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Its taking far to long to bring nutrition into the mix, lack of kick backs keep doctors stupid, or worse, greed over the suffering of fellow man with intentional planning.

That does happen sometimes yet. But my experience is that most doctors have good intentions :)

One addiction could be replaced by another? :-)

It's great that you haven't claimed to have cured yourself through nutrition but rather have healed or staved off the progression. I am a huge believer in better nutrition and think that it has been neglected way to much in areas of healing. Good stuff man, I am glad it is all working out for you!!

There is no known cure, although the stemcell research is very promising

I'm so sorry for your struggles! I'm glad you are doing what you can to make it easier to handle!

It is a pity modern medical study does not consider nutrition and diet important enough and is not part of the syllabus. But most ancient cultures put more emphasis on it. We shall have to be more open about remedy and cures instead of it being the exclusive domain of large corporations, who are always motivated by profits.

inspiring story man :)

Cheers man, thanks for your help by the way :)

I also believe many diseases can be cured or even prevented through nutrition. Society, companies dont want us to know how bad fats, sugars and excessive carbs do to our body. Anything you buy will either have too much sodiumbor too much sugar ( hidden with weird names such as corn syrup, sucralose and others).
Glad you are feeling better and keep on doing what works for you!