That Day (An Original Poem)

in life •  7 years ago 


I was content
in my typical life,
Changes are hard
for me to survive.

The mornings,
the evenings i lived by,
Submissively but happily
I surrendered my life.

That day was usual
without a tinge,
I was clueless stage was
set with wood and strings.

The stage was enormous
and limelight upon me,
Spectators clapping,
made me shiver and fluky.

The music started
the choir began,
I tried to catch rhythm
as fast as I can.

I paced with music,
with elegance and poise,
But my performance
deteriorated with applauses and noise.

I tried hard to hold
my emotions back,
Alas!poor heart dominated
and took me aback.

So I stood up and
collected all my pieces,
And asked my soul to
quickly heal it.

Piece by piece the
jigsaw puzzle was solved,
And I stood again
on the stage with roar.

The lesson I learnt
from falling apart,
Is don't let fear
hover over your heart

Last Seven Days Poems :

Image Source : Pixabay



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I love the word fluky.

@mindfreak, you address very relevant topics, stage fright and concentration without which we are not human and you overcome it elegantly - bravo

Thank you so much @jeff-kubitz.
It means a lot