A Simple Saturday: Meanwhile

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again and today
I promise not to bore you to death.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Meanwhile.jpeg


the hell.

That image took nearly ten minutes to finish uploading.

My initial plan for this post was simple:

  • Spend the morning and part of the afternoon working on art.
  • Post the art so people can see because art is nothing without eyes.
  • Keep the post simple, no need for words, not all posts with one image are crap if the artist spent hours working on the image.
  • Spend time writing and responding in the comment section.

I should have been done publishing this post thirty minutes ago.

Now I'm nowhere near complete.

What in the actual fuck is my internet service provider's problem?

They treat me like the shit on their lawn.

One day, not long ago, I was interested in watching a video online.  Before I was allowed to watch the video I wanted to see, I was forced to watch an advertisement.

Okay, fine, I can deal with this, I thought.  Normally I can skip after five seconds but not this time, okay, calm down, it's only thirty seconds long.  I can do this.

It was an ad produced by my current internet service provider.  They were bragging up their new plan; how fast it is and this, that, the other thing, yadda yadda yadda.  Laser beams were flying around at light speed and these people were so damn proud of themselves and then...

The ad paused.

Do you know what that means?

The connection I'm already using to view an advertisement for something I already have wasn't even good enough to load their own bullshit.

Laser beams; my ass.

Then I'm reminded of this other time,

about three years ago.

I hear on the car radio, "Goodyear all season radials. Powerful enough for anything a Canadian winter has to offer..."

As I'm sliding through a goddamn intersection on those exact tires during a red light.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"I still love Saturdays though."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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Those are some serious coincidences O_O I wonder if the image is describing how you felt on each of those occasions? XD

It's so strange how the art can take on so many new meanings when I don't sit here and dictate what's happening. I have something in mind for a future project but for now I'm doing my best to create the illustrations without ruining the story that's coming later by giving it all away. I can see what you see though, and low and behold, we have yet another coincidence.


I think I get the trying to create illustrations without ruining the story thing to some degree. My sister recently reblogged this image on her tumblr:

and it sums up exactly how I feel about my current project, which is one reason why I haven't shared a couple of characters yet even though I really want to XD

Two years ago I was attempting to create a series here. I'd do the writing and create the images for each episode, one episode at a time. It was far too demanding and I had to stick with a really fast and sloppy art style that was not doing anything to make me look like I know what I'm doing. So this time, I'll build this project slowly and hopefully this place will start booming again so by the time I start writing, I'll have the readership required to make it a success.

Hey, Great art! Love that one! How ya been brother? I pm’ed ya but you probably don’t go there often. I’m also not satisfied with my internet provider. They’ve been dangling the fibre optic network like a carrot in front of me for some time.

Holy shit dude. It's good to see you here. If you're talking about my personal Facebook, I haven't been there in awhile. Still grinding away here trying to make something of this place.

It's Sunday in India and i just woke up good morning to you all and i really like artistic things...

Posted using Partiko Android

It's still Saturday here. What's it like living in the future?

Heheehhe probably then i am living in the future as it is Sunday hear and Saturday there jokes apart....😅

Posted using Partiko Android

Its sunday here. Happy sunday @nonameslefttouse

I haven't seen you in awhile @zyzymena, I hope all is well with you. Happy Sunday indeed.

Yeah its been a while @nonameslefttouse. I had account issues but im back now. Wow, i didnt know you would remember me

I pay attention. I've met many people here and most of them I remember. I don't know how, but I do.

""I still love Saturdays though."

Aren't Saturdays named after Saturn? What are you, some kind of perv?

One hour of David Icke should be enough for me to able to decide if I'm a perv or not. I'll take notes and from there I should be able to formulate a proper response from what I've learned today, hopefully. I'm sure this man has all of the answers.

You should move to Leadville. Here our internet works great most of the time, but then it will randomly just quit for a day. Usually when that happens the cell towers will go down too, leaving the whole town in the dark. If there is a blizzard in the forecast or an important event that has huge impact on the local economy, you can pretty much count on both the internet and phones to fail in this fashion. Speaking of snow, I highly recommend Cooper tires.

I had satellite internet for awhile (I live far far away from the world) and that meant no internet any time there was thick cloud. I'm north so the signal must travel through many layers of clouds because the dish has to point to the south. I'm sure if I lived on the equator, the dish would point almost straight up and I'd have far few problems. I got a new service that uses towers. It worked extremely fast until the point the guy who installed it pulled out of the driveway. I don't lose signal now but I think there's more traffic on these towers and I get the shitty end of the stick. Bastards...

Everything works great till the guy pulls out of the driveway

^ tagline for a new ad series for a new internet service you should definitely consider buying

Bag it and tag it, man! That's a winner.

Sounds like Orwell. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

Everything is something else more important. Cool.

Laser beams; my ass.


Nope, not my ass. But lazers, lazers!

That reminds me of the time I ate a glow stick.

Reminds me of 8 hours after you ate a glow stick

That's what I'm saying but didn't want to turn my comment into a glowing shit comment.

Right. In that case can you neon my turd por favor señor!

Sometimes, when I'm drunk. I should not Internet.

Have you been drinking, sir? I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle. See this line? Snort it.

Will those Goodyears work in Southern California? It actually rained here! Lightning, thunder, the works. The end of all life as we know it. The good news is the internet is still working. I'm sure they will want to slow it down and raise the rates. You know all that lightning and rain makes it cost more right?

On a serious note the flow of color is really cool and hot there in your work. Thank you for a one shot - not shit! - post

I heard people in Southern California once saw stars and thought it was an invasion from space. Are those rumors true?

Congratulations on experiencing rain. It's snowing here. As for those tires, stay away from them. I've hydroplaned far too many times on Badyears.

Thanks for taking a moment to appreciate my work there. I like how it turned out and eventually it'll tie in with some writing I have planned. I've produced quite a few with a similar theme, and it's all for a reason.

We are all alien replacements now.

Look forward to seeing the completed work :)

Love your way with words. I'm curious what the blue person whispered to the red person to evoke that look.

Thanks. To shed some light on that curiosity you're experiencing there: A secret.

Perhaps the damn internet got possessed. Hell never believe that marketing bullshit. LOL

I think I'll start charging them late fees.

It is called irony, I think. Yeah, life is full of that stuff!

Is that an intimate moment I'm seeing in your painting?

Irony is so ironic, don't you think?

It's a moment of something that could be anything if you put your mind to it.

Ironically, it is! 😝

Well, at a first glance I saw the French flag. When I opened your post and looked closer, I saw a lot more than that...

Maybe the French will hire me to design their next flag.

That shadow of the man's face over the child is a cool detail. It's interesting how the white smears on the child's face look like fingers, but they look more like something that is draining the color from the woman, and then fade into smoke.

A scene full of turmoil, or maybe I'm just dreary tonight.

Turmoil, yes. There's not much happiness going on in that family.

Sometimes, all we can do is say "oh the irony" ;-)

Oh the irony.

Impossible! We are the best internet p

You — work for them


  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Eh, no. I just sometimes step on the cables the packets go through.

The internet is becoming more and more like TV, where you only see what the programmers want you to see,not what you want to see... To continue reading this comment, first view this ad from our sponsor



...it's so freaking annoying! Next thing you know, there'll be a McSteemit sandwich~! lol

For some fucked up reason, I feel really hungry right now.

lol Sorry!

I lived close to a Mcdonalds in Edmonton awhile back. I'd open the window and crave burgers. Ended up getting addicted to their coffee, which is pretty damn good actually.

Ya I grew up one block from a McD's, my parents still live there. It was convenient and cheap, not gonna lie I have a fondness for their McDouble cheeseburgers lol And when I lived in Costa Rica, McDonalds delivered lol

If there's one thing I've never had, it's a delivered milkshake. Better put it on the bucket list.

Fantastic work.
"Spend the morning and part of the afternoon working on art."
That is a good routine. !
