Doing Things by Halves in Los Angeles

in life •  2 years ago 

Having spent a few years living and working in Los Angeles, I have been able to witness firsthand the highs and lows of the local economy. Although there is certainly a silver lining to the current economic conditions, there is no denying that the city is in dire need of a cleaning up. In particular, kids have been known to leave their toys at the curb for days on end. Fortunately, there are a few saviours of the hour in Los Angeles that are willing to tackle the cleanup for a fee. After all, these folks are the ones that keep the city ticking along on a shoestring budget.

It's not surprising that the Los Angeles Times ran a recent survey of city employees to find out which companies had the best cleaning services. Among the few names to keep in mind are the aforementioned Times Cleaning Service, the Los Angeles Police Department's Neighborhood Patrol, and the Los Angeles Fire Department's blitzkrieg. Among the other aforementioned companies, there is one whose motto is "Keep it clean, stay safe." A clean house is a happy one.

A number of Los Angeles area residents are in the market for a new car. The biggest challenge is finding the one that will best suit their needs. While a new car is certainly desirable, I can't help but wonder if the latest fad of getting into a new car will be the next wave of the city's rebirth. Despite the aforementioned hype, there are still plenty of car buyers out there who are looking for that perfect match. With that in mind, it's no wonder that I'm one of the few wishing for a new lease on life. That is, until I see the numbers on my credit card. And yes, I'm still a student.

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