Catch Up to the Ketchup and the Infinitely Sad Monkey: Best Post Title Ever and Did You Know I Write Important Things As Well?

in life •  6 years ago 

So far my time away isn't going well at all because I'm still here, instead of away.

I'm happy to see so many of you doing well.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Catch Up to the Ketchup.jpeg
Catch Up to the Ketchup

That's ketchup.

Ketchup travelling through space and time.

It's about to hit the floor.  There's nothing you can do prevent this.  It's too late for that now.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Infinitely Sad Monkey.jpeg
Infinitely Sad Monkey

That's a sad monkey.

He's been like that forever, and really likes ketchup.

I think I screwed up.  It looks more like an ape.  Oh well.  I named it Infinitely Sad Monkey.  I can't change the name.  It's too late for that now.

Enjoying my post so far?

That's all I have.

I suppose I could sit here and ramble though.  Ramble like the good old days.

Remember the rambling fun that I used to have here?  I do.

Raw thoughts, written down, much like free writing, but always appearing to be the finished product.  Memories.

I think my head was in a better place then.  These days, damn, it's really hard for me to show my better side. I'm not feeling well, at all.

So much is bothering me, those thoughts cloud up my mind, I'm annoyed by that, and the last thing I want to do is talk about it.

It's not a sadness.  That might be a lie.  I don't know what it is.  Confusion, perhaps?

I'm confused!

That's what it is!

I feel less of what I felt, now that I know what it is!  I'm cured!

Now I'm laughing at my own stupidity.  Big smile.

Attention:  For those of you about to leave because you think you're reading the words of an idiot, I'd like you to know, those words up there, that was a spontaneous joke of sorts.  I didn't know it would happen.  I was simply rambling and then this light bulb went off in my head.  For some reason the light bulb was humorous, so I shared my little moment here, with you, because I can.  I will not be going back to fix this post and write something better, like an essay about snow, because it's too late for that now.  Thank you.

I often wonder:

Does this corny humor and nonchalant approach of mine mean when I feel like being serious, I won't be taken seriously?

It's easy to jump to conclusions about people when all we know about them is based upon is what we read, here, in a blog post.

I'm not in front of a camera.  I didn't go to the big Steemfest party.  Some of you have spoken to me privately, but not many.


Does this avatar make you nervous?

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg

Does anything I do make sense?

To anyone?

I look evil, sometimes I produce grotesque images, I joke about some of the most messed up things my mind can manufacture.

You all must think I'm fucking crazy!

Like, OMG!  Why didn't I think of this sooner!

And the language!  What the fuck is up with the fucking language!

I better bleep those out, at least.

That's me, wearing a suit and tie, for you, today.

I'm going be 'clean shaven'.

From here on out.

I'm changing formats.  I've had enough of this chaos.

Starting tomorrow...

I'm going to be a political pundit.

Screenshot (523).png

"Or can at least appear to be knowledgeable."
(Even I can't write a joke that funny.)

No thanks.

It's too late for that now.

I think it's best I continue to at least appear to be, whatever it is, I'm doing right now.  It can't be that bad.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"I hope you liked the art, at least. If not, doesn't matter, it's too late for that now."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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Bring cured is good, like ham for instance. You probably wouldn't want to eat ham if it wasn't cured. Well, you could cook it but then it wouldn't be ham, would it? I don't know actually.

So many questions in this life remain unanswered. It's why I still live it. I think...

Anyway, I'm glad the ketchup isn't the monkey because I was convinced when I saw it that it was a cockerel!

I think when uncured ham is cooked, it turns into beef lettuce, or something. I'm not a chef.

That's not a cock pic.


There is a vital difference. Mostly in the bedroom department.

And beef lettuce, yes, I have had this! I think I stuck a cockerel up one once!

It's hard to get them out once they're in there.

At least the mad squawking is kinda muffled

That's how the idea of a car muffler came about.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Does this corny humor and nonchalant approach of mine mean when I feel like being serious, I won't be taken seriously?

No one will hear you when you cry wolf my friend. Now let's hear some of that punditry.

That's fine. I'll just take care of the wolves myself.

Fair enough

That monkey up there - it's not a monkey. Looks like two banshees passing around a recently collected life force. That ketchup up there - it's not ketchup. It's a banshee face. Freaky.

Yep, we pass lots of judgments. I try to keep mine simple. I classify people into two categories: emitting darkness, or light. Neither is bad, just different. I've put you in the darkness category. Nothing wrong with that. My light is probably annoyingly bright if I don't knock it back by following some darkness. I think your followers like you just the way you are. See there, that was totally something someone from the "light" category would say.

I might not be light but my darkness shines bright, right? Something like that.

The visual for that is a party in a room with a black light with a bunch of people wearing neon clothes.

That's quite the sight.

"All will become clear," said Slartibartfast.
"In a minute. Listen. The time streams are now very polluted with ketchup. There's a lot of muck floating about in them, flotsam and jetsam, and more and more of it is now being regurgitated into the physical world. Eddies in the space-time continuum, you see."
"So I hear," said Arthur.”

Now there's an audiobook I need read to me again. It's been awhile.

I did add ketchup myself. Everything is better with ketchup.

I don't know... when it comes to humor and truth...

2 + 2 = 4 is a truth.

2 goats + 2 goats = 4 goats is a truth and also funny.

A mathematician being chased by 4 goats is funny all around.

...I am sure I made a point here.

Thank you.

What about the ducks? Did you divide the ducks?

You could be a political pundit and speak very seriously using your characters and we would all ooh and aaah on your utter insight and genius while the world looked on trying to equate a real life character to the sad monkey or wonder about your metaphors and the symbolism of ketchup. Then you would clarify everything using fruit instead. That would be awesome.

That would be like comparing apples to monkeys, which is silly, because they both grow on trees.

Huh! Maybe the squash is the monkey. Now I have confused you, for now.

A squash is still a fruit, but I am confused now.

I'm impressed - most people don't know that, but it doesn't grow on a tree. Now your head will explode like VGER from Star Trek.

Vines grow on trees though.

Big squash won't grow on a tree or they fall and become a big SQUASH.

Just like a monkey.

I was going to take you seriously, but then I remembered who I am, and I often don't take things seriously, I thought it would be unfair to the others.
So.. I don't know what I was going to say...

Had I known what to say in advance, this response would contain words of substance and value.

"Does anything I do make sense?"
Everything is all made up stories anyway and everyone's perspective is different, so as long as you're having fun it's all good.

Well, I'm trying to have fun. I'm missing one important element though. It's been kind of a ghost town here nearly every time I attempt something even remotely humorous these days. Trying to have fun isn't making much sense and now I've seemingly wasted several hours producing new art for a post 99% of my following wasn't interested in. So I'm trying to have fun, but end up feeling low. That's the confusion. Seems like I'm setting myself up to feel like crap. That doesn't make sense. My fault though.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

For me, the missing element is sunshine. :-(

Maybe when you said you were going to leave for awhile, everyone who comments believed you, so they are gone (temporarily) while the bots stayed.

Sunny and feels like -23 °C here.

Overcast and 1 C here. I think I prefer here... but we got our first real snowfall yesterday.

I don't know if I should write something because it might appear that I understand and am therefore equally full of ......confusion :)

Be careful! Someone might be watching and begin to form an opinion about you!

I imagine you would have a political show exactly like this

mixed with

Also, poor ape is crying because everyone thinks it's a monkey and like, that doesn't matter, it's what is inside maan.

It would be a shit-ton of fun to produce some political content involving those two things, but it would be taken seriously here. Soda pressing.

I get confused too but eventually all make sense. And I like your post it does make sense. Have a nice day

Well, I'm..... Speechless

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