's a crutch. I smoked the devils lettuce from age 15-19 then 8.5 years in the military... then restarted from age 26-29... I've stopped for a month now. I'm clean... it was a crutch. It has its positives. It should fix the heroine/pain killer problems throughout the world... i may go back and smoke when i'm older but right now... i'm done with sedating myself with the crutch. Cheers. IT DOES SPARK CREATIVITY! But it may bring laziness... my two cents.
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Exactly! I like your thoughts on it! I still don't know much! But I can see how it can be used as a crutch.
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it's still better than getting drunk, taking ADHD medication, pain meds and happy pills. It can substitute for all those things for the people that need it. I just don't need it in my life right now.
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i love that man, i feel like what youre saying is just a prime example of how things should work, use it if its right for you
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Moderation is key and keeping yourself productive in someway while high is a responsibility. There are those who smoke all day (like, a lot) and do absolutely nothing. Yet I've known some people who you wouldn't guess smoked or were even high.
Of course marijuana effects people differently.. my one friend can't stay awake whatsoever no matter what strain he tries.
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Sour Diesel should put him to bed. Leafly was a app i used to use. It would break down strains to Sativas and Indicas with info on their pros and cons. Sour Diesel was rated very high for a indica. Ask him if he tried Sour Diesel. And or edibles. Edibles ten to put people to sleep too. It also helps if you live in a state with recreation and or medicinal. Makes it easier to obtain. STates that border legal/recreational states ten to get better strains too. Or city hubs like Houston or Dallas. If you're in another country... i have no idea how you would obtain.
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That's the thing.. he has tried sativa's to no avail. Something about him just makes him super tired when he smokes!
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Sativas are uppers... Indicas are for pain and sleep. Indica... Indacouch. Couch lock.
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The case for weed legalization is quite interesting. Weed is one of the most vilified drugs out there, and yet is so weak. People can get addicted to it, but overdosing seems kinda difficult (never heard of any). Also, it seems governments are more interested in prohibiting weed as a way to attack drug cartels' income, not because of our health, but even that reason seems dumb, because prohibition makes the price higher and the quality of the product lower. The impacts of the war on drugs are horrible, and all for trying to regulate what people can and cannot do their own selves. If you look at the big picture, and in relation to the alcohol and tabaco markets, this prohibition policy world wide looks more and more immoral in my opinion.
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Overdosing on weed has never been documented. I remember reading something like you'd have to eat 10s of pounds of marijuana to overdose.
People can get addicted to sugar and it can sure kill you slowly but it is far from illegal.
What is it about weed that makes it illegal? Besides disrupting major industries I'd say Terrence McKenna said it best: "Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong"
They spent all this time and money indoctrinating you and you think they wanna fuck all that up? Hell nah!
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I have chronic pain and live in a country where doctors prescribe opiates freely, and codeine can be purchased without prescription.
Codeine misuse has been identified as a growing problem, but the sales are so lucrative to the very strong pharmacutical union, so the talk of controlling it is always just talk.
Cannabis has just recently been approved to be prescribed for specific criteria, but not many doctors have approval to prescribe. The process to become approved is difficult and time is money so not many bother. Those who do have the licence are forbidden by law to advertise it.
To top it off police do road side saliva tests without a warrant and arrest people who may have used THC a month ago.
The delay in approval is all about $$.
How can the pharmaceutical companies control some things that literally grows like a weed.
Meanwhile alcohol fuelled violence and illness continues and ETOH culture is not only accepted, but those who don't drink are looked upon as UnAustralian.
Yes, unaustralian is a real term used frequently to defend a monocultural way of life.
Whoops I ranted.
For the record. I am not a huge fan of this substance. But it has it's uses.
And I have seen poppy products (opiates) do far more harm.
And yes, give the information, and decriminalise lifestyle choices and give them alternate pain and illness management.
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Whoa... roadside saliva tests? Big Pharma has so much power... it's scary.
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Not only should weed be legal, it should be mandatory - Bill Hicks✌
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Lel but let's not make other drugs legal can u imagine if opiates were legal? Bad idea.
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No need to legalize heroin and the other opiates, too many people would screw up and get themselves very much dead. Weed isn't going to kill anyone on it's own. Taking weed and then doing something risky and stupid will.
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Sarcasm? LOLz
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opiates are practically legal and easily obtainable.
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Opiates are legal in many countries. In Australia you can buy codeine without prescription, pretty easily get a prescription for stronger medication.
It was easier for the staff to give me morphine, than approve a saline infusion when I was dehydrated in hospital recently.
I had kidney pain from dehydration and they just kept pumping in the morphine.
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I think people need to stop listening to the propaganda, open their minds and do a little research, they might be surprised by what this beautiful plant can do.
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agreed. but put a age limit on it. I shouldn't have been smoking it at 15... i know that now... but i didn't care when i was younger.
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I love stories like this. Especially when there are so many people that speak against weed but have no experience with it. It always bothers me when people claim to be so anti "drug" but have no problem pumping themselves with opiates prescribed by their doctor or drink alcohol and claim that weed is more dangerous. Great post. Be careful with those edibles tho. Eating weed has a more phyco-active effect than smoking so if you eat too ready for a wild ride.
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Well it definitely has its medicinal purposes
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So nice article. Uvoted.
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I see it as a non organic forced form of meditation. It makes you very sensitive so you can pick up on things you couldn't before or get really lost in a see of stimuli. It can really push you forward if you are stuck, but it can also become a crutch. I used it as a tool, not for play and I find anything I can achieve with substance I can achieve with music, meditation and love.
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I think all of us were told that weed was bad when we were young and i'm not saying that's not a good thing to be told when you are in your youth, our brain haven't developed enough start smoking pot but i guess when you get older and you try it out for the first time makes you think, why have i been so afraid to try something that makes you feel so good and is so beneficiary for our health. i wish they made it legal everywhere in the world because you have a point asking why is drinking legal when hospitals are getting full of drunk people... i am yet to hear of people getting sick from eating or smoking to much weed.. this world is backwards i believe.
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If a nanny police state says something is bad for you, then prohibits it, then you can assume it’s likely the opposite.
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resteem !
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Wonderful thing thanks for all the information @momochsim

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The wool was definitely pulled over the eyes of so many at a young age...happy to see you had a positive experience, hopefully this will open the eyes of a few others that still maintain your previous stance
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Good for you for trying it and not just following the pied piper like most people do.
When you say
I hope you now realise you didn't learn anything in school about drugs, you were indoctrinated like most people.
There are drugs nowadays that are harmful. Extremely addictive, mind-numbing and changing peoples attitudes. However, marihuana and related products are nothing like that. They are not addictive, not lethal and generally only make people more relaxed. They can also be a great help for people with illnesses, especially joint (no pun intended) illnesses. It is proven they even combat (certain forms of) cancer.
I find it extremely curious that nowadays the US is more liberal and forward-thinking about marihuana than the Netherlands, which used to be the most liberal country.
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Yeah, weed for all us!!
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Nice topic keep it comin!
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Good for you! Weed is good. Look up the endocannabinoid system, it's a whole series of receptors in your body that nobody is certain of it's purpose, yet it interfaces with weed somehow.
Anyway, I'm glad you tried out some edibles. Be careful with those, you can overdo it pretty easily. Listen to your budtender's advice on correct dosing.
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Wow! Thats really scary that the government is trying to prevent people from studying into it more. Maybe they already know certain things? Or companies are paying to have that info hidden.
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In reality, it's magic medicine that would bankrupt big pharma. Drs. were getting arrested in the late 1930's for continuing to prescribe marijuana after it was "outlawed."
Same time hemp would put big timber and big oil out of business. Hemp also makes clothes, hempcrete, rope, the uses go on forever.
If Marijuana and Hemp were legal, they would destroy a lot of the West's economies.
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Thank you! I'll look into that!
Heheh Thanks! We were very careful! We even cut the little lemon tarts and chocolates into 10 pieces and we did it gradually so we didnt' have too much.
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I once took a 1/4 instead of an 1/8 of a round piece of chocolate, double the dose, I went for a really long walk until I got on top of the experience. Edibles can be sneaky strong.
I'm glad you took your time and enjoyed yourself.
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Very informative @wakeupsheeps .. living up to your name :p
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I can only try @cipher.
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I am actually against all drugs because I think people need to get hobbies. But that's a different story. I think drinking should be illegal before weed. To answer your question. Cigarettes are harder to make at home and profit off of. The government dosnt like that we can make our own drugs sell it and profit without paying taxes. So they make it illegal. Even though I am against drugs. I don't care that people use it responsibility.
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Upvoted and RESTEEMED :]
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awesome post
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Sounds good. I never smoke but I will like it.
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Hahha Thanks!
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Sure it should be legal, but discouraged, specially in public spaces because of the stinky smells. And also because it is a psychotropic that can addict you. And of course, if you are stoned, don't drive please.
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Just a heads up about psychotropics and marijuana:
Most Frequently Prescribed Psychotropic Drugs
Xanax (alprazolam), 48.5 million.
Zoloft (sertraline), 41.4 million.
Celexa (citalopram), 39.4 million.
Prozac (fluoxetine), 28.3 million.
Ativan (lorazepam), 27.9 million.
Desyrel (trazodone HCL), 26.2 million.
Lexapro (escitalopram), 24.9 million.
Those are psychotropics, weed is a plant and it is not addictive. Habit forming, yes. Of course, don't smoke and drive.
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Yes! Those medications you listed above seem a lot scarier. So Many people assume because a doctor prescribed it, Its safe.
Which hopefully peoples minds will change on that.
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I agree with that! Not In public because the smell is gross. And no driving. I would never drive on that!
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Yes! Those medications you listed above seem a lot scarier. So Many people assume because a doctor prescribed it, Its safe.
Which hopefully peoples minds will change on that.
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One of these days you'll find yourself in a circle, passing a joint, when that happens, I believe your appreciation for the 'smell' will go away. :-)
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As for me, I have nothing but good things to say about it. :). Well mostly good things anyway.
For the sake of disclosure, I was a regular smoker for years, but now only very occasionally (only partly because of marriage to a lawyer for the state.) I've also been drunk and have used pain-medicine non-recreationally.
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they went hard with those lectures didnt they lol!
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Yes! They showed horrible pictures of rotted out teeth and such. Saying thats what would happen if you smoked hahaa
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Drugs are cold-blooded killer substances, slow but sure and definitely it is very deadly. For that do not ever buy a friend, because it will kill your brain cells.
Brain cells as you say, it is very useful, if he is damaged then we will also die slowly
Good luck @kaylinart, best regard
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Welcome to the club!!!
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As someone who grew up in the "just say NO" Reagan era, I know where you are coming from. I've been through some stuff that has lead to some heavy pain killers at times to be prescribed. Long story short they are incredibly addictive. In order for me to get away from the daily regimen, read craving, of Narcotics, I needed something for pain relief. Pot helps, plus i'm sure it made it easier going through the withdrawls getting "clean". I use marijuana on a daily basis, responsibly, and am mostly pain med free. occasional breakthrough pain is still tough. As long as you know the difference between a therapeutic and recreational dose FOR YOU (very important), and use common sense this plant in any of its forms is mostly harmless to adults.
Most important thing to remember is the adage #AllThingsInModeration
Thanks for an enlightening post. re-steemed.
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Well we live at a time when Everyone does smoke or has tried. When I tried some years ago for the first time was simply because every single friend of mine was smoking quite regularly and were handing me to try all the time. I probably smoked a few times but it was influencing my voice or more like compromising it for a few days. Since I was a professional singing actor it wasn't really helping me much so I haven't done it for a long time. Nothing else scary about it though. Not in my experience at least.
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A lot of times, the next day I don't feel like I need any more weed, but then I have some more anyway. ;)
It definitely should be universally decriminalized and unregulated, along with other drugs and medicine, recreational and medicinal use of the plant is natural, and I like the natural stuff.
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I think the best thing to do is really educate the people about the plant. It's benefits as well as it's risks. How to use it responsibly without putting yourself or others at risk. If the government really cares that's how it would be, but here we are...
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We cannot generalize the impact of drugs or drinks , everybody has different type of body and resistance to these things.
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Try acid next. It's a real trip.
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It get's ridiculous after a while. I have never smoked weed but I definitely think it should be legalized. I've seen waaaayyyy more good that it's done for people than bad.
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Yeah, weed is demonized a lot by the media and people are too lazy to do their own research so they just eat it up, it's pretty sad.
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Weed, after prolonged usage, will change the way your brain functions. Your body will begin to rely on recieving dopamine by your marijuana usage. If abused weed can be bad for you, however there are positive purposes with weed when used properly. Every body has its own unique reaction to foreign substances consumed.
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Please check this video out so see why we should call it cannabis and not marijuana. It is also very informative in regards to making a case for its legalization.
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good for you for making your own choice to try weed. I appreciate your stance and enjoyed the story.
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Thank you for sharing! I believe the most important thing we can do for ourselves in situations such as these is to explore and learn from our own experiences, within our own comfort zone, in a healthy way.
Good job being brave!
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Thanks for sharing your opinion about your first time with it. I would thought you would have smoked it?
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First life experience using marijuana, not too bad. I've also tried it, adolescence full of curiosity.
When wearing marijuana, we will feel the things being talked about will be very funny and will laugh loudly
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I myself tried it twice in my life and the experience was too good. But there are some factors we all need to consider. Don't know much about US but here in Pakistan, the percentage of car accidents is increasing at an alarming rate and the reason behind it is the drugs. People drive while they are high and people die here. So, the governments should come with a plan/rules if in future they want all these drugs to be legal.
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More stoner posts, please:)
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it made you happy. that's a good thing.
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Makes you wonder about this war on drugs eh? You're made to think this thing is along to the devil, and then you try it and it's almost pleasant!
Of course it effects everyone a little different, but compared to some pharmaceuticals it's harmless.
On the other hand marijuana in different forms can work wonders for different illnesses from Parkinson's to menstral cramping.
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Perhaps, for a man with a completely healthy brain, marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol. The trouble is that it is not known in advance.
I know cases where people have smoked cannabis for several years, and then stopped. And I know cases when, after the first puff, people left the 10th floor window, thinking that there was a door.
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In my country aceh in indonesia also has many marijuana plant this, this plant grow so fertile, but this plant is prohibited by government because it is considered as kind of drug plant @kaylinart
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Yes!!!! It's really helpful for sleep too. Edibles give a much stronger high than smoked/vaped marijuana. Glad you had a good experience.
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Well, there was a time in US history when alcohol was illegal. Good old prohibition and the public revolted against it much in the same way they are with weed now.
Oddly, alcohol probably should have stayed illegal. And I say this as someone who drinks. I'm not a big fan of drugs on a whole though. My friends are mostly annoying when they are high or drunk.
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This post received a 4.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kaylinart! For more information, click here!
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Thabks for sharing your experience again. I grew up similar to you, good old Texas! Always taught that drugs are bad, but I think weed is different from most drugs as it does help releave pain and such! Awesome you tried it! 👏🏼
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At certain dosages arsenic is helpful in treating some conditions so would be considered a drug under that context. Tobacco at one point was widely used but now is an anathema. I think that for medical purposes and research, cannabis should be supported. For recreational use, it should be used cautiously. While the use of marijuana was outlawed historical not for medical reasons but around issues in the automotive industry it like any chemical should be properly studied.

For instance the CDC does track causes of deaths including Marijuana overdoses
In terms of statistics this indicates that marijuana is fairly safe - much safer than caffeine ... however it is non-zero. What is more disturbing is that the number of poisonings is increasing. As methods are used to get increasing higher dosages of THC then poisonings will increase.
The second thing to research is the effect that cannabis has on the developing mind and body. Here is one research paper on the effects it has on the adolescent brain.
There was also studies in the past showing that THC affects and can cause mutations in mitochondrial DNA. This is important for women because a mutation in mDNA is passed to a woman's offspring. Men do not pass their mDNA. To counter this Cannabis oil can be used to treat mitochondrial disease:
In other words adults probably can use it recreationally safely (as long as they don't overdo it). Teenagers might be able to use it recreationally but the long term affects haven't been researched properly.
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You get a full upvote for you prefer to fight your complexes and shape an opinion of your own for what would be a taboo since you grow with the drug tag.
You should have try them at steemfest last year. those space cakes!
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I've always taken the institutional teachings with a grain of salt and pinch of herb. I call it mindscaping...sadly...or perhaps not as I really don't know you, but look what happened with you. You're not alone. It really can be a hilarious experience when you first partake. If you're lucky things will mellow out to just the euphoric presence that you take it for.
Of course there is other reasons for it's use but I think the main thing is that, for so many, it frees the mind and boosts appetite. Myself I rarely have the munchies...the thought of stuff in my mouth is just kinda yucky.
Do be careful of the so called wheelchair pot. This stuff is so potent, and prevalent, today that you really shouldn't be needing to go anywhere for a couple/few hours after partaking.
Now it's time for you to listen to Ozzy's Sweetleaf
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Marijuana is such an amazing plant that has been given a foul image (weed) by greedy centralized corporations. I was in a similar position to you in high school. I remember the D.A.R.E. programs and all of the misinformation. It wasn’t until I was 21 and in college that I started to enjoy marijuana. Now I enjoy it maybe a bit too much. But it is definitely good to try for yourself and much better than many of the pills doctors prescribe.
Magic mushrooms and LSD are good next steps, preferably with someone with experience. They will open your mind to new ways of thinking. As long as you are in a safe environment with people you trust there isn’t much risk involved. Stay away from heroin.
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Amazing post!
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I read the article. Maybe, just maybe, with marijuana becoming legal in 2018, there will be fewer trying harsher drugs, Pipe dream - maybe❤️
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Its illegal here in the UK to, would love to see if it would help my pain. Maybe one day
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I am intrigued by how marijuana is becoming more socially acceptable.
I have three reason why I choose not to try it:
As with all things, create safeguards and systems that prevent overuse or use that destroys. Be safe!
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I know this is a little naggy, but the reason why the spanish word for cannabis is used more commonly than its english name has racist origins which began in the early 1900's. I would really appreciate if people could call it what it's name is in english - Cannabis. Marijuana not only has racist underpinnings, its not an english word, we have a name for it and we are speaking english, so we should use that word. It is an essential medicine that has been used for thousands of years and it's name should not be part of deliberate racism. I appreciate the article and you sharing your experience, but please, please, call it cannabis.
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Great post! It is time for a dab now. :)
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