Fu-Fu and Gangsta Girl

in life •  7 years ago 

Like something out of the movies.

This remarkable human has gifted my family with wisdom and guidance beyond that which we sought.
I guess you could say we were looking for answers, and he asked the hard questions. With a home in Venice, Ca for the last 75 years, Fu-Ding has traveled the world(s) studying with yogis and shamans in the furthest nooks and tiniest crannies as a student turned teacher.

He didn't plan to be a teacher or a seeker or a healer. Like many of us-our plans go to shit and we figure it out-this is the beauty of our creative realm though. He took his tragedy and decided to reprogram his present so he could shift the projection of his own life. Fu-Ding is unique in many ways- you can compare his faith to the faith of an entrepreneur, willing to risk it all to pave a new way-for himself and for people to follow.

One of his most valuable teachings is about Intent. Intention. Walking with purpose. Knowing what that is. Knowing your end goal before you engage. Operating with a warrior-like precision in your conversations, choices, thoughts, actions and prayer. Having "Clarity of Intent" has become my best bet in sifting through the bullshit. My own bullshit. Turns out before I met Fu-Ding, many of my choices were made out of fear, an extension of protecting my ego. No good, this did me. Until I began meditating and studying with Fu-Ding.

The exciting thing is, he is about to publish his online course for his book and teachings "Map of Desire" a guide to getting what you want by mapping out your goal and your obstacles...physically and internally.

Deep stuff is the goof stuff.


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