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Get to making that circle and throwing it over your shoulder then!

Aha, A summoning. Am I so transparent then? Perhaps I was summoned? Am I in my very own salt circle?

Is it flat?

It could be... Y'know, I... Hmm... I really can't... It could be. We never would be able to tell, wouldn't we? Like characters in a video game, we all think we're real. One thing's for sure though: the salt circle is flat, like the physical world we live in.

I mean I get that, to think the salt circle was anything other than flat would be preposterous. I definitely think I am real, does that mean I am not. Are you?

Why would you... Why would you even ask me that, dude? Of course I'm a figment of your alcohol-addled imagination! Snap out of it, dude! You've had too much of the juice!!

Why are you so mean to me then if you are a figment of my imagination!! Do I hate myself!?!


The question, Boomsie, is why are you being mean to yourself. I am but a projection of your own self-loathing. For shame!

It is diverging I often all myself. Why oh why oh why?
