Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Path to Growth and Adventure

in life •  2 years ago 

When most people think of breaking out of their comfort zone they immediately think of going on a crazy trip, taking a risky leap or starting a new business. But what if you are already living your dream and are just bored with where you are?

Your life doesn't have to stay in the same place forever. You can grow in other ways too, but sometimes it's hard to know how to get started. I'm here to give you some tips to help you break out of your comfort zone.

STEP 1: Know What Your Dream Is and Start Preparing

Before you go chasing your dreams, you need to know what they are. What makes you happy? What makes you excited? What do you want?

Find these answers by looking at your day to day life. What would you be doing if you weren't working at your job? What activities bring you joy?

These answers help you define your dream, so you know exactly where you are heading. Once you know the destination, you can start planning how to get there.

STEP 2: Find a Mentor and Work with Them Daily

A mentor can be anyone from an entrepreneur or business coach to a parent. It really doesn't matter who you choose, just make sure you find someone who you can connect with on a personal level and you'll have found your path to growth.

As you grow together, you'll learn to work through your doubts and fears while growing your dreams in ways you never expected. The process is similar to climbing a mountain and the higher you climb, the easier it becomes.

STEP 3: Do Something Unconventional

Sometimes, doing something you have done before can be more useful than learning something completely new. Sometimes, your strengths will be more useful than your weaknesses.

To determine if you should continue doing things you are familiar with or if it is time to try something new, just look at the results. Does the experience feel rewarding and successful?

Does it make you feel more confident, stronger and smarter? Does it teach you new skills you can use in other areas of your life? Or do you find it painful or a struggle?

Do what feels good and you'll find a path to adventure. If it doesn't feel good, it's time to try something new.

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