Can Meditation Help me Heal my Physical Illness?

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Well, I know it won't hurt and I strongly feel it may help.

It is certainly not scientifically backed but I feel personally a lot of my bladder issues may be exacerbated by the anger and stress I am holding onto due to my repeated childhood (and adult) sexual abuse. So, I plan to start trying to get rid of all that pent up anger and bitterness through meditation. I wanted to share the process with you guys. I started today and here is what I will be doing every day.

I will still be seeing my urologist and getting medical help and diagnosis but I feel adding this into my healing process may really progress things. At worst, it will help me relieve stress and be more mindful but I really think it will do more than that. I am even trying some things that I am skeptical about because why not? Like, binaural beats.

Daily Yoga designed for Interstitial Cystitis and PFD.

I can no longer do all the yoga I used to do but I can pay to get lots of yoga videos that are specifically designed for people with my issues and not only will they not hurt but they help to relax my tight pelvic muscles and will potentially offer relief.

Once I can afford to do so I am going to purchase this yoga course that is specifically designed for people with pelvic floor issues.

I WISH I could afford this course:

But it is $695. I can't swing it even with the 4 monthly payments. It looks like it would be super helpful for people in my position and was specifically design for people with IC, PFD, and other painful bladder diseases by a woman who suffered herself for years. However, I think the yoga which is only $47 is a good start.

Starting my morning with guided meditations on healing physical pain and healing sexual trauma.

This is the visualization/meditation I started my day with:

I will also be doing meditation that focuses on forgiveness, healing the inner child, and healing sexual trauma. I will be doing the one on physical pain relief in the morning.

Binaural beats because why not?

I am the biggest skeptic you will meet but when I see a video for IC relief and a ton of comments saying how it has helped I have to give it a shot. I have been disabled to the point of being unable to leave my home for 2 years now so I have nothing to lose. Today I listened to binaural beats for bladder pain and for interstitial cystitis.

Night-time meditation for healing trauma and letting go of anger.

Before bed I will be doing meditations that are guided and centered around healing sexual trauma issues, resolving inner child damage, and letting go of anger. I think this will help me mentally even if it doesn't have an affect on my bladder physically. I know that anger and stress can manifest physically and I know I am harboring anger and resentment due to years and years of abuse. It is time to let go, for myself.

Healing Affirmations.

Last night before bed I repeatedly told myself that my bladder was healed and let my body know it could stand down from "defense" mode. This is because I feel like the repeated trauma could have lead to so many pelvic floor and bladder issues. So, just in case, I am letting myself believe I am healed and telling my body to stand down it's defenses while reassuring it that everything is fine now and that I will help heal and protect it.

I will share my experiences with you on my blog.

There is more to my healing including doctors and diagnosis but I will be investing a lot of energy into remaining positive and not telling myself I am incurable. I will be trying to help my mind and body heal by getting myself mentally together.

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Just as negative affirmation (emotional stress) damages you physically, so can positive affirmation (meditation, sharing, love) heal you physically.

Yes, this is what I am now realizing. I need to release all the negativity and start really practicing self love. It is easy to hate my body because I am so ill but it will only make things worse or never improve. I need to embrace that this time is needed for me to be fully present and healing and helping my body. :) A big part of that is getting rid of my anger toward my past abuse and learning to love myself even when damaged. ^_^ Thanks.

That's a beautiful message. Use the power of positive affirmation and see the physical change happen. I can really recommend a practical book about this: Power Up Your Brain. Well worth your time and will change your life.

This post received a 3.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information, click here!

Hi @lauralemons, I am Hindu by my religion and in our religion YOGA & MEDITATION are the Key Points. On the Base of My experience I can Say that, DO YOGA & 20-30 Minutes MEDITATION for around 3 Months and See the Changes in Your Physical Abilities, Mental Health & Activeness in Yourself... You will be More than Amused !!!

Thanks - @cWorldV99

I believe wholeheartedly that it can. you can do it :)

The best way to practice mindfulness is to train yourself to be aware throughout the day. Watch when you feel anger, sadness, etc. just observe :)

Yes, I plan to make mindfulness a big part of my life and daily meditation kind of automatically brings me to that place. :) Good point.

I tried Binaural beats for sleep deprivation and it sort of helped. I hope you can get those courses sooner with the help of steemit!

I don't know about that $695 one. :O But the $47 one I plan to get as soon as I have a few months rent squared away. I am disabled (for now!) and so I want a little safety net. If I ended up with $700 to spare I would honestly get that other course though as it really does look helpful. But for now I am happy to have found the $47 yoga course for people with IC and PFD. :)

I am curious about binaural beats. Not really sold but with so many positive comments I figured it'd be silly not to try it. If nothing else the sounds are relaxing and calming. hehe

Yoga is definitely an awesome avenue for healing on every level.
I can't wait to follow your journey!

I used to do yoga constantly but it can actually be really bad for me now which is why I looked up a course specifically to help with PFD. A lot of yoga can make those issues worse but luckily some dedicate yoga instructors have put together practices for people with these issues. I am very excited to be able to do yoga again. :)


Very good decision. Everything in this world is energy and different vibrations. I cured my depression with meditation and changing my diet to a vegan diet. I do meditation every day and I use different frequencies for the 7 different chakras. I got the tip from a friend that had a stomach illnes and he cured it completely with just using the 528hz frequency for the solar plexus chakra. Another thing I do is to have a low volume with different Hz of the chakras during the night. When you do that your body will vibrate in the same frequency and it will heal you. When you don't hear the sound you know your body is vibrating in the right Hz. I also want to give you another tip to start fasting. When the body doesn't have any food to process it will use the energy to heal your body. A good example is when you are sick or have the flu, you don't have hunger. Your body is telling you that you need to stop eating so the body can focus on the illness. This is why many cultures have fasting as a common thing. The body has the ability to heal any disease. Look at Jeff Berwick and his personal Youtube channel and here on steemit. He has a lot of useful information about this and how he healed himself.
Good luck my friend :)

Even putting aside spirituality, psychology plays a huge role in physical health. Our mental health and state of mind can affect our bodies in ways we don't fully understand yet. If nothing else, meditation can at least make us aware of physical issues that are affecting us that we hadn't yet identified, and lead us to the traditional ways of managing them.

meditation if not an obsession. yes.

P.S. upVoted and reSteemed... deserved. good luck

@lauralemons check out Paida Lajin on youtube and make sure you're not exposing yourself to irritants, such as foods that cause inflammation etc. Good luck!

I am aware of the irritants. It's a big issue with IC. I also ingest a lot of anti-inflammatories. Thanks. :) I will check him out. -

Meditation is good, but can never replace forgiveness....of those who abused you, but also yourself for how you dealt with that up til today! You are made of the best and deserve the best. Time to love yourself unconditionally!

Exactly which is why I said forgiveness and letting go of anger is a top goal. I am using meditation to help with that too. Guided meditation can be really helpful in helping to let go of the anger. :) There are a lot of things I need to do to heal. ^_^

Thoughts can heal! Human beings are amazing!

I am putting aside my skepticism to fully embrace the idea that I can help heal my body and I will journal along the way! :) Anger + Stress can kill so letting go of those surely can help heal?

technically, like there's actually science behind it

What about juicing? I juice garlic, tumeric root and ginger root almost every day. It's terrible for taste but it works!
Diet works too! Doing the Wahls protocol. No sugar or starches, just veggies and meat.

meditation and yoga is best things to keep mind n body freely .. thanks for sharing this type of article

Yoga will help you as long as your mind also does it positively. Fill yourself with mental health and you will see how you will have physical health as well. Good post.

I always struggle between accepting my condition and trying to heal it. Maybe there is a middle ground? I hope these practices helps you and that you live the life of your dreams.

The greatest battle one faces is the mind and meditation helps relax the mind and therefore I believe it is helpful. Just a walk helps you feel better because you clear your mind but meditation helps you control it as well.

Just reflecting on the positives in your life and having an attitude of gratitude can change your outlook on life. I thing we stress out so quickly on any issue or item, no matter how petty or minor the issue may be. Just flow and not push back so much. Take a deep breath and go inside and reflect on what's really important in life.

Well my issue is more being in such constant pain that I can't even leave my home. So, I have really big issues. I don't even have time to think of the little ones. I need to do some major work and healing on myself. :)

I believe that yoga will help you lots but you should also combine It with breathing. Breathing properly and control breath is a hard exercice and help control your mind and calm yourself down . Give It a go !!

I think the meditation and prayer are kinda one in the same. The only thing is people meditate longer than most pray. It's really hard to quite the mind.... Enjoying your blog. Keep the good content coming!!!

Anything that relaxes mind and body helps.
My own therapy is music but meditation (as in taking control of your own breathing and becoming aware of your body and yourself) helps as well.

Breathing technics is heart of Yoga. It is called as Pranayam in yoga terms. AnulomVilom, KapalBharti are some well known types which has immense power to cure and prevent well known illnesses.

Meditation widen your thinking and make you health at all time. Having best answer to problem is as a result of meditation... nice one @lauralemons

I wouldn't say it's not scientifically based, as I've at least heard, that there are studies being conducted to innerstand exactly how those practices can improve our health :) keep on being honest

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment