in life •  6 years ago 

How much difference can a child make?

When we travel into Mexico, often we walk across a bridge. On the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, under the bridge, many Mexicans gather daily to beg for money. It is a peculiar situation to be in, and one that our children now get to experience too.


The faces below, the shouts for assistance, and the hopeful hands reaching out to you can definitely tug on your heartstrings. Like many other situations in life, the information about the actual needs is limited. Many questions can run through your head at a time like this. Of course many people will manipulate others to cheat them out of their money, and for that reason many people do not give to others in situations like this.

For us, we like to choose to bless others. As far as I know, these people have a real need. I explain this to my children when situations like this arise, and on this occasion I gave them each some coins and paper currency to give to the people under the bridge. However, my funds were limited, and soon the children had given away all that money that I had given them.

It was at this point that our youngest daughter "Sweet Pepper" sat down and dug into her own purse. It was a seriously touching experience for a father to be in. The tender compassion of this three year old girl was incredible to watch in action, and I decided to take a few photos to remember this by.

The money that I had given her was not equal to what she wanted to give. She wanted to give more, and she had her own money in her own purse that she chose to tap into. She did save one dollar to spend in Mexico on something for herself, but the rest of what she had was given away.

Life will have its ups and downs, and we may not always be in the position to bless others. In this situation, we chose to give away some of what we had, and so did "Sweet Pepper." Although not everyone below the bridge could see what was happening, some could see where those final gifts had come from, and I hope that they appreciated it all the more.

So, were the people under the bridge just too lazy to work and preferred to hustle people on the bridge to make money? Sure, that's a possibility. But, if so, that's on them, and it is their choice. As far as we know, they have a real need and we were able to help take care of it. Whether under the bridge by the Rio Grande or on a street corner in a US city, we will always encounter people who claim to be in need. Whether they are or not is something that we will not always be able to discern. In situations like that, we prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. If we get "ripped off" in the process, at least we weren't the ones ripping others off.

What do you think? Would you let your child do something like this?

Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai

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The toddler's change isn't far removed from the widow's mite.

Good point. I'll share that with the family tonight! Thanks.

You have given Sweet Pepper the greatest of gifts...the gift of compassion. What a treasure she is <3

@papa-pepper its true that the world we live in has more people living with poverty and so they have to beg under the bridges and streets to make a living, but some bad ones have also used that avenue to indulge in it as a business form or some kind of evils. But as the holy bible will task us of how Christ Jesus preached love and care while he was with us on earth.

We should not only give them money alone, we need to pray with and for them, as our prayers could change their situations and bring it for the better. They may not appreciate the prayers or they may even prefer money to prayers but pardon their ignorance as some do not know that a single prayer can change thier entire story from Grass to Grace.

I am extremely excited on how you have trained your @little-peppers to show love to people, especially when they are in need, it is as a result of that that your daughter had to even remove from her own purse to give when yours finished. I am very happy that you are keeping and teaching your children the right things on earth.

Keep it up, you are a kind man, it is people like you we need in this world for it to be better, however never be discouraged to do good, it is blessing is disguise.

Happy Sunday to you and your entire family, one love!

We should not only give them money alone, we need to pray with and for them

A very good point! Often we bring Spanish language gospel tracts to give to them as well, and couple a spiritual message with a tangible, physical blessing.

A beautifully refreshing explanation! It’s hard to decide in the moment of these instances, like you said, whether or not you will be cheated of your money, but to choose to bless generously is the option that I want for myself and for my children. Yes I would absolutely let my children do this give from a loving and empathetic heart is beautiful, and what many people need.

Thank you! Glad to hear it, and glad that you agree. Ultimately, if they use it for evil, it's on them. We have pure intentions! Thanks again.

Yes we would and yes we have. Those are some very beautiful pictures and Sweet Pepper is more beautiful now than she was before.

The concept of giving everything we have and then some -- that's an invaluable lesson to learn. Life is not about us. Life is about the people around us and us.