in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

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I think it is the same problem with governments, but amplified by some neo colonial guilt trip; the charity is so far removed from the people the claim to help. Just think of the "overhead" and promotional costs. Much like governments they move from being subservient to "the people" to being obsessed by the wellbeing and growth of the organisation: so they cover up abuse because it would "hurt the cause" if it came out, while in fact it would only hurt their bottom line.
Second, it doesn't help to pump money in to a corrupt system, you will only amplify the inequality. Low trust, high crime communities need to change their morals before thinking about infrastructure.

I never gave money to "charities" were directors take home six figure checks. I distrust people without "skin in the game".

Absolutely..... It't the six figure pay packets in which the managers take home which is disproportionate.
They undoubtedly probably do make a difference but i can imagine the HUGE wasteage that goes with it... it should be run more like a charity than a business.

Smaller is always better. I used to give to United Way but now I prefer to directly give food, money, or necessaries of life to the homeless. I have talked to people who ate surf and turf and played in the recreation tent provided by the relief organization while those they were there to help were out scrounging and dealing with black mold. Priorities get messed up when things get bigger. And one always spends someone else's money more recklessly than they spend their own.

I agree... Good thoughts, thanks for the comment.

They all eventually get too big for their boots and inevitably loose perspective. These abuse cases are probably just a small part of the inherent issues.

Re-steemed ;)

Yeah, people get very sceptical when it reaches those levels.. Thanks man.

No worries :)

I don't know what's going on. These orgs need an "undercover boss" type inspection to see why there's so much corruption. I think such an inspection would also find low morale, which is often the seed for letting in corruption.