RE: Am I doomed to fail as a parent?

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Am I doomed to fail as a parent?

in life •  7 years ago 

When it comes right down to it, it's hard to really "fail" as a father, short of waking out of your child's life.

I recall a sociology class I took in college and my professor read an article to the class discussing how The Simpson's measure up as a family. I was absolutely disgusted to hear that the only thing that made Homer a good father was "at least he's there." Presence is apparently the minimum standard for being a good father, so in the eyes of some idiot writer, you're a good father for fulfilling the basic minimum of being present.

It sounds like you're like me and hold fatherhood to a higher standard than merely presence. Bear in mind that providing, presiding, loving, and teaching are really the core components of being a father. As the very least, that's my standard. I feel as though these things come naturally to an involved father such as yourself, so it would be hard for you to actually "fail" as a father. Whether you judge yourself by the "presence standard" or what I've written above, it seems like you're a successful father, not a failure.

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