Two Days Till The Spring Equinox

in life •  7 years ago 


And we've got snow again. A FB friend was complaining about 39C temperatures in Sydney as their autumnal equinox approaches. Weather Weirding continues.

The footprints are mine, I took this just after I'd been out to put down the last of a bag of bird seed. Ten minutes later there was a terrible racket. Four crows and two magpies were fighting over the little patch of seed. When I appeared at the window, they all scarpered. I chucked some chopped up apple out as well because the seed did feel a little mean.

I went into town to get some human food and some more bird food. I ended up spending about the same amount on each and the bird food definitely won on volume. I was tempted to get the bus home, but duty called me to distribute some of the seed and suet pellets I'd bought down by the river to the ducks, swans and pigeons.

The ducks and swans didn't want to come out of the water, I guess because like us, once you're in you don't feel the cold as much and coming out can feel as bad as going in in the first place. (sorry that's quite a complicated colloquial sentence for people for whom English is not their first language, sorry guys). Anyway, the pigeons got most of it, although I managed to spread some around the river bank.

While I was with the ducks the pigeons startled a couple of times. I looked over the other side of the river and saw a clever little teenage boy with a catapult firing pebbles at them. Dear friends, I did not do unto him as I would wish to be done by. I shouted "Yeah, I see you, you little..." and the rest is not for public consumption. He tried to tell me that he was just throwing snowballs, but by now I was in full Anglo-Saxon rant mode and he and his friend slinked off. So my good turn for the birds was let down by my poor show with humanity. Never mind, I'm glad I was there to stop a little cruelty.

It's supposed to get warmer tomorrow, but it's just started snowing again as it got dark, so it's time to turn the heating up and roast some vegetables.

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Really wonderful post....

It's really amazing to see that you try to connect with nature's creatures and in my opinion the whole post sounds the love you have towards the nature's creatures and that's why you stopped the activity which was attempting by the kids, and yes we need to take care of them because in my opinion we all are living in one hood. And i really like the snow because i never experienced the snow in my life and it's also reflect as cherry on the cake effect on nature. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Very nice posts

Why are people mean to animals? I'd like to see the pigeons fight back (Hitchcock?). I've been feeding the birds in our garden. Ought to put out more variety of food for the various species

Yes, I don't like this Unawareness and exertion of superiority towards nature and other life beings either. But animals strike back! In Scandinavia, Sea gulls snatch out food from people in seaside promenades. Or they cover cars. All as a response of the aversion they have against Humans' unconscious lifestyles!

About that sentence, yeah it was kinda twisted sentence.
And enjoy the last few days of winter..

full Anglo-Saxon rant mode

hehehehehe this should have been one of your dtubes ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good to listen about snow in your Town. As we didn't enjoy Snow fall this year.
Even Winter was not like Winter.
Good Sir. You were helping the Birds as we hope. And Keep enjoying the weather.
Stay Blessed Dear.

I swear, passing-by the serpentine today felt like living in Lake district, twas that windy too.20180319_132923.jpg