in life •  6 years ago 

I can't believe that I'm actually doing this...

I'm currently in a battle. Part of it is mental, and part of it is physical. It's getting tougher every day, but I'm hoping that I'll come out of it. This video explains more.



This is really hard on me. After years of desiring to do so, I'm trying to grow some hominy this year, Unfortunately, I'm currently in a battle with "the idiots of the woods" also known as squirrels. Every morning they sneak out before I can make it to the garden and uproot my little hominy plants.

A while back I saw a video on YouTube about planting plastic forks in your garden. Supposedly this helps deter the animals. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm desperate. I just need a solution, so I figured I'd try it. Plus, the plastic forks are cheap, so this could be a quick cheap solution to my woes.

Unfortunately, the forks that I picked up did not have any planting instructions. Normally, anything that I put in my garden has some sort of instructions about planting depth, sunlight requirements, spacing, etc... However, this time there was nothing! Man, this makes it even tougher when you are desperate.

As you can tell from this photo of my raised bed, I had to guess on how to plant the forks. Also, you can tell how desperate I'm getting. Thankfully, the neighbors already question my sanity, and I live in the middle of nowhere.

So, do you think it'll work? I'll give it a few days and do an update.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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LOL @ "idiots of the forest."

Can't you just put up some kind of mesh/mosquito net above the plants to protect them from these barbarian squirrels?

That would be a lot of netting.... like, a lot.

Great idea, how it work.

Were the forks able to keep the squirrels away? Hey, if it works, why would any one question your sanity. Probably would question their own for not coming up this solution in the first place. At this restaurant this use to big fake owl to keep the black birds away. I'm sure it worked initially, but the black birds are back.

Maybe I'll make a scarecrow with an owl statue for a head!

Yeah, that'll scare them for sure!

If these soft forks won't do try with a hard fork. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No, really I think the world is already full of plastic to also put it in your garden. I hopes it works for you but I also hope you can find a less cleanier solution.

I'm desperate... but we will see.

I am no fork planting expert, but I would recommend planting them 6-12 inches apart. I would plant tines up with you are looking for a menacing look. I would plant tines down if you are going for stability.

You made me smile! Best of luck as you continue to battle.

I hope this work papa, i cant wait for somefew days to here from you if it work weldon sir

We will see. I REALLY, REALLY hope it works.

LOL Great post. I hope it works. "May the Fork be with you." - Yoda

Thank you kindly.

Lol wish I was there to see that! Missed seeing you this weekend when I was up there. But I saw your garden and sheep and etc 😜

Yeah, we've been working at it!

Squirrels are annoying
The way they invaded our farm was disheartening. I wish this step you took works so that i can my parents to adopt such

What a rush,,,,, don't know how it will work, but I hope it does, forks with u

A forking good idea intrigued to see if it works 💯🐒

LOL! I dont know why it would work but if it does, great!! Them damn rascal squirrels can do some damage!

They really can.

Yes please let us know! I have started to see more of them since planting! I also have a chipmunk problem, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid and or keep them out please let me know!

Get you a 5 gallon bucket and full it about a third of the way with water and then sprinkle a handful of birdseed on top. That will be the end of your chipmunk problem.

Nice...I have heard about this kind of trap before, just have not tried it yet! Thanks for the suggestion!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh, that's a fascinating trap idea!

I found a good way to trap mice, by the way: put your freshly made bone broth out on the floor with a piece of plastic wrap over the mason jar instead of a hard lid. Secure with a rubber band.

I had quite a surprise when I brought the broth in from the garage (aka, my large walkin refrigerator during cold weather). And the hole the mouse made in the plastic was no bigger than maybe a dime.

I found a glass gallon jug in my parent's attic one time that was full of mouse corpses, they must have smelled the mouse corpses and hopped in. I made a couple of batches of bone broth before I discovered that you could just buy organic bone broth at the store.

Ew. Yuck!

Yes, you can buy bone broth...but our budget is tight enough that I try to make as much as I can myself and it's a great use for the chicken thigh bones.

I was buying the bones and that got pretty pricey and I couldn't get organic bones. Making it was also messy, stinky and time consuming.

You don't just grab them by hand?

Nope! I guess I don't have the quick reflexes needed like the great animal whisperer such as yourself has!

I’m betting the squirrels will explore and then ignore... the forks.

I have to complete enclose anything i want to grow in a cage.

Most people with your problem work at reducing the squirrel population. Which does work in areas where there is other things for them to eat.

I hope the plastic forks work. Haven't seen it done, don't know the efficacy of it.

looks very good, everything grows perfectly, hopefully this will be fruitful.
this corn seeds what color @papa-pepper.

oh shame @papa-pepper! Your poor crops.

I am having the same battle with my cats. I have just planted SO MANY seeds, kale, radish, baby's breath, pansies, lettuce, chives, oreganum, coriander, plus more, and they are just starting to sprout.

My cats are super entertained and just want to eat them all! I have my squirty bottle at the ready!

Have you tried showing your cats a plastic fork?

hmmm. I will try this. I suspect they will ignore it, as they do most things in life


This will surely work @papa-pepper great work you are doing over there

Well, if the squirrels already question your sanity, seeing forks on the garden will confirm their doubts.😜

They'll move to a "safer" neighbourhood in which to raise their younglings 😆

I hope it works for you, or that you find another solution. (I cannot think of a reason for plastic forks to scare away squirrels 😞)

Those plastic forks might be valuable collectors items in Europe soon 😉(the EU is planning a ban on plastic utensils to saveguard the oceans, though I still wonder how they'll make the plastic lobby eat their hats and accept it 😅)

Finally mailed you a present today! Thanks for your patience!

Yay :)

Can't wait to get it ! (don't sweat the waiting time... I've used up all my impatience points on nagging MakeX about getting the 3D printer I won in December, so I'd honestly forgotten about it XP )

Thanks, and good luck with the forks !

Women being raped in the train stations and they have their sights firmly set on the plastic fork issue, nice.

glad im in CO where i have my gun and a knife ... that's why i left NYC and SF ...

Be vigilant, a whole lot of people from CA have moved there and they will come for your plastic shopping bags first. It's been starting here in some municipalities.

lmao!! some cali people but people from all over and whats interesting about Co is people are only moving into the front range. Co is massive and isnt expanding past that area. plastic bags? hehe thats odd .. 😆
that can have them. so many people are trying to stop plastics. harming earth and all that jazz.

"the idiots of the woods"
Nice post sir

#truestory - they are.

That would be awesome if it works. Yesterday I discovered that my entire bed of sunflowers and pumpkin seedlings was totally eaten. It was a damned chipmunk. Are you sure yours were squirrels and not chipmunks?
I will stay tuned to see if the forks work but if they don't I have some suggestions. Fork them!

Well it was specifically mentioned to use extra sharp, metal forks. Plastic forks are for moles actually. For squirrels you need metal ones. Hope it helps. ;)

well fork it.
what'cha gonna do?

You have to add some spoon @papa-pepper for best result. xD;

LOL - That could help, or maybe a hardfork!

Have you tried to put down a mesh and then poke holes into it for the plant to grow through? Those pesky squirrels also come by my garden and uproot my flowers too, but they arent coming in waves, just one or two so I largely ignore it.

These squirrels will probably take the forks and still trash the plants.

I was once told that mothballs placed around the outside of the garden keep most vermin away since they don't like the odour. But then again I don't either so it would keep me out too! LOL Good luck with the forks.

I love your humour. Good luck deterring those squirrels

LOL - Glad that you enjoyed a few laughs... at my expense...

Oh I am anxiously awaiting the results of this one!!!
Good luck! I have a varmint busting son if you need to borrow him!!!


Working on mailing this week! You should be next!!!

Put them another knife and napkin there. Let them enjoy the meal))) I'm joking.

Oh no!!!! Terrible idea!!!

It's good that I do not have a protein near my garden)).

I put a row cover over new beds and leave it there until the seeds germinate and the plants grow a little. They don't seem to dig through the row cover. My problem isn't real bad either since I'm in a development and have a deer fence which deters them a little.

I hope this works for you. We always have issues with deer and corn. The same with rabbits and lettuce. We learned very quickly to plant the lettuce in flower pots on the enclosed porch. I'm looking forward to seeing if your forks work!

I'm in it to win it! We will see what happens!

Good luck!!!

You mis-read I think, you should have used fork handles.....

Dont know why this reminded me of you lol :-)
As always, kindest regards to you and your family :-)

LOL! - I Liked it! Thanks.

Haha that’s how I plant my seeds, wing it! I try to go along with the timing instructions, but depth and spacing? Those are just suggestions right?!
Looking forward to see how those forks turn out!

Me too. It had better work, or I'll switch to hand grenades....

I'll be awaiting your update.... i saw this earlier today and thought hey why not! I also forked my garden area as i noticed something was eating all the tops off of my green beans!! Not cool squirrels....not cool...

You forked your garden too?!?!?! Small world! LOL

It didn’t seem to help... the tops of my green beans still got eaten!! Awaiting your update!!

I look forward to hearing if this works for you, anything that prevents critters and bugs from eating the crops. :D
God bless you and the whole pepper clan. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

It better work! Thanks!

I'll be very interested to hear if it does and if it does I'll be making a run to the local dollar store to pick up a bunch of forks for our garden beds too. :D
You're welcome! :D
God bless you and the whole pepper clan. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

my friend says a 14 year old and a bb gun or cats ... hehe

Hmmm.... that'll take years!!! (our oldest is only eight) LOL

8 isnt too young to have a bb gun, i had one at 8 🤣🤣

Try cayenne pepper around the perimeter and sprinkle through the plants . I have never used it to prevent squirrels but it works great for mice and rabbits

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Man, that's a forked up shettchy-aishun'. Hope they get the point.

Hi! @papa-pepper, it probably would. But i think you should try a scarecrow. The squirrels are usually afraid on moving objects. The scarecrow can be made out of anything like unused clothings, rag etc. It involves wearing the clothings on a piece of wood and placing and erecting it on the field. Just like the fork, it can be more than one but at least it will show a movement sign as the wind blows and it will most probably scare them away.

Animals like squirrels can be very frustrating, especially when it deals with the destruction of what we've spent so much time to raise.

Much love!